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Submissions from 2009


Metaphor and culture, Ersu DING


Mining Bayesian networks from direct marketing databases with missing values, Yuan Yuan GUO and Man Leung WONG


Models in biology and physics : what's the difference?, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM


Modernity vs Pre­modernity in a Global Literary Context, Ersu DING


Motion integration using competitive priors, Shuang WU; Hongjing LU; Lap Fai, Alan LEE; and Alan YUILLE


Narrativity and knowledge, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON


No dilemma for pancritical rationalism : in response to Hauptli, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM


Novel homoclinic and heteroclinic solutions for the 2D complex cubic Ginzburg–Landau equation, Jian HUANG, Mingming LENG, and Zhengde DAI

On Putonghua testing quality control and administration, Donghui LI

On the disquieting loss of Thao ritual tradition, Tze I TIEN and Darryl Cameron STERK


Patronage as 'a productive network' in translation : a case study in China, Liping BAI


Perceptions of translating/interpreting in first-century China, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG


Performance-appraisal beliefs of Chinese employees in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta, Hing Cheung, Kevin CHENG and Wayne CASCIO


Political decentralization and corruption : evidence from around the world, Chengze, Simon FAN; Chen LIN; and Daniel TREISMAN


Political paralysis of the Basic Law regime and the politics of institutional reform in Hong Kong, Baohui ZHANG


Politics of female subjectivities and the everyday : the case of the Hong Kong feminist journal Nuliu, Shun Hing CHAN


Preparing for ageing in the Asia Pacific : Hong Kong as an example, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN


Public perceptions of income inequality in Hong Kong : trends, causes and implications, Ka Ying, Timothy WONG; Po San, Shirley WAN; and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW


Quality of work life as a mediator between emotional labor and work family interference, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG and Catherine So Kum TANG

Reading the global : the reader-consumer and the Murakami translation phenomenon, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN

Recent records of freshwater turtles from Guangdong, China, Shiping GONG, Haitao SHI, Jonathan J. FONG, and Michael LAU


Responses of Chinese consumers to sex appeals in international advertising : a test of congruency theory, Geng CUI and Xiaoyan YANG


Robots, theology and the personhood of nonhumans : a critique, Andreas MATTHIAS


Scruton on rightness of proportion in architecture, Rafael DE CLERCQ


Security threats of smart phones and bluetooth, Wai Sing, Alfred LOO


Self-perception and psychological well-being : the benefits of foreseeing a worse future, Sheung Tak CHENG; Helene H. FUNG; and Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN


Service-learning model at Lingnan University : development strategies and outcome assessment, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; William K M LEE; and Hok Ka, Carol MA


Side-payment contracts in two-person nonzero-sum supply chain games : review, discussion and applications, Mingming LENG and An ZHU


Social critiques and sentimentalism : on Wang Xiaoshuai’s so close to paradise, Haomin GONG


Social entrepreneurship in a transitional economy: A critical assessment of rural Chinese entrepreneurial firms, Shing Chung, Patrick POON; Lianxi ZHOU; and Tsang Sing CHAN


Social network types and subjective well-being in Chinese older adults, Sheung Tak CHENG; K. L., Coty LEE; Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; M. F., Edward LEUNG; and Jik Joen LEE


“Solid objects,” solid objections : on Virginia Woolf and philosophy, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON

Song of the hunting musket rite, Tze I TIEN and Darryl Cameron STERK


Standpunkt : Rechtsverantwortung Autonomer Maschinen, Andreas MATTHIAS


Supervisor–subordinate Guanxi and employee work outcomes : the mediating role of job satisfaction, Millissa F. Y. CHEUNG; Wei Ping WU; Allan K. K. CHAN; and Mei Ling, May WONG

Thao pestle pounding song, Tze I TIEN and Darryl Cameron STERK


The aesthetic creation theory of art, Rafael DE CLERCQ


The chelonian trade in the largest pet market in China : scale, scope and impact on turtle conservation, Shi-Ping GONG, Alex T. CHOW, Jonathan J. FONG, and Hai-Tao SHI


The correlates of cognitive ageing and adoption of defensive-ageing strategies among older adults, Fon Sim ONG, Yap Ying LU, Masoud ABESSI, and David Rosser PHILLIPS

The emergence of shareholder protection in China, Lin CHEN; Chun Yau, Clement SHUM; and Man Lai, Sonia WONG


The fabrication of man, William Peter BAEHR


The first step on the housing ladder : a natural experiment in Hong Kong, Lok Sang HO and Wai Chung, Gary WONG

The five obstructions, Mette HJORT


The "good neighbour policy" in the context of China's foreign relations, Chien Peng CHUNG

The Great Flood, Chien Tsi TSENG and Darryl Cameron STERK

The growing importance of the privateness in education : challenges for higher education governance in China, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


The growing importance of the privateness in education : challenges for higher education governance in China, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


The growth of death awareness through death education among university students in Hong Kong, Wai Ying WONG

The impact of online word-of-mouse : sales of new products at, Geng CUI and Xiaoning GUO


The influence of emotional intelligence and affectivity on emotional labor strategies at work, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG and So Kum, Catherine TANG


The language of anger in Chinese and English narratives, Woon Yee, Judy HO

The medium of instruction controversy : bilingual education and the university in Hong Kong, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN


The other global crisis : combating the food and humanitarian crisis, Shalendra SHARMA


The Platonic Triad and Its Chinese Counterpart, Ersu DING

The realm of myth, Yih Yuan LI and Darryl Cameron STERK

The Reception of Samuel Beckett in China, Jianxi LIE and Mike INGHAM


The reign of Li-tsung (1224–1264), Richard L. DAVIS


The reign of Tu-tsung (1264–1274) and his successors to 1279, Richard L. DAVIS


The Reigns of Kuang-tsung (1189–1194) and Ning-tsung (1194–1224), Richard L. DAVIS


The timeliness and consequences of disseminating public information by regulators, Michael Arthur FIRTH, Oliver M. RUI, and Xi WU

The use and misuse of taxpayers' money : publicly-funded educational research, Sarah Jane AISTON and Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM

The voyage to Hong Kong : bildungsroman in Hong Kong literature of the 1950s, Shuk Han, Mary WONG

The 'world-class' university in Europe and East Asia : dynamics and consequences of global higher education reform, Rosemary DEEM; Lisa LUCAS; and Ka Ho, Joshua MOK

Tipping the balance : will unrest inspire Uighur insurgents?, Chien Peng CHUNG


Translating classical Chinese poetry into rhymed English : a linguistic-aesthetic view, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG


Tribes and terror in the Middle East : a conversation with Philip Carl Salzman, William Peter BAEHR

Two salvation stories : "Xi Wangmu" and "Yunhua Furen" in The extensive records of the Taiping period, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

Underdetermination in causal inference, Jiji ZHANG


Validation studies on a measure of overall managerial readiness for the Chinese, C. Harry HUI; S. Tess PAK; and Hing Cheung, Kevin CHENG

West Kowloon cultural district : a place for citizenship and public cultural planning, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN


When marketisation and privatisation clash with socialist ideals : educational inequality in urban China, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK; Yu Cheung WONG; and Xiulan ZHANG

When socialism meets global capitalism : challenges for privatising and marketising education in China and Vietinam, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


When there’s no need to take betrayal seriously, Na YEN and Darryl Cameron STERK


Why advocate pancritical rationalism?, Darrell Patrick ROWBOTTOM and Otávio BUENO


Work stress and depression : the direct and moderating effects of informal social support and coping, Weiqing CHEN, Oi Ling SIU, Jiafang LU, Cary L. COOPER, and David Rosser PHILLIPS

Writing across borders : Hong Kong's 1950s and the present, Ping Kwan LEUNG

一起廣播的日子 : 香港電台八十年, Wan Kan CHIN

上古音影母音值之检讨, Maopeng MA


中共執政六十年 : 從集體主義到個體主義, Yiu Chung WONG

中國內地大學生政治態度的轉變, Che Po CHAN (陳皙博)

中國民主化的理論與實際, Yiu Chung WONG


中西文化比较中的内文化、跨文化与超 (个体) 文化视角, Zongqi CAI and Ying ZHOU (周穎)

乌者凶兆? : 浅论先秦两汉文学中"乌"意象的嬗变, Donghui LI

乌鸦, Boria SAX and Sijing WEI

二十一世紀之港式師奶, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN

京劇界最後的男旦演員 : 溫如華, Siu Leung LI

伶人。武士。猎手 : 后唐庄宗李存勖传, Richard L. DAVIS and Jia MA

侯寶璋家族史, Chi Pang LAU and Shu Yong LIU (劉蜀永)

個案研究, Po Keung HUI; Yuen Fun, Muriel LAW; and Chak Sang PANG

借助長者 助少年抗濫藥, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN

傳統戲曲文化課在香港嶺南大學通識教育課程設置中的意義與可行性, Donghui LI


八十年代的日與夜, Shuk Han, Mary WONG

共同语言与民族心理认同, Gang XU

前现代 : 现代转型的文学再现, Ersu DING

北崑的重排《天罡陣》 : 傳統與現代文化交涉中的性別政治, Siu Leung LI

古典与转化 : 谈昆曲艺术的文化特质, Sau Ieng SI TOU

吞聲忍語 : 日治時期香港人的集體回憶, Chi Pang LAU and Jiajian ZHOU

告別犬儒的文化政治 : 從中學通識的設計和教學看教改的局限和希望, Po Keung HUI

告別犬儒 : 香港自由主義的危機, Po Keung HUI


唐滌生戲曲文學的藝術特色 : 論九天玄女的改編, Yin Ping, Grace LAU