Submissions from 1998
浮城誌異 : 香港小說新選的編選原則, Wai Ying CHAN
詩與性別 : 香港女詩人的視角, Wai Ying CHAN
變化的時間, Wai Ying CHAN
關於書, Wai Ying CHAN
Capital formation, technological change and economic growth in Guandong after 1978, Kui Yin CHEUNG and Chengze, Simon FAN
Managing budget conflicts : contribution of goal interdependence and interaction, Lois ETHERINGTON and Dean William TJOSVOLD
Why China has been successful in attracting foreign direct investment : a transaction cost approach, Chengze, Simon FAN
Does consumer sentiment forecast household spending? The Hong Kong case, Chengze FAN and Phoebe WONG
評論家筆下的法農主義, Henry Louis Jr. GATES and Wing Sang LAW
China's road to exchange rate liberalization, Lok Sang HO
Country-of-origin rules : its origin, nature, and directions for reform, Lok Sang HO
The economy of Hong Kong as a special administrative region of China, Lok Sang HO
Collective representations as a metaconstruct : an analysis based on methodological relationalism, Yau Fai, David HO and Chi Yue CHIU
解殖與民族主義, Po Keung HUI and Wing Sang LAW
香港殖民管治的教化對推行母語敎學的影響, Hong Kin KWOK (郭康健) and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
Private business in China: emerging environment and managerial behavior, Chung Ming LAU; Hang Yue NGO; and Kong Wing, Clement CHOW
怪誕小說 : 《西遊補》和《斬鬼傳》, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
When I am eighty : perceptions of old age among primary school students, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW; Ying Keung CHAN; and Shun Shun, Violet NG
Managerializing colonialism, Wing Sang LAW
略論公民抗命與社會運動的關係, Wing Sang LAW
設立大專學生「離校語文能力評核試」的幾點考慮, Hung Kai LEE
論詞義學習對提高寫作能力的重要性 : 以「同義詞」、「新詞」為例, Hung Kai LEE
Gender inequality and discrimination in Singapore, Keng Mun, William LEE
Product market competition and R&D rivalry, Ping LIN
香港選舉制度的設計, Pang Kwong LI
The redistributive effect of public housing policy : the case of Hong Kong, Hon Kwong LUI
Does school quality matter? Evidence from the Hong Kong experience, Hon Kwong LUI and Wing SUEN
Knowledge and skills of IS graduates : a Hong Kong perspective, Ming Te LU, Chi Wai CHUNG, and Pien WANG
A framework for effective commercial web application development, Ming Te LU and Wing Lok YEUNG
Book review : Sociology of aging : international perspectives, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Spatial health research in Africa : a review of the recent literature, David Rosser PHILLIPS and Gavin J. ANDREWS
The spillover effects of the trading suspension of the treasury bond futures market in China, Pui Han, Winnie POON; Michael Arthur FIRTH; and H. G. FUNG
Prawn and shrimp : attributes that command premium prices, Nerissa D. SALAYO; Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON; and Saroja SELVANATHAN
Wage compensation for job risks : the case of Hong Kong, W. S. SIEBERT and Xiangdong WEI
A study of age differences in coping strategies and locus of control, Oi Ling SIU
Managerial stress in Hong Kong before and after the handover in 1997, Oi Ling SIU
香港與台灣管理人員的職業壓力之研究, Oi Ling SIU
A study of occupational stress, job satisfaction, and quitting intention in Hong Kong firms : the role of locus of control and organizational commitment, Oi Ling SIU and Cary L. COOPER
Managing employees in China from Hong Kong : interaction, relationships and productivity as antecedents to motivation, Dean TJOSVOLD and Jane W. MOY
Book review : Group model building : facilitating team learning using system dynamics, Dean William TJOSVOLD
Conflict over the study of conflict : the challenge to make it cooperative, Dean William TJOSVOLD
Cooperative and competitive goal approach to conflict : accomplishments and challenges, Dean William TJOSVOLD
Making employee involvement work : cooperative goals and controversy to reduce costs, Dean William TJOSVOLD
Empowerment in the manager-employee relationship in Hong Kong : interdependence and controversy, Dean William TJOSVOLD; Chun HUI; and S., Kenneth LAW
Coordination to market technology : the contribution of cooperative goals and interaction, Dean William TJOSVOLD, Lindsay MEREDITH, and Choy L. WONG
Dealing with scarce resources : open-minded interaction for resolving budget conflicts, Dean William TJOSVOLD and Margaret POON
Using and valuing accounting information : joint decision making between accountants and retail managers, Dean William TJOSVOLD and Margaret POON
Export competitiveness of China and ASEAN in the U.S. market, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON
Motives of Hong Kong-Japanese international joint ventures in retailing, Mei Ling, May WONG
An evaluation on the employees’ retraining programmes in Hong Kong, M. L., May WONG
Confucian ethics : universalistic or particularistic?, Wai Ying WONG
Book review : The golden needle : the biography of Frederick Stewart (1836-1889), Yiu Chung WONG
兩岸關係 : 轉變中的香港角色, Yiu Chung WONG
書評 :《思入風雲 : 現代中國的思想發展與社會變遷》, Yiu Chung WONG
A holistic perspective on quality quests and quality gains : the role of environment, Y. L., Winnie WONG
讀劉登翰主編的《香港文學史》, Zidong XU
Evaluating the training of effective writers through a business letter writing course, Wai Yin, Anna YU; Kim Ling, Pionie FOO; Wai Yee, Irene NG; and Lai Yi, Lilian LAW
Submissions from 1997
身份認同與公共文化 : 文化研究論文集, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
青蛙, Wai Ying CHAN
The total factor productivity debate : determinants of economic growth in east Asia, K. Y., Edward CHEN
Firm size and performance of manufacturing enterprises in P.R. China : the case of Shanghai's manufacturing industries, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW and Ka Yiu M. FUNG
Measuring the technological leadership of international joint ventures in a transforming economy, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW and Ka Yiu, Michael FUNG
Profitability and technical efficiency : a performance evaluation of international joint ventures in Shanghai's manufacturing industries, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW and Ka Yiu. Michael FUNG
The calculation of research benefits with linear and non-linear specifications of the demand and supply : reply, Geoff W. EDWARDS and Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON
An analysis of the stock market performance of new issues in New Zealand, Michael FIRTH
The provision of non-audit services and the pricing of audit fees, Michael Arthur FIRTH
The provision of nonaudit services by accounting firms to their audit clients, Michael Arthur FIRTH
Payment by results systems : British evidence, John S. HEYWOOD, W. S. SIEBERT, and Xiangdong WEI
Piece-rate payment schemes and the employment of women : the case of Hong Kong, John S. HEYWOOD and Xiangdong WEI
Emotion and the arts, Mette HJORT
A universal fully funded pension scheme, Lok Sang HO
Health care delivery and financing : a model for reform, Lok Sang HO
醫療改革的經濟分析, Lok Sang HO
Book review : East Asia and the world economy, Po Keung HUI
世界資本主義下的「北進想象」, Po Keung HUI
Effects of apolipoprotein e on dementia and aging in the shanghai survey of dementia, R. KATZMAN, M.-Y. ZHANG, P. J. CHEN, N. GU, S. JIANG, T. SAITOH, X. CHEN, M. KLAUBER, R. G. THOMAS, W. T. LIU, and E. S. H. YU
The role of Hong Kong in Sino-American economic relations, Yak Yeow KUEH and Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON
以管理主義轉化殖民主義, Wing Sang LAW
女性主義所涉及的價值問題, Wing Sang LAW
從傳媒帝國主義到帝國的想像 : 解讀香港《明報》一篇社論, Wing Sang LAW
誰的城市? : 戰後香港的公民文化與政治論述, Wing Sang LAW
Foreign investment, industrial restructuring and dependent development in Singapore, Keng Mun, William LEE
美國大學生漢語聲調習得順序研究, Donghui LI
香港的殖民地的統治, Pang Kwong LI
道德知識與道德實踐 : 試論康德倫理與儒家倫理學之差異, Kit Hung LO
Applications of world wide web on civic education : a proposed model, Wai Sing, Alfred LOO; Raymond FU; and Wing Lun, Alan LAM
Complexity analysis of distributed database algorithm, W. S., Alfred LOO; Chris BLOOR; and David GREY
Income inequality and economic development, Hon Kwong LUI
Poverty and income disparity in Hong Kong, Hon Kwong LUI
收入分配與經濟發展, Hon Kwong LUI
The credibility of the PRC commitment to a market economy in Hong Kong : hypotheses and evidence, David NEWMAN and David L. WEIMER
Book review : Controversial issues in aging, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Book review : Developing services for older people and their families, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Book review : Re-evaluating residential care, David Rosser PHILLIPS
The impact of natural culture and economic ideology on managerial work values : a study of the United States, Russia, Japan, and China, David A. RALSTON, David H. HOLT, Robert H. TERPSTRA, and Kai Cheng YU
旧时月色 : 古典诗词漫步, Sau Ieng SI TOU
Occupational stress among factory workers in Hong Kong and China : a comparison study, Oi Ling SIU
Occupational stress, job satisfaction, and mental health among employees of an acquired TV company in Hong Kong, Oi Ling SIU, Cary L. COOPER, and Ian DONALD
The use of the Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI) in factory workers in China, Oi Ling SIU, Ian DONALD, and Cary L. COOPER
A facet approach to value of money among undergraduates in China and Hong Kong : a comparative study, Oi Ling SIU and Duncan MCANDREW