Submissions from 2002
Ain't no coming back : an introduction to Western thought & culture, James Andrew RICE
Reinterpreting the rule of law in Hong Kong, James Andrew RICE
A self-organizing map with expanding force for data clustering and visualization, Wing Ho SHUM, Hui Dong JIN, Kwong Sak LEUNG, and Man Leung WONG
Occupational stressors and well-being among Chinese employees : the role of organizational commitment, Oi Ling SIU
A study of family support, friendship, and psychological well-being among older women in Hong Kong, Oi Ling SIU and David Rosser PHILLIPS
Managerial stress in greater China : the direct and moderator effects of coping strategies and work locus of control, Oi Ling SIU, Paul E. SPECTOR, Cary L. COOPER, Luo LU, and Shanfa YU
The learning organization, sensegiving and psychological contracts : a Hong Kong case, Robin Stanley SNELL
Moral atmosphere and moral influence under China's network capitalism, Robin Stanley SNELL and Choo Sin TSENG
The pitfalls of poor psychometric properties : a rejoinder to Hofstede's reply to us, Paul E. SPECTOR, Cary L. COOPER, Juan I. SANCHEZ, Kate SPARKS, André BÜSSING, Philip DEWE, Luo LU, Karen MILLER, Lucio Renault DE MORAES, Michael O'DRISCOLL, Milan PAGON, Horia PITARIU, Steven POELMANS, Phani RADHAKRISHNAN, Jesùs SALGADO, Oi Ling SIU, Jean Benjamin STORA, Peter VLERICK, Mina WESTMAN, Maria WIDERSZAL-BAZYL, and Paul WONG
Cultural exile and homeward journey : R. L. Stevenson and American fiction, Yifeng SUN
Fragmentation and dramatic moments : Zhang Tianyi and the narrative discourse of upheaval in modern China, Yifeng SUN
On wonder, appreciation, and the tremendous in Wittgenstein’s aesthetics, Ka Hung, Thomas TAM
The third eye : exploring Guanxi and relational morality in the workplace, Doreen TAN and Robin Stanley SNELL
Book review : Organization and management in the embrace of government, Dean William TJOSVOLD
Commentaries : theory-oriented reviews for applied psychology, Dean William TJOSVOLD
Managing anger for teamwork in Hong Kong : goal interdependence and open-mindedness, Dean William TJOSVOLD
Understanding conflict avoidance : relationship, motivations, actions, and consequences, Dean William TJOSVOLD and Haifa F. SUN
Teamwork and controversy in undergraduate management courses in Hong Kong : can the method reinforce the message?, Dean William TJOSVOLD; Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG; Roger NIBLER; and James Stuart POUNDER
Currency substitution and speculative attacks on a currency board system, S. K. TSANG and Yue MA
The social capital of new arrival women (NAW) in Hong Kong, San Kiu, Sunday TSOI and Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
The Protestant ethic and the "spirit" of capitalism and other writings, Max WEBER, William Peter BAEHR, and Gordon C. WELLS
Translating register with reference to English, French, German, and Italian versions of the Hong Lou Meng, Laurence WONG
A hybrid approach to learn Bayesian networks using evolutionary programming, Man Leung WONG, Shing Yan LEE, and Kwong Sak LEUNG
Sustaining company performance through partnering with suppliers, Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG
Commitment and conflict management for relational marketing in China, Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG; Dean TJOSVOLD; and Pengzhu ZHANG
中国・香港・台湾映画の異性装にみるジェンダー試験, Shuk Han WONG
家を出てゆく娘たち : 香港映画の中の女性アイデンティティ, Shuk Han WONG
Rethinking the democratic transition in Hong Kong : some methodological and substantive issues, Yiu Chung WONG
Corporatism, civil society and democratisation in the People's Republic of China, Yiu Chung WONG and Che Po CHAN
Affective organizational commitment of workers in Chinese joint ventures, Yui Tim, Edward WONG; Hang Yue NGO; and Chi Sum WONG
Loyalty to supervisor and trust in supervisor of workers in Chinese joint ventures: A test of two competing models, Yui Tim, Edward WONG; Chi Sum WONG; and Hang Yue NGO
物化蒼涼 : 張愛玲意象技巧初探, Zidong XU
香港的純文學與流行文學, Zidong XU
Submissions from 2001
Sentinels in a pitch black night, William Peter BAEHR
The grammar of prudence : Arendt, Jaspers, and the appraisal of Max Weber, William Peter BAEHR
Vertical research joint ventures, Samiran BANERJEE and Ping LIN
Book review : Consolidating democracy in South Korea, and The politics of democratization in Korea : the role of civil society, Brain BRIDGES
Hedging and nonlinear risk exposure, Udo BROLL; Kong Wing, Clement CHOW; and Kit Pong WONG
Book review : Chinese society : change, conflict and resistance, Che Po CHAN
The 1998 State Council organizational streamlining : personnel reduction and change of government function, Che Po CHAN and Gavin DREWRY
Healthy ageing begins from young : an IT interactive approach to promote learning of old age among junior secondary school pupils, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; David Rosser PHILLIPS; and Oi Ling SIU
Figures of hope and the filmic imaginary of Jianghu in contemporary Hong Kong cinema, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN
Polysystem theory : its prospect as a framework for translation research, Nam Fung CHANG
Shopping for fashion in Hong Kong, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
The changing use(s) of English in Hong Kong : popular culture and cultural anxiety, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
香港服裝西化的歷程及其社會意義, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
The equalizing effects of education on gender differences in occupational attainment in Hong Kong : a preliminary assessment, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN and Sin Yi CHEUNG
Corporate environments and international transfer pricing : an empirical study of China in a developing economy framework, Koon Hung CHAN and Lynne CHOW
The migration of a literary technique : stream-of-consciousness in China, translated and transposed, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN
Translation studies in Hong Kong-China and the impact of 'new translation theories', Tak Hung, Leo CHAN
What's modern in Chinese translation theory? Lu Xun and the debates on literalism and foreignization in the May Fourth period, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN
流轉, Wai Ying CHAN
Is accounting information value-relevant in the emerging Chinese stock market?, Charles J. P. CHEN, Shimin CHEN, and Xijia SU
Profitability regulation, earnings management, and modified audit opinions : evidence from China, J. P., Charles CHEN; Shimin CHEN; and Xijia SU
Electricity consumption and economic growth in China : a cointegration analysis, K.-Y. CHEUNG and E. THOMSON
Consumption patterns of entrepreneurs in the People's Republic of China, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW; Ka Yiu, Michael FUNG; and Hang Yue NGO
Emerging market segments in a transitional economy : a study of urban consumers in China, Geng CUI and Qiming LIU
Executive insights : emerging market segments in a transitional economy : a study of urban consumers in China, Geng CUI and Qiming LIU
Moderating the stress impact of environmental conditions : the effect of organizational commitment in Hong Kong and China, Ian DONALD and Oi Ling SIU
Civil service reform in the People's Republic of China : another mirage of the new global paradigm of public administration?, Gavin DREWRY and Che Po CHAN
A model of endogenous divorce and endogenous fertility, Chengze, Simon FAN
A model of intergenerational transfers, Chengze, Simon FAN
Incentive and corruption in Chinese economic reform, Chengze, Simon FAN and Herschel I. GROSSMAN
How does the change of marriage quality affect divorce decisions?, Chengze, Simon FAN and Hon Kwong LUI
Role conflict and ambiguity of ceos in international joint ventures : a transaction cost perspective, Yaping GONG, Oded SHENKAR, Yadong LUO, and Mee Kau NYAW
A multiple country of origin rule to help resolve trade disputes, Lok Sang HO
Health care funding and delivery in Hong Kong : what should be done?, Lok Sang HO
Principles of public policy practice, Lok Sang HO
Realistic exchange rates : a post-Asian Financial Crisis perspective, Lok Sang HO
The political economy of the HKSAR's fiscal policy, Lok Sang HO
Planning enterprise resources by use of a reengineering approach to build a global logistics management system, Shi Ming HUANG, Irene S. Y. KWAN, and Yu Chung HUNG
The management of change : a narrative perspective on management development, Muayyad JABRI and James Stuart POUNDER
An e-store developing model for minimizing the impact of procedural and cultural change within an enterprise, I. S. Y. KWAN
中國上古詩歌中的自然意識, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
Economic development and structural setting : Hong Kong electronics industry, Richard Cheung LAM and Hong Kin KWOK
Journal alliance : introduction, Kin Chi LAU
沉起凤《谐铎》中的虚构旅行, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
钟馗神话的由来及其形象, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
Aging, gender and family in Singapore, Hong Kong and China, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
Does a weaking family network inevitably accompany old age? Family networks of older persons in Guangzhou and Hong Kong, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
Gender differences in retirement planning : an exploratory study of the middle-aged residents of Hong Kong, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
Introduction, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
Issues in elderly research in Hong Kong : a review of 56 social science research reports, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
從民族主義的歷史緣起看世界公民的前景, Wing Sang LAW
大專基礎中文課程的構想, Hung Kai LEE
The poor in Singapore : issues and options, K. M., William LEE
Applications of genetic search and simulated annealing to the two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting stock problem, T. W. LEUNG, C. H. YUNG, and Marvin D. TROUTT
從翻譯學的角度看漢英對比硏究的若干問題, Donghui LI
"調侃" : 漢語修辭中"荒謬任誕"的手法, Donghui LI
Impact of interaction between R&D and marketing on new product performance : an empirical analysis of Chinese high technology firms, Haiyang LI and Kwaku ATUAHENE-GIMA
Protection of intellectual property rights in China under the US pressures, Ping LIN
The executive-legislature relationship in Hong Kong : evolution and development, Pang Kwong LI
Kung Fu : negotiating nationalism and modernity, Siu Leung LI
The widening income distribution : 1986-2006, Hon Kwong LUI
Interrole conflict as a predictor of job satisfaction and propensity to leave : a study of professional accountants, Steven S. LUI; Hang Yue NGO; and Wing Ngar, Anita TSANG
兩岸三地員工之工作壓力、控制信念、工作滿意及身心健康, Luo LU (陸洛), Shu-fang KAO (高旭繁), Yun ZHOU (周雲), and Oi Ling SIU