
Submissions from 2005

略論先秦禮學的現代意義, Tzu Pin HSU

Alignment between information technology management and business value : a Taiwan strategic context, Leelien, Ken HUANG

Chinese name authority control in Asia : an overview, Lily HU, Owen TAM, and Patrick LO

Chan, Mimi (1939-) : Hong Kong novelist, critic, Michael Anthony INGHAM

Drama (Hong Kong), Michael Anthony INGHAM

Lam, Agnes (1955-) : Hong Kong poet, Michael Anthony INGHAM

Novel (Hong Kong), Michael Anthony INGHAM

Poetry (Hong Kong), Michael Anthony INGHAM

The politics of marginality : two case studies on migrant workers in South China, Iam Chong IP


Scalable model-based cluster analysis using clustering features, Huidong JIN, Kwong Sak LEUNG, Man Leung WONG, and Zong Ben XU


Global aging : the challenge of success, Kevin KINSELLA and David Rosser PHILLIPS


《三國演義》中詩詞的藝術意義, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

冬青集, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

夏木集, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

外在觸覺和內在感思 : 李清照描寫愁情的立體感, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

婉雯詩草, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

拓古開今的水墨畫 : 徐嘉煬的藝術精神, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

曉嵐詩草, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

謝靈運山水詩中的宗教矛盾, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

Scaffolding in designing self-access programmes : accommodating learner's readiness, Sui Yee, Rachel LAI and Lai Yi, Lilian LAW

費密與清代經典詮釋的論爭, Chi Pang LAU

Economic rights and livelihood, Kin Chi LAU


Editorial : conditions de la critique intellectuelle en Chine, Kin Chi LAU


唐代人鬼婚戀中的死亡反思 : 招魂、交感和幽界三類小說, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

織女塑像的三種形態 : 論〈董永〉、〈郭翰〉和〈唐文〉, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

難題求婚中的人獸婚 : 論《搜神記》中槃瓠和女化蠶神話, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

「嘒彼小星」解, Hung Kai LEE


《衛風‧竹竿》"巧笑之瑳"清人諸訓評議, Hung Kai LEE

談“文字學”普及化 : 兼評幾部有關的著作, Hung Kai LEE


Gender differences in retirement decision in Hong Kong, Keng Mun, William LEE


Free shipping and purchasing decisions in B2B transactions : a game-theoretic analysis, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR


Game theoretic applications in supply chain management : a review, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR


Virtualizing the 'Korean Wave' : the politics of (transnational) cyberfandom in 〈Daejangguem〉, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)


傳媒、政治與宗教, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

Coordinating R&D race through patent licensing, Ping LIN


People's Republic of China, Ping LIN


The evolution of competition law in East Asia, Ping LIN


中国企业兼并的反垄断控制, Ping LIN


关于中国建立反垄断法体系的几个基本问题, Ping LIN


Multinational firms and backward linkages : a critical survey and a simple model, Ping LIN and Kamal SAGGI


China further clarifies tax rules on representative offices, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN


內地稅收法規摘要 : 兩則, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN

The myth continues : cinematic Kung Fu in modernity, Siu Leung LI

Literary aesthetics and the aims of criticism, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON


L'Ontologie et la valeur artistique, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON


Distributed multiple selection algorithm for peer-to-peer systems, Wai Sing, Alfred LOO


Managers' occupational stress in China : the role of self-efficacy, Chang-qin LU, Oi Ling SIU, and Cary L. COOPER


The shrinking earnings premium for university graduates in Hong Kong : the effect of quantity or quality?, Hon Kwong LUI and Wing SUEN


Do loyal subordinates get higher wages? Experience from China, Hon Kwong LUI and Yui Tim, Edward WONG


Internet banking : strategic responses to the accession of WTO by Chinese banks, Ming Te LU, Chun Hong LIU, Jiang JING, and Linjun HUANG


On the history of interpreting in China, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG


Interpreters as historians in China, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG and Donghui LI


The missing link : context loss in online databases, Jia MI and Frederick NESTA

Impatient, ill tempered, Frederick NESTA


The concept of literature : an institutional account, Stein Haugom OLSEN


The impacts of dwelling conditions on older persons' psychological well-being in Hong Kong : the mediating role of residential satisfaction, David Rosser PHILLIPS, Oi Ling SIU, Anthony G. O. YEH, and Kevin H. C. CHENG

Ageing and the urban environment, David Rosser PHILLIPS; Oi Ling SIU; G.-O., Anthony YEH; and H. C., Kevin CHENG


Credit ratings in China, Pui Han, Winnie POON


A comparative study of the management styles of marketing managers in Australia and the People's Republic of China, Shing Chung, Patrick POON; Felicitas EVANGELISTA; and Gerald ALBAUM


How do you climb the corporate ladder? A multi-regional analysis of the ethical preferences for influencing superiors, David A. RALSTON; Carolyn P. EGRI; Irina NAOUMOVA; Florian WANGENHEIM; Ping Ping FU; María Teresa DE LA GARZA CARRANZA; Laurie MILTON; Tania CASADO; Prem RAMBURUTH; Mahfooz ANSARI; Liesl RIDDLE; Ho Beng CHIA; Ilya GIRSON; Malika RICHARDS; Ian PALMER; David M. BROCK; Arif BUTT; Narasimhan SRINIVASAN; Marina DABIC; Arunas STARKUS; Vojko V. POTOCAN; Harald HERRIG; Tevfik DALGIC; Hung VU THANH; Phillip HALLINGER; Francisco CASTRO; Olivier FURRER; Yong Lin MOON; Christine KUO; Mario MOLTENI; Andre PEKERTI; Mo Lin, Moureen TANG; Man Kei, Paulina WAN; Tomasz LENARTOWICZ; Ana MARIA ROSSI; Isabelle MAIGNAN; Ruth MAY; Donna LEDGERWOOD; Mark WEBER; Wade DANIS; and Alan WALLACE


Is there long-run money neutrality under different exchange rate regimes?, Jimmy RAN


Political domination and the rule of law in Hong Kong, James Andrew RICE


What's morality got to do with it? The need for principle in reproductive technology and embryo research, James Andrew RICE


Analysis of a failed jurisdictional claim : the rhetoric and politics surrounding the AICPA global credential project, William Eugene SHAFER and Yves GENDRON

中國戲曲與傳統教化, Sau Ieng SI TOU

宋戏文《乐昌公主破镜重圆》小识, Sau Ieng SI TOU

戲曲中的辛棄疾, Sau Ieng SI TOU


北京、香港、台灣,誰工作壓力最大, Oi Ling SIU

有为而治 : 京、港、台三地员工如何减压, Oi Ling SIU


Work stress, self-efficacy, Chinese work values, and work well-being in Hong Kong and Beijing, Oi Ling SIU, Paul E SPECTOR, Cary L. COOPER, and Chang-qin LU

An international comparative study of work-family stress and occupational strain, Paul E. SPECTOR, Tammy D. ALLEN, Steven POELMANS, Cary L. COOPER, Peggy BERNIN, Peter HART, Luo LU, Karen MILLER, Lucio RENAULT DE MORAES, Gabrielle M. OSTROGNAY, Horea PITARIU, Vladimir SALAMATOV, Jesus SALGADO, Juan I. SANCHEZ, Oi Ling SIU, Mare TEICHMANN, Töres THEORELL, Peter VLERICK, Maria WIDERSZAL-BAZYL, and Shanfa YU


Policy strategies to deal with revaluation pressures on the renminbi, Huayu SUN and Yue MA

冲突管理 : 学会在一起工作, Dean William TJOSVOLD; Junchen HU (胡君辰); and Yifeng, Nancy CHEN


Team effectiveness in China : cooperative conflict for relationship building, Dean William TJOSVOLD, Margaret POON, and Ziyou YU


An experimental examination of social contexts and the use of power in a Chinese sample, Dean William TJOSVOLD; Haifa F. SUN; and Man Kei, Paulina WAN


Book review : Rural development and agricultural growth in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON

Attitudes towards social problems in the post-handover period, Po San, Shirley WAN and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW

Subjective well-being, Po San, Shirley WAN and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW


Analysing workplace safety policies in Hong Kong with a simulation method, Xiangdong WEI, Steve RUSSELL, and Robert SANDY


Using cooperative coevolution for data mining of Bayesian networks, Man Leung WONG, Shing Yan LEE, and Kwong Sak LEUNG


Organizational learning via expatriate managers: Collective myopia as blocking mechanism, Mei Ling, May WONG


Subtextual gendering processes: A study of Japanese retail firms in Hong Kong, Mei Ling, May WONG


Organizational partnerships in China : self-interest, goal interdependence, and opportunism, Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG; Dean William TJOSVOLD; and Zi You YU


Developing relationships in strategic alliances : commitment to quality and cooperative, Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG; Dean William TJOSVOLD; and Pengzhu ZHANG


Supply chain relationships for customer satisfaction in China : interdependence and cooperative goals, Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG; Dean William TJOSVOLD; and Pengzhu ZHANG


水的滋味, Shuk Han WONG

儒家伦理 : 体与用, Wai Ying WONG

From Deng Xiaoping to Jiang Zemin : two decades of political reform in the People's Republic of China, Yiu Chung WONG

The 2004 Hong Kong Legislative Council Elections : the withering of the Democratic Party, Yiu Chung WONG


Different responses to job insecurity of Chinese workers in joint ventures and state-owned enterprises, Yui Tim, Edward WONG; Chi Sum WONG; Hang Yue NGO; and Hon Kwong LUI


Does a micro-macro link exist between managerial value of reciprocity, social capital and firm performance? The case of SMEs in China, Wei Ping WU and Alicia LEUNG

從吶喊到流言 : 考寫中國現當代文學發展的一個角度, Zidong XU

香港短篇小說初探, Zidong XU


Improvements towards formalizing UML state diagrams in CSP, Wing Lok YEUNG; R. P. H., Karl LEUNG; Ji WANG; and Wei DONG


Formal verification of fault-tolerant software design : the CSP approach, Wing Lok YEUNG and S. A. SCHNEIDER


Why and how does Asia cooperate?, Baohui ZHANG

Submissions from 2004

Geographical studies in ageing : progress and connections to social gerontology, Gavin J. ANDREWS and David Rosser PHILLIPS

Max Weber and the avatars of Caesarism, William Peter BAEHR


Of politics and social science : ‘Totalitarianism’ in the dialogue of David Riesman and Hannah Arendt, William Peter BAEHR

Dictatorship in history and theory : Bonapartism, Caesarism, and totalitarianism, William Peter BAEHR and Melvin RICHTER