Submissions from 2007
希望的土壤, Kin Chi LAU
Marital problems in the sacred-profane love fiction of "Frog god" and "Zhuqing" of Liaozhai Zhiyi, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
不為考試閱讀更有趣味, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
互涉閱讀趣味更多, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
利是、利事還是利市, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
勵志書是成長的養料, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
培養閱讀受用無窮, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
從流行歌曲中吸取養份, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
心理描寫令人物有血有肉, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
想像力有利讀寫, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
我要學愉快讀書, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
敢求突破創寫作空間, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
新鮮角度入手釋放創意, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
欠重點描寫文章會「沒精打采」, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
神婚中的俗慮 : 論《聊齋誌異》〈竹青〉和〈青蛙神〉, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
神話有趣富想像助思考, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
語文讀寫激發創意, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
說話流暢無往而不利, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
讀神話提升創意想像力, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
辯論朗誦練好口語, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
適時讀詩收獲倍增, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
閱讀是課堂延伸, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
顏色渲染一見難忘, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
黃金檔期讀鏡花緣, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
晚年生活與退休準備, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW; Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊); and Ka Ying, Timothy WONG (王家英)
殖民無間道, Wing Sang LAW
借古鑒今 : 應用文教學一議, Hung Kai LEE
博雅大學的中文教育, Hung Kai LEE
嶺南大學的漢語教學, Hung Kai LEE
平衡與取捨 : 理想中文系課程的構想, Hung Kai LEE
朱駿聲「兩誼相反之字」補說, Hung Kai LEE
耕耨集 : 漢語與經典論集, Hung Kai LEE, Pang Fei KWOK (郭鵬飛), and Yuen Chi CHAN (陳遠止)
The role of trust in knowledge management, Lai Cheung, Leo LEUNG and Kwok Fai LAU
Generating user acceptance test plans from test cases, R. P. H., Karl LEUNG and Wing Lok YEUNG
主流媒體的輿論角色, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
論《中大學生報》情色版風波, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)
Translation, identity politics and diplomatic communication in Tang China, Donghui LI
The effects of relationship governance mechanisms on relationship performance : how do relationship learning processes matter?, Ling Yee, Esther LI
消除對競爭法的誤解, Ping LIN
反垄断中的必需设施原则 : 美国和欧盟的经验, Ping LIN, Kebin MA (马克斌), and Yiqun WANG (王轶群)
Multinational firms, exclusivity, and backward linkages, Ping LIN and Kamal SAGGI
Earnings management : corporate manipulation of tax rate changes?, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN
Political transition and regime transformation, Pang Kwong LI
The executive, Pang Kwong LI
Tax compliance and audit adjustment : an investigation of the transfer pricing methodologies, Wai Yee, Agnes LO and Man Kong, Raymond WONG
The redistributive effect of public housing in Hong Kong, Hon Kwong LUI
The returns to language ability in Hong Kong : before and after the handover, Hon Kwong LUI
Oral translator's "traces" in the Chinese co-translation of David Copperfield, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG
十三轍、民謠用韻與上古漢語韻部元音構擬的原則, Maopeng MA
A comparative study of exchange rate regimes and macro-instabilities in the twin economies of Singapore and Hong Kong, Yue MA; Y. Y. KUEH; and C. W., Raymond NG
Hot money inflows and renminbi revaluation pressure, Yue MA and Huayu SUN
Developmental State and Corporate Governance in China, Victor NEE; Sonja OPPER; and Man-lai, Sonia WONG
The effect of trust on international joint venture performance in China, Wai Kit, Paul NG; Chung Ming LAU; and Mee Kau NYAW
Older consumers in Malaysia, Fon Sim ONG and David Rosser PHILLIPS
Book review : Ageing societies : myths, challenges and opportunities, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Medical geography, David Rosser PHILLIPS, Mark W. ROSENBERG, and Kathleen WILSON
The geography of health care systems, David Rosser PHILLIPS, Mark W. ROSENBERG, and Kathleen WILSON
University–Industry Technology Transfer in Hong Kong, Shing Chung, Patrick POON and Kan S. CHAN
Survey participation and response rates : a cross-culture comparison, Shing Chung, Patrick POON; Felicitas EVANGELISTA; and Gerald ALBAUM
Policy goals and impact of Hong Kong's education reform, Y. K., Anita POON and Yiu Chung WONG
Sudden infant death or murder? A royal confusion about probabilities, Neven SESARDIC
Learning acyclic decision trees with functional dependency network and mdl genetic programming, Wing Ho SHUM, Kwong Sak LEUNG, and Man Leung WONG
Locus of control, Oi Ling SIU
Employees' well-being in Greater China : the direct and moderating effects of general self-efficacy, Oi Ling SIU, Chang-qin LU, and Paul E. SPECTOR
Book review : Britain in the twentieth century, David Lloyd SMITH
Differentiating good soldiers from good actors, Robin Stanley SNELL and Yuk Lan WONG
Cross-national differences in relationships of work demands, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions with work-family conflict, Paul E. SPECTOR, Tammy D. ALLEN, Steven A. Y. POELMANS, Laurent M. LAPIERRE, Cary L. COOPER, Michael O'DRISCOLL, Juan I. SANCHEZ, Nureya ABARCA, Matilda ALEXANDROVA, Barbara BEHAM, Paula BROUGH, Pablo FERREIRO, Guillermo FRAILE, Chang-qin LU, Luo LU, Ivonne MORENO-VELÁZQUEZ, Milan PAGON, Horea PITARIU, Volodymyr SALAMATOV, Satoru SHIMA, Alejandra Suarez SIMONI, Oi Ling SIU, and Maria WIDERSZAL-BAZYL
Losses and gains to developing countries from the migration of educated workers, Oded STARK and Chengze, Simon FAN
The analytics of seasonal migration, Oded STARK and Chengze, Simon FAN
Displacement and intervention : re-creating literary texts through cross-cultural translation, Yifeng SUN
(Multi)-Cultural context : interpretation and translation adrift, Yifeng SUN
Conflicts in the study of conflict in organizations, Dean TJOSVOLD
Managing anger and annoyance in organizations in China : the role of constructive controversy, Dean William TJOSVOLD and Fang, Sofia SU
Group risk taking : the constructive role of controversy in China, Dean William TJOSVOLD and Ziyou YU
Dataset acquisition, accessibility, annotation, e-research technologies (DART) project : a case study using an x-ray diffractometer, Ah Chung TSOI, Jeff MCDONELL, Andrew TRELOAR, and Ian ATKINSON
Book review : China's domestic grain and marketing reform and integration, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON
主觀福祉, Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊); Ka Ying, Timothy WONG (王家英); Ying Keung CHAN (陳膺強); and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
社會素質, Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊); Ka Ying, Timothy WONG (王家英); and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
Wage compensation for job-related illness : evidence from a matched employer and employee survey in the UK, Xiangdong WEI
The use of global strategies by British construction firms, Paul A. WHITLA, Peter WALTERS, and Howard DAVIES
Global strategies in the international hotel industry, Paul A. WHITLA, Peter G. P. WALTERS, and Howard DAVIES
Anglo-American media interactions, 1850-2000, Joel H. WIENER and Mark HAMPTON
Introduction : Anglo-American media interactions, 1850-2000, Joel H. WIENER and Mark HAMPTON
社會階級、社會流動與福利政策, Ka Ying, Timothy WONG (王家英); Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊); and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
Improving ICT environments in primary schools by rethinking the leadership role of school-based technology coordinators, Kit Pui WONG
Using ICT in primary schools : different perceptions by school heads and teachers in Hong Kong, Kit Pui WONG
Social face for innovation in strategic alliances in China : the mediating roles of resource exchange and reflexivity, Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG; Dean TJOSVOLD; and Fang SU
兩岸三地新電影的低調女性 : 試論關錦鵬的女性書寫, Shuk Han WONG
胡金銓曾參與製作的電影, Shuk Han WONG
How to improve employees' commitment to their line manager : a practical study in a Chinese joint venture, Yui Tim, Edward WONG and Hon Kwong LUI
程序公平对工作满意度、组织承诺的影响 : 工作不安全感的中介作用, Yizhong XIE, Oi Ling SIU, Xiaopeng REN, and Kan SHI
文学中的上海、北京与香港, Zidong XU
Bankruptcy prediction using multiple intelligent agent system via a localized generalization error approach, Daniel S. YEUNG; W. Y., Wing NG; P. F., Aki CHAN; P. K., Patrick CHAN; Michael FIRTH; and C. C., Eric TSANG
The modernization of Chinese nuclear forces and its impact on Sino-U.S. relations, Baohui ZHANG
Transactive memory system links work team characteristics and performance, Zhi Xue ZHANG, Paul S. HEMPEL, Yu-Lan HAN, and Dean TJOSVOLD
消极自由与理性的局限, Yujian ZHENG
The effects of entrepreneurial proclivity and foreign market knowledge on early internationalization, Lianxi ZHOU
Submissions from 2006
Some reflections on English as a ‘semi-sacred’ language, Barry ASKER
Susan Sontag, battle language and the Hong Kong SARS outbreak of 2003, William Peter BAEHR
Fun, fervor or fitness? : sporting cultures and happiness, Brian BRIDGES