
Submissions from 2012

告別犬儒 : 續篇, Po Keung HUI

在反智社會裹怎樣做文化研究, Po Keung HUI

為甚麼我們做的並非是我們講的? 通識教育的多角度思考與獨立專題研習, Po Keung HUI

重思文化評論和社會運動, Po Keung HUI


新高中通識科課程內容研究調查報告, Po Keung HUI and Youying YU


Hong Kong's democratic movement and the making of China's offshore civil society, Ho Fung HUNG and Iam Chong IP

為下一代覺醒, Iam Chong IP


從文化批判到文化研究的教育 : 嶺大文研的道路, Wing Sang LAW

殖民研究與香港研究, Wing Sang LAW

簡論香港政治與選舉文化的變遷和挑戰, Wing Sang LAW

解讀香港臥底電影的情緒結構和變遷, Wing Sang LAW

Re-nationalizing the transnational? The cases of exiled and missing in Hong Kong-China film co-production, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)


回歸後香港新聞自由的情況, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)


特首選舉新聞商品化, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

戲曲更新與現代性的追尋, Siu Leung LI

波叔的「笑中淚」, Siu Leung LI


The movement in Egypt : a dialogue with Samir Amin, Hui WANG, Tiejun WEN, and Kin Chi LAU


Ecological civilization, indigenous culture, and rural reconstruction in China, Tiejun WEN, Kin Chi LAU, Cunwang CHENG, Huili HE, and Jiansheng QIU

Submissions from 2011


Taking education seriously as reform : curriculum policy research and its implications for cultural studies, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN and Yuen Fun, Muriel LAW

Legal education and the rise of rights consciousness in China, John Nguyet ERNI


Doing cultural studies in the Hong Kong educational context a tale of two action research experiments, Po Keung HUI and Chak Sang PANG

Social media uprising in the Chinese-speaking world, Iam Chong IP

序 : 改造社會常態的力量, Iam Chong IP

旁观者的可能 : 香港电影中的冷战经验与「社会主义中国」, Iam Chong IP

草根起義 : 從虛擬到真實, Iam Chong IP


阶级、权力与文化 : 对 「蚁族研究」 的反思, Iam Chong IP

集體行動力與社會運動, Iam Chong IP

Editor's note, Iam Chong IP and Chi Leung LEE


The social economy of new rural reconstruction, Pan JIA'EN and Du JIE

香港篇 : 情感動員的新一頁, Oi Wam LAM and Iam Chong IP

Actions at the margins, Kin Chi LAU


Economic growth and sustainability : a view from China, Kin Chi LAU

烏托邦是現實的, Kin Chi LAU

香港人的主體性, Wing Sang LAW


“Pro-suming” swearing (verbal violence) : “affect” as feminist (internet) criticism, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)


從英國經驗思考香港在社區廣播, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

芳艷芬《萬世流芳張玉喬》 : 原劇本及導讀, Siu Leung LI


Alternative responses to 'the modern dream' : the sources and contradictions of rural reconstruction in China, Jia'en PAN and Jie DU


埃及的運動 : 對話薩米爾.阿敏Samir Amin, Hui WANG (汪暉) and Kin Chi LAU

Submissions from 2010


Reframing cultural studies : human rights as a site of legal-cultural struggles, John Nguyet ERNI


Clever love : dislocated intimacies among youth, John Nguyet ERNI and Anthony FUNG

重寫我城的歷史故事, Po Keung HUI

限富扶貧 : 富裕中的貧乏(新編), Po Keung HUI

為當下懷舊 : 文化保育的前世今生, Iam Chong IP

當文化研究遇上文化保育, Iam Chong IP

當「文物保育」變成活化, Iam Chong IP

直接行動, Iam Chong IP

文化研究的關懷, Kin Chi LAU

作為保守主義社會運動的宗教右派, Wing Sang LAW

文化教育對文化研究的挑戰, Wing Sang LAW

文化研究與文化教育, Wing Sang LAW

文化研究與文化教育 : 香港經驗談, Wing Sang LAW

文研十載來時路, Wing Sang LAW


從商營電台應否協助政治宣傳說起, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

從「民粹」中尋找「公共」的媒體教育, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)


高鐵運動的新啟示 : 主流/獨立、新/舊媒體的新互動, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

性別編演、操演與女子的男性氣質 : 中國傳統戲曲武旦戲的當代搬演, Siu Leung LI

Porn power : sexual and gender politics in Li Han-Hsiang's Fengyue films, Ching YAU

Submissions from 2009

從教學方法到「學生為本」學習及教師發展的機遇, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN

認真文化 : 在教育工程中認識文化研究, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN

盤點IH,認真通識, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Po King CHOI (蔡寶瓊); Po Keung HUI; Yuen Fun, Muriel LAW (羅婉芬); and Chak Sang PANG (彭澤生)


Politics of female subjectivities and the everyday : the case of the Hong Kong feminist journal Nuliu, Shun Hing CHAN

告別犬儒 : 香港自由主義的危機, Po Keung HUI

導讀 : 為甚麼要盤點 怎樣才算認真, Po Keung HUI

課程內容與評核政策, Po Keung HUI

個案研究, Po Keung HUI; Yuen Fun, Muriel LAW; and Chak Sang PANG

Hong Kong : the rise of a new political force, Iam Chong IP


新政治力量 : 香港獨立媒體的發展, Iam Chong IP

旁觀者的可能 : 香港電影中的冷戰經驗與「社會主罬中國」, Iam Chong IP

香港篇 : 新政治力量, Iam Chong IP

Info rhizome : report on independent media in the Chinese-speaking world (2008/09), Oi Wan LAM and Iam Chong IP

草根不盡 : 華語地區獨立媒體年報, 2008/09, Oi Wan LAM and Iam Chong IP

(晚)殖民城市政治想像, Wing Sang LAW


现代性与中国青年论述的流变, Wing Sang LAW


缺乏主體性的國際交流 : 香港經驗談, Wing Sang LAW


Daejanggeum as 'affective mobilization' : lessons for (transnational) popular culture and civil society, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG


Mediated violence as 'global news' : co-opted 'performance' in the framing of the WTO, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG


在普及與民粹之間,那裏是「公共」?, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

Submissions from 2008


Cultural studies through education : moments of pedagogy and pragmatics, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN and Po Keung HUI

教改脈絡下本土教育的重新扣連, Po Keung HUI


Hong Kong undercover : an approach to ‘collaborative colonialism’, Wing Sang LAW

天星 : 香港意識的搖籃, Wing Sang LAW

「臥底世界」 : 殖民地香港的(非)歷史想像, Wing Sang LAW

邁向具主體性的本土性?, Wing Sang LAW


Mediating nationalism and modernity : the transnationalization of Korean dramas on Chinese (satellite) TV, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)


《同志‧戀人》官司的啟示, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

Embracing glocalization and Hong Kong-made musical film, Siu Leung LI


Teaching versus research? Cultural studies and the new class politics in knowledge, Meaghan MORRIS


Performing contradictions, performing bad-girlness in Japan, Ching YAU

Submissions from 2007

Out-performing identities, John Nguyet ERNI


公開考試主導下的「通識教育」學習經歷 : 高級程度通識教育科會考考試報告(1994-2005)分析, Po Keung HUI

资本主义不是什么, Po Keung HUI

小媒體.大事件, Iam Chong IP

在寻常中闪耀的和平的希望 : 妇女的不言之教, Kin Chi LAU

希望的土壤, Kin Chi LAU

殖民無間道, Wing Sang LAW

主流媒體的輿論角色, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG


論《中大學生報》情色版風波, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

Submissions from 2006

周潤發、許冠傑、少林足球 : 香港文化研究概述, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN


Negotiating culture, economics and community politics : the practice of Lei Yue Mun tourism in postcolonial Hong Kong, Shun Hing CHAN; Iam Chong IP; and Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG