
Submissions from 2009

Government ownership, institutions, and auditor reporting behavior, Koon Hung CHAN; Zhenpin, Kenny LIN; and Brossa Y. WONG


Fear of crime among older people in Hong Kong, On Fung CHAN; Hing Cheung, Kevin CHENG; and David Rosser PHILLIPS


Politics of female subjectivities and the everyday : the case of the Hong Kong feminist journal Nuliu, Shun Hing CHAN


At the borders of translation : traditional and modern(ist) adaptations, East and West, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN

Reading the global : the reader-consumer and the Murakami translation phenomenon, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN


Competition between foreign and domestic brands : a study of consumer purchases in China, Tsang Sing CHAN, Geng CUI, and Nan ZHOU

大眾報章頭條新聞標題擬寫問題初探 : 以香港三份免費報章及《北京青年報》為例, Wai Ying CHAN


Performance-appraisal beliefs of Chinese employees in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta, Hing Cheung, Kevin CHENG and Wayne CASCIO


Does the type of ownership control matter? Evidence from China's listed companies, Gongmeng CHEN, Michael Arthur FIRTH, and Liping XU


Self-perception and psychological well-being : the benefits of foreseeing a worse future, Sheung Tak CHENG; Helene H. FUNG; and Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN


Social network types and subjective well-being in Chinese older adults, Sheung Tak CHENG; K. L., Coty LEE; Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; M. F., Edward LEUNG; and Jik Joen LEE

The emergence of shareholder protection in China, Lin CHEN; Chun Yau, Clement SHUM; and Man Lai, Sonia WONG


Work stress and depression : the direct and moderating effects of informal social support and coping, Weiqing CHEN, Oi Ling SIU, Jiafang LU, Cary L. COOPER, and David Rosser PHILLIPS


Supervisor–subordinate Guanxi and employee work outcomes : the mediating role of job satisfaction, Millissa F. Y. CHEUNG; Wei Ping WU; Allan K. K. CHAN; and Mei Ling, May WONG


Quality of work life as a mediator between emotional labor and work family interference, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG and Catherine So Kum TANG


The influence of emotional intelligence and affectivity on emotional labor strategies at work, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG and So Kum, Catherine TANG

Competition among financial centres in Asia-Pacific : prospects, benefits, risks and policy challenges, Dosoung CHOI, Jesús SEADE, Sayuri SHIRAI, and Soogil YOUNG


Efficiencies and scope economies of Chinese airports in moving passengers and cargo, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW and Ka Yiu, Michael FUNG


The "good neighbour policy" in the context of China's foreign relations, Chien Peng CHUNG


Consumers' adoption of new technology products : the role of coping strategies, Geng CUI, Wenjing BAO, and Tsang Sing CHAN

The impact of online word-of-mouse : sales of new products at, Geng CUI and Xiaoning GUO


Responses of Chinese consumers to sex appeals in international advertising : a test of congruency theory, Geng CUI and Xiaoyan YANG


The reign of Li-tsung (1224–1264), Richard L. DAVIS


The reign of Tu-tsung (1264–1274) and his successors to 1279, Richard L. DAVIS


The Reigns of Kuang-tsung (1189–1194) and Ning-tsung (1194–1224), Richard L. DAVIS

伶人。武士。猎手 : 后唐庄宗李存勖传, Richard L. DAVIS and Jia MA

Aesthetic ideals, Rafael DE CLERCQ


Scruton on rightness of proportion in architecture, Rafael DE CLERCQ


Metaphor and culture, Ersu DING


The Platonic Triad and Its Chinese Counterpart, Ersu DING

前现代 : 现代转型的文学再现, Ersu DING

重建隐喻与文化的联系, Ersu DING


Political decentralization and corruption : evidence from around the world, Chengze, Simon FAN; Chen LIN; and Daniel TREISMAN


Inside the black box : bank credit allocation in China’s private sector, Michael Arthur FIRTH, Chen LIN, Ping LIU, and Sonia Man-lai WONG


The timeliness and consequences of disseminating public information by regulators, Michael Arthur FIRTH, Oliver M. RUI, and Xi WU


Mining Bayesian networks from direct marketing databases with missing values, Yuan Yuan GUO and Man Leung WONG


Book review : A political history of journalism, Mark HAMPTON


Inventing David Low : self-presentation, caricature and the culture of journalism in mid-twentieth century Britain, Mark HAMPTON


雙雙比翼鳥 : 詠沙田城門河比翼雙飛白鷺, Dezhi HAN

從方言地區語氣詞的誤用看普通話教學的教研問題 : 以香港地區為例, Dezhi HAN and Baisheng ZHOU (周柏勝)


Conflict management between and within teams for trusting relationships and performance in China, Paul S. HEMPEL, Zhi Xue ZHANG, and Dean TJOSVOLD

Dogme 95, Mette HJORT


Living with diversity: what difference can film-making make?, Mette HJORT

The five obstructions, Mette HJORT


Lean times increase the need to put people first, Lok Sang HO


Letter : comment on Glaeser and Gyourko, Lok Sang HO


The first step on the housing ladder : a natural experiment in Hong Kong, Lok Sang HO and Wai Chung, Gary WONG


Knowledge flow and boundary crossing at the periphery of a MNC, Fok Loi, Jacky HONG; Robin Stanley SNELL; and Mark EASTERBY-SMITH


Impact of caregiving on health and quality of life : a comparative population-based study of caregivers for elderly persons and noncaregivers, Suzanne C. HO; Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Jean WOO; Portia CHONG; and Aprille SHAM


The language of anger in Chinese and English narratives, Woon Yee, Judy HO

從《左傳》看《儀禮》的成書及其反映的時代, Tzu Pin HSU

從《現代漢語詞典》與香港書面語的差異看漢語詞匯規範問題, Tzu Pin HSU

關於編纂香港書信慣用語辭典的一些構想, Tzu Pin HSU


Novel homoclinic and heteroclinic solutions for the 2D complex cubic Ginzburg–Landau equation, Jian HUANG, Mingming LENG, and Zhengde DAI


Validation studies on a measure of overall managerial readiness for the Chinese, C. Harry HUI; S. Tess PAK; and Hing Cheung, Kevin CHENG

告別犬儒 : 香港自由主義的危機, Po Keung HUI

導讀 : 為甚麼要盤點 怎樣才算認真, Po Keung HUI

課程內容與評核政策, Po Keung HUI

個案研究, Po Keung HUI; Yuen Fun, Muriel LAW; and Chak Sang PANG

Englishization or sinicization? English in the Hong Kong cultural scene, Michael Anthony INGHAM

Johnnie To Kei-fung's PTU, Michael Anthony INGHAM

Hong Kong : the rise of a new political force, Iam Chong IP


新政治力量 : 香港獨立媒體的發展, Iam Chong IP

旁觀者的可能 : 香港電影中的冷戰經驗與「社會主罬中國」, Iam Chong IP

香港篇 : 新政治力量, Iam Chong IP


Competition among financial centres in Asia-Pacific : prospects, benefits, risks and policy challenges, KOPEC Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation, Soogil YOUNG, Dosoung CHOI, Jesús SEADE, and Sayuri SHIRAI


Translating classical Chinese poetry into rhymed English : a linguistic-aesthetic view, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

張九齡〈感遇〉詩中的自然意象, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

淡影乾坤, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

莫愁湖畔, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

Info rhizome : report on independent media in the Chinese-speaking world (2008/09), Oi Wan LAM and Iam Chong IP

草根不盡 : 華語地區獨立媒體年報, 2008/09, Oi Wan LAM and Iam Chong IP

侯寶璋家族史, Chi Pang LAU and Shu Yong LIU (劉蜀永)

吞聲忍語 : 日治時期香港人的集體回憶, Chi Pang LAU and Jiajian ZHOU


性格與命運、亂世情和謫仙 : 論《帝女花》的改編, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

淫神、弔詭心理與「抗神」 : 論《聊齋誌異》〈五通〉及〈五通.又〉, Yin Ping, Grace LAU


逆境中的藝術 : 嶺南大學"重遇越南社群藝術"展覽, Suk Mun, Sophia LAW

(晚)殖民城市政治想像, Wing Sang LAW


现代性与中国青年论述的流变, Wing Sang LAW


缺乏主體性的國際交流 : 香港經驗談, Wing Sang LAW

編纂《現代漢語詞源詞典》的一些想法, Hung Kai LEE


讀黃節《詩旨纂辭》小識, Hung Kai LEE

海峽兩岸現代漢語研究, Hung Kai LEE, Zilin TIAN (田子琳), and Tzu Pin HSU


Allocation of cost savings in a three-level supply chain with demand information sharing : a cooperative game approach, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR


Lead-time reduction in a two-level supply chain : non-cooperative equilibria vs. coordination with a profit-sharing contract, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR


Side-payment contracts in two-person nonzero-sum supply chain games : review, discussion and applications, Mingming LENG and An ZHU

Writing across borders : Hong Kong's 1950s and the present, Ping Kwan LEUNG


Daejanggeum as 'affective mobilization' : lessons for (transnational) popular culture and civil society, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG


Mediated violence as 'global news' : co-opted 'performance' in the framing of the WTO, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG


在普及與民粹之間,那裏是「公共」?, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

乌者凶兆? : 浅论先秦两汉文学中"乌"意象的嬗变, Donghui LI

詞彙、意象與文化歷史的互動 : 以"烏"的詞彙意象之歷史嬗變為例, Donghui LI

The Reception of Samuel Beckett in China, Jianxi LIE and Mike INGHAM


漢語方言研究方法簡析, Fei LI

量詞"個化"及教學策略, Fei LI

香港大學生普通話語會話語音偏誤分析, Fei LI


Competitiveness of the Hong Kong economy, Hongyi LI, Xiangdong WEI, and Danyang XIE


Corporate governance and firm efficiency : evidence from China's publicly listed firms, Chen LIN, Yue MA, and Dongwei SU


Challenge and hindrance job demands, job resource, and their relationships with vigor and emotional exhaustion, Lin LIN, Oi Ling SIU, Kan SHI, and Xinwen BAI


Do Chinese domestic firms benefit from FDI inflow? Evidence of horizontal and vertical spillovers, Ping LIN, Zhuomin LIU, and Yifan ZHANG