Submissions from 2009
Dogme 95, Mette HJORT
Living with diversity: what difference can film-making make?, Mette HJORT
The five obstructions, Mette HJORT
Lean times increase the need to put people first, Lok Sang HO
Letter : comment on Glaeser and Gyourko, Lok Sang HO
The first step on the housing ladder : a natural experiment in Hong Kong, Lok Sang HO and Wai Chung, Gary WONG
Knowledge flow and boundary crossing at the periphery of a MNC, Fok Loi, Jacky HONG; Robin Stanley SNELL; and Mark EASTERBY-SMITH
Impact of caregiving on health and quality of life : a comparative population-based study of caregivers for elderly persons and noncaregivers, Suzanne C. HO; Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Jean WOO; Portia CHONG; and Aprille SHAM
The language of anger in Chinese and English narratives, Woon Yee, Judy HO
從《左傳》看《儀禮》的成書及其反映的時代, Tzu Pin HSU
從《現代漢語詞典》與香港書面語的差異看漢語詞匯規範問題, Tzu Pin HSU
關於編纂香港書信慣用語辭典的一些構想, Tzu Pin HSU
Novel homoclinic and heteroclinic solutions for the 2D complex cubic Ginzburg–Landau equation, Jian HUANG, Mingming LENG, and Zhengde DAI
Validation studies on a measure of overall managerial readiness for the Chinese, C. Harry HUI; S. Tess PAK; and Hing Cheung, Kevin CHENG
告別犬儒 : 香港自由主義的危機, Po Keung HUI
導讀 : 為甚麼要盤點 怎樣才算認真, Po Keung HUI
課程內容與評核政策, Po Keung HUI
個案研究, Po Keung HUI; Yuen Fun, Muriel LAW; and Chak Sang PANG
Englishization or sinicization? English in the Hong Kong cultural scene, Michael Anthony INGHAM
Johnnie To Kei-fung's PTU, Michael Anthony INGHAM
Hong Kong : the rise of a new political force, Iam Chong IP
新政治力量 : 香港獨立媒體的發展, Iam Chong IP
旁觀者的可能 : 香港電影中的冷戰經驗與「社會主罬中國」, Iam Chong IP
香港篇 : 新政治力量, Iam Chong IP
Competition among financial centres in Asia-Pacific : prospects, benefits, risks and policy challenges, KOPEC Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation, Soogil YOUNG, Dosoung CHOI, Jesús SEADE, and Sayuri SHIRAI
Translating classical Chinese poetry into rhymed English : a linguistic-aesthetic view, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
張九齡〈感遇〉詩中的自然意象, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
淡影乾坤, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
莫愁湖畔, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
Info rhizome : report on independent media in the Chinese-speaking world (2008/09), Oi Wan LAM and Iam Chong IP
草根不盡 : 華語地區獨立媒體年報, 2008/09, Oi Wan LAM and Iam Chong IP
侯寶璋家族史, Chi Pang LAU and Shu Yong LIU (劉蜀永)
吞聲忍語 : 日治時期香港人的集體回憶, Chi Pang LAU and Jiajian ZHOU
性格與命運、亂世情和謫仙 : 論《帝女花》的改編, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
淫神、弔詭心理與「抗神」 : 論《聊齋誌異》〈五通〉及〈五通.又〉, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
逆境中的藝術 : 嶺南大學"重遇越南社群藝術"展覽, Suk Mun, Sophia LAW
(晚)殖民城市政治想像, Wing Sang LAW
现代性与中国青年论述的流变, Wing Sang LAW
缺乏主體性的國際交流 : 香港經驗談, Wing Sang LAW
編纂《現代漢語詞源詞典》的一些想法, Hung Kai LEE
讀黃節《詩旨纂辭》小識, Hung Kai LEE
海峽兩岸現代漢語研究, Hung Kai LEE, Zilin TIAN (田子琳), and Tzu Pin HSU
Allocation of cost savings in a three-level supply chain with demand information sharing : a cooperative game approach, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR
Lead-time reduction in a two-level supply chain : non-cooperative equilibria vs. coordination with a profit-sharing contract, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR
Side-payment contracts in two-person nonzero-sum supply chain games : review, discussion and applications, Mingming LENG and An ZHU
Writing across borders : Hong Kong's 1950s and the present, Ping Kwan LEUNG
Daejanggeum as 'affective mobilization' : lessons for (transnational) popular culture and civil society, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
Mediated violence as 'global news' : co-opted 'performance' in the framing of the WTO, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
在普及與民粹之間,那裏是「公共」?, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)
乌者凶兆? : 浅论先秦两汉文学中"乌"意象的嬗变, Donghui LI
詞彙、意象與文化歷史的互動 : 以"烏"的詞彙意象之歷史嬗變為例, Donghui LI
The Reception of Samuel Beckett in China, Jianxi LIE and Mike INGHAM
漢語方言研究方法簡析, Fei LI
量詞"個化"及教學策略, Fei LI
香港大學生普通話語會話語音偏誤分析, Fei LI
Competitiveness of the Hong Kong economy, Hongyi LI, Xiangdong WEI, and Danyang XIE
Corporate governance and firm efficiency : evidence from China's publicly listed firms, Chen LIN, Yue MA, and Dongwei SU
Challenge and hindrance job demands, job resource, and their relationships with vigor and emotional exhaustion, Lin LIN, Oi Ling SIU, Kan SHI, and Xinwen BAI
Do Chinese domestic firms benefit from FDI inflow? Evidence of horizontal and vertical spillovers, Ping LIN, Zhuomin LIU, and Yifan ZHANG
外资并购的国家安全审查 : 概念、国际经验和政策建议, Ping LIN and Yanyi LI (李嫣怡)
Fiction, truth in, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Lewis, C(larence) I(rving), Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Narrativity and knowledge, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
“Solid objects,” solid objections : on Virginia Woolf and philosophy, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Security threats of smart phones and bluetooth, Wai Sing, Alfred LOO
Antecedents and outcomes of a fourfold taxonomy of work-family balance in Chinese employed parents, Jiafang LU, Oi Ling SIU, Paul E. SPECTOR, and Kan SHI
Interpreters and the writing of history in China, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG
Perceptions of translating/interpreting in first-century China, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG
上古音影母音值之检讨, Maopeng MA
社區詞與言語社區理論, Maopeng MA
《诗经》是押韵的是从未得到证明的假说吗? : 与李书娴、麦耘商榷, Maopeng MA
香港人普通话朗读中的陈述句、疑问句语调偏误分析, Maopeng MA
From coder to creator : responsibility issues in intelligent artifact design, Andreas MATTHIAS
Robots, theology and the personhood of nonhumans : a critique, Andreas MATTHIAS
Standpunkt : Rechtsverantwortung Autonomer Maschinen, Andreas MATTHIAS
External shocks, balance sheet contagion, and speculative attack on the pegged exchange rate system, Yue MA
Challenges in employing complex e-learning strategies in campus-based universities, Carmel MCNAUGHT, Paul LAM, Kin Fai CHENG, David Miles KENNEDY, and Joseph Bernard MOHAN
Empowerment among older consumers in Malaysia, Fon Sim ONG, Paim LAILY, and David Rosser PHILLIPS
The correlates of cognitive ageing and adoption of defensive-ageing strategies among older adults, Fon Sim ONG, Yap Ying LU, Masoud ABESSI, and David Rosser PHILLIPS
Social entrepreneurship in a transitional economy: A critical assessment of rural Chinese entrepreneurial firms, Shing Chung, Patrick POON; Lianxi ZHOU; and Tsang Sing CHAN
Between religion and superstition : Buddhism and Daoism in Guangzhou, China, 1900-1937, Shuk Wah POON
從「送子觀音」到「送錢觀音」: 民國時期珠江三角洲一帶的「生菜會」和「觀音開庫」 Goddess of Mercy in Popular Religious Practices in Republican-era Pearl River Delta Region, Shuk Wah POON
Do solicitations matter in bank credit ratings? Results from a study of 72 countries, Winnie P.H. POON, Junsoo LEE, and Benton E. GUP
Ethical preferences for influencing superiors : a 41-society study, David A. RALSTON; Carolyn P. EGRI; María Teresa de la Garza CARRANZA; Prem RAMBURUTH; Jane TERPSTRA-TONG; Andre A PEKERTI; Ilya GIRSON; Harald HERRIG; Marina DABIC; Mo Lin, Moureen TANG; Man Kei, Paulina WAN; Philip HALLINGER; Ian PALMER; Detelin S ELENKOV; Olivier FURRER; Vojko V POTOCAN; Florian V WANGENHEIM; Isabelle MAIGNAN; Pamela L PERREWE; Ana Maria ROSSI; Tomasz LENARTOWICZ; Donna E LEDGERWOOD; Ruth C MAY; Mark J WEBER; Jorge C JESUINO; Ping Ping FU; Irina NAOUMOVA; Tania CASADO; Liesl RIDDLE; Malika RICHARDS; Arif N BUTT; Wade M DANIS; Francisco B CASTRO; Jaime RUIZ-GUTIERREZ; Laurie P MILTON; Mahfooz A ANSARI; David M BROCK; Narasimhan SRINIVASAN; Arunas STARKUS; Tevfik DALGIC; Fidel LEON-DARDER; Hung Vu THANH; Yong-lin MOON; Ho Beng CHIA; Min-Hsun, Christine KUO; Mario MOLTENI; Maria KANGASNIEMI; Kamel MELLAHI; and Alan WALLACE
彈性退休 : 更佳選擇, Research Team, Asia Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University; Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Hok Ka, Carol MA; Jiafang LU (陸佳芳); and Wing No, Helen LAU (劉穎娜)
Hong Kong and East Asia's financial centres and global competition, Jesús SEADE
Ethical climate, organizational-professional conflict and organizational commitment : a study of Chinese auditors, William Eugene SHAFER
明代教化剧群观, Sau Ieng SI TOU
舊時月色 : 古典詩詞漫步, Sau Ieng SI TOU
A study of resiliency among Chinese health care workers : capacity to cope with workplace stress, Oi Ling SIU; C., Harry HUI; David Rosser PHILLIPS; Lin LIN; Tze Wai WONG; and Kan SHI
Feasts under the spotlight : social films of 1950s and 60s Hong Kong, Yan Ho SIU
從甲骨文看商民的煮食文化, Yan Ho SIU
Book review : Lords of misrule : hostility to aristocracy in late nineteenth and early twentieth century Britain, David Lloyd SMITH
Managing ethically, Robin Stanley SNELL
Representational predicaments at three Hong Kong sites, Robin Stanley SNELL and Mei Ling, May WONG
Cross-sectional analysis of risk-neutral skewness, Stephen J. TAYLOR, Pradeep K. YADAV, and Yuanyuan ZHANG
Empowering individuals for team innovation in China : conflict management and problem solving, Dean William TJOSVOLD, Ziyou YU, and Peiguan WU
Does using mobile device applications lead to learning?, Doug VOGEL; David Miles KENNEDY; and Chi Wai, Ron KWOK
從黃老到老莊 : 漢代“老子”學論略, Chunhong WANG
论刘向、刘歆和《汉书》之关系, Chunhong WANG