Submissions from 2010
解困「八十後」 防現「窮忙族」, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN
有效推動社會資本,締造不再一樣的躍動晚年, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Chi Yan, Sandy TANG
Ageing population and health care services in the Asia Pacific region, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; P. K., Phoebe TANG; and Hok Ka Carol MA
Development of the Macao ageing index : a response to the United Nations economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; P. Y. P. TANG; M. F. E. LEUNG; and Wing Yin LI
Polysystem theory and translation, Nam Fung CHANG
兒童及青少年的性權與性教育 : 單從「保護」出發是否上策!?, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
Will a departure from tax-based accounting encourage tax noncompliance? Archival evidence from a transition economy, Koon Hung CHAN; Zhenpin, Kenny LIN; and Lai Lan, Phyllis MO
Readers, reading and reception of translated fiction in Chinese novel encounters, Tak Hung, Leo CHAN
How consumer ethnocentrism and animosity impair the economic recovery of emerging markets, Tsang Sing CHAN; Kenny CHAN; and Lai Cheung, Leo LEUNG
Developing the strategic resources of Chinese entrepreneurial firms, Yifeng, Nancy CHEN; Chen Ho, Mike CHAO; and Dean William TJOSVOLD
Collectivist team values for Korean-Chinese co-worker relationships and job performance, Yifeng, Nancy CHEN; Dean William TJOSVOLD; and Yuejie PAN
An ant colony optimization approach for stacking ensemble, Yijun CHEN and Man Leung WONG
Spillover effects of FDI via exports on innovation performance of China's high-technology industries, Kui Yin CHEUNG
Effects of age, gender, and emotional labor strategies on job outcomes : moderated mediation analyses, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG and Catherine So Kum TANG
The influence of emotional dissonance on subjective health and job satisfaction : testing the stress-strain-outcome model, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG and So Kum, Catherine TANG
文化群集与香港创意产业的出路, Wan Kan CHIN
終極評論, 快樂抗爭, Wan Kan CHIN
走出政府總部 : 做個快樂的抗爭者, Wan Kan CHIN
香港大靈異(初集) : 神異傳說及民間信仰, Wan Kan CHIN
花果飄零 : 冷戰時期殖民地的新亞書院, Ai Ling, Grace CHOU
Measuring the productivity changes of Chinese airlines : the impact of the entries of non-state-owned carriers, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW
Estimating technical efficiencies of airports in the Greater China : stochastic output distance function method vs. data envelopment analysis method, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW; Ka Yiu, Michael FUNG; and Japhet Sebastian LAW
Investment and the soft budget constraint in China, Kong Wing, Clement CHOW; M., Frank SONG; and Kit Pong WONG
Book review : Strong borders secure nation : cooperation and conflict in China's territorial disputes, Chien Peng CHUNG
China's multidimensional diplomacy toward the pacific islands, Chien Peng CHUNG
China's multilateral cooperation in Asia and the Pacific : institutionalizing Beijing's "good neighbour policy", Chien Peng CHUNG
Online reviews as a driver of new product sales, Geng CUI, Hon Kwong LUI, and Xiaoning GUO
Consumers' SKU choices in an online supermarket : a latent class approach, Geng CUI and Yanan WANG
Bayesian variable selection for binary response models and direct marketing forecasting, Geng CUI, Man Leung WONG, and Guichang ZHANG
Market and marketization in the China film business, Darrell William DAVIS
Book review : Portrait of a community : society, culture, and the structures of Kinship in the Mulan River Valley (Fujian) from the Late Tang through the Song, Richard Lee DAVIS
Cassirer in the Context of Saussurean Semiotics, Ersu DING
Parallels, interactions, and illuminations : traversing Chinese and Western theories of signs, Ersu DING
悲情与炫耀 : 华人移民文学中相反的叙事策略, Ersu DING
皮尔士符号理论与汉字分类, Ersu DING
论"诗性逻辑", Ersu DING
Reframing cultural studies : human rights as a site of legal-cultural struggles, John Nguyet ERNI
Clever love : dislocated intimacies among youth, John Nguyet ERNI and Anthony FUNG
Book review : Inequality and public policy in China, Chengze, Simon FAN and Junsen ZHANG
國家語委普通話水平測試應試教程, Haitong FENG (馮海峒), Fei LI, and Maopeng MA
Justifying top management pay in a transitional economy, Michael Arthur FIRTH, Tak Yan LEUNG, and Oliver M. RUI
Friend or foe? The role of state and mutual fund ownership in the split share structure reform in China, Michael Arthur FIRTH, Chen LIN, and Hong ZOU
Actual causation : a stone soup essay, Clark GLYMOUR, David DANKS, Bruce GLYMOUR, Frederick EBERHARDT, Joseph RAMSEY, Richard SCHEINES, Peter SPIRTES, Choh Man TENG, and Jiji ZHANG
Wettbewerbsfaktoren von Schweizer Produkten, Unternehmen und der Nation, Michael A. GRUND; Oliver HEIL; Shing Chung, Patrick POON; and Sergio MOCCIA
Book review : Race, law, and "the Chinese puzzle" in Imperial Britain, Mark HAMPTON
Book review : The changing faces of journalism : tabloidization, technology and truthiness, Mark HAMPTON
Book review : The Crimean War in the British imagination, Mark HAMPTON
The fourth estate ideal in journalism history, Mark HAMPTON
曉芙, Dezhi HAN
有一首法國古歌, Dezhi HAN
讀疊山先生慶全庵桃花有感, Dezhi HAN
Wage-hours contracts, overtime working and premium pay, Robert A. HART and Yue MA
Comparative statics of changes in risk on monotonically and partially responsive kinked payoffs, Arthur HAU
Work-life balance : promises made and promises kept, John S. HEYWOOD, W. S. SIEBERT, and Xiangdong WEI
Lone Scherfig's Italian for beginners, Mette HJORT
The Danish directors 2, Mette HJORT
Public governance and the ideal of government for the people, Lok Sang HO
Foreword, Lok Sang HO and Brian BRIDGES
Introduction : democracy and governance, Lok Sang HO and Brian BRIDGES
《左傳》所記齊莊公葬禮考釋, Tzu Pin HSU
《左傳》「絰皇」 釋義 : 從高本漢《左傳注釋》談起, Tzu Pin HSU
楊樹達〈讀《左傳》〉平議, Tzu Pin HSU
陳漢章《〈周禮〉行於春秋時證》析論, Tzu Pin HSU
重寫我城的歷史故事, Po Keung HUI
限富扶貧 : 富裕中的貧乏(新編), Po Keung HUI
Book Review : Performing childhood in the early modern theatre: the children's playing companies (1599–1613) by Edel Lamb, Ting Yan, Isaac HUI
From Xu Xi to the Chief Executive: Hong Kong in the Dock, Michael INGHAM
Staging the epic self : theatricality, philosophy and personality in brand and Peer Gynt, Michael INGHAM
為當下懷舊 : 文化保育的前世今生, Iam Chong IP
當文化研究遇上文化保育, Iam Chong IP
當「文物保育」變成活化, Iam Chong IP
直接行動, Iam Chong IP
Adaptive, convergent, and diversified archiving strategy for multiobjective evolutionary algorithms, Huidong JIN and Man Leung WONG
Organisational behaviour : a psychological perspective for the Asia Pacific, Thomas KALLIATH, Paula BROUGH, Michael O'DRISCOLL, Matthew J. MANIMALA, and Oi Ling SIU
Achieving transactional computer-mediated conferencing or : how to produce a highly interactive online discussion, Brant KNUTZEN and David Miles KENNEDY
唐宋詩詞中入聲的聲情作用, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
烟雨閒燈, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
展拓界址 :英治新界早期歷史探索, Chi Pang LAU
我們都在蘇屋邨長大 :香港人公屋生活的集體回憶, Chi Pang LAU
文化研究的關懷, Kin Chi LAU
女性與命運 : 粵劇、粵語戲曲電影論集, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
論《越娘記》和《太原意娘》中的改葬情, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
作為保守主義社會運動的宗教右派, Wing Sang LAW
文化教育對文化研究的挑戰, Wing Sang LAW
文化研究與文化教育, Wing Sang LAW
文化研究與文化教育 : 香港經驗談, Wing Sang LAW
文研十載來時路, Wing Sang LAW
古文素養與銘文的寫作, Hung Kai LEE
「歲取十千」解 : 從英譯《詩經》說起, Hung Kai LEE
Joint pricing and contingent free-shipping decisions in B2C transactions, Mingming LENG and Rafael BECERRIL-ARREOLA
Analytic solution for the nucleolus of a three-player cooperative game, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR
A note on optimal "riskless" and "risk" prices for the newsvendor problem with an assembly cost, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR
Game-theoretic analyses of decentralized assembly supply chains : non-cooperative equilibria vs. coordination with cost-sharing contracts, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR
劉以鬯與香港現代主義, Ping Kwan LEUNG; Kwok Kan TAM; King Fai WONG; and Shuk Han, Mary WONG
從商營電台應否協助政治宣傳說起, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)
從「民粹」中尋找「公共」的媒體教育, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)
高鐵運動的新啟示 : 主流/獨立、新/舊媒體的新互動, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)
再论双语互译文本在对比研究当中的定位, Donghui LI