Submissions from 2010
Book review : Inequality and public policy in China, Chengze, Simon FAN and Junsen ZHANG
國家語委普通話水平測試應試教程, Haitong FENG (馮海峒), Fei LI, and Maopeng MA
Justifying top management pay in a transitional economy, Michael Arthur FIRTH, Tak Yan LEUNG, and Oliver M. RUI
Friend or foe? The role of state and mutual fund ownership in the split share structure reform in China, Michael Arthur FIRTH, Chen LIN, and Hong ZOU
Actual causation : a stone soup essay, Clark GLYMOUR, David DANKS, Bruce GLYMOUR, Frederick EBERHARDT, Joseph RAMSEY, Richard SCHEINES, Peter SPIRTES, Choh Man TENG, and Jiji ZHANG
Wettbewerbsfaktoren von Schweizer Produkten, Unternehmen und der Nation, Michael A. GRUND; Oliver HEIL; Shing Chung, Patrick POON; and Sergio MOCCIA
Book review : Race, law, and "the Chinese puzzle" in Imperial Britain, Mark HAMPTON
Book review : The changing faces of journalism : tabloidization, technology and truthiness, Mark HAMPTON
Book review : The Crimean War in the British imagination, Mark HAMPTON
The fourth estate ideal in journalism history, Mark HAMPTON
曉芙, Dezhi HAN
有一首法國古歌, Dezhi HAN
讀疊山先生慶全庵桃花有感, Dezhi HAN
Wage-hours contracts, overtime working and premium pay, Robert A. HART and Yue MA
Comparative statics of changes in risk on monotonically and partially responsive kinked payoffs, Arthur HAU
Work-life balance : promises made and promises kept, John S. HEYWOOD, W. S. SIEBERT, and Xiangdong WEI
Lone Scherfig's Italian for beginners, Mette HJORT
The Danish directors 2, Mette HJORT
Public governance and the ideal of government for the people, Lok Sang HO
Foreword, Lok Sang HO and Brian BRIDGES
《左傳》所記齊莊公葬禮考釋, Tzu Pin HSU
《左傳》「絰皇」 釋義 : 從高本漢《左傳注釋》談起, Tzu Pin HSU
楊樹達〈讀《左傳》〉平議, Tzu Pin HSU
陳漢章《〈周禮〉行於春秋時證》析論, Tzu Pin HSU
重寫我城的歷史故事, Po Keung HUI
限富扶貧 : 富裕中的貧乏(新編), Po Keung HUI
Book Review : Performing childhood in the early modern theatre: the children's playing companies (1599–1613) by Edel Lamb, Ting Yan, Isaac HUI
From Xu Xi to the Chief Executive: Hong Kong in the Dock, Michael INGHAM
Staging the epic self : theatricality, philosophy and personality in brand and Peer Gynt, Michael INGHAM
為當下懷舊 : 文化保育的前世今生, Iam Chong IP
當文化研究遇上文化保育, Iam Chong IP
當「文物保育」變成活化, Iam Chong IP
直接行動, Iam Chong IP
Adaptive, convergent, and diversified archiving strategy for multiobjective evolutionary algorithms, Huidong JIN and Man Leung WONG
Organisational behaviour : a psychological perspective for the Asia Pacific, Thomas KALLIATH, Paula BROUGH, Michael O'DRISCOLL, Matthew J. MANIMALA, and Oi Ling SIU
Achieving transactional computer-mediated conferencing or : how to produce a highly interactive online discussion, Brant KNUTZEN and David Miles KENNEDY
唐宋詩詞中入聲的聲情作用, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
烟雨閒燈, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
展拓界址 :英治新界早期歷史探索, Chi Pang LAU
我們都在蘇屋邨長大 :香港人公屋生活的集體回憶, Chi Pang LAU
文化研究的關懷, Kin Chi LAU
女性與命運 : 粵劇、粵語戲曲電影論集, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
論《越娘記》和《太原意娘》中的改葬情, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
作為保守主義社會運動的宗教右派, Wing Sang LAW
文化教育對文化研究的挑戰, Wing Sang LAW
文化研究與文化教育, Wing Sang LAW
文化研究與文化教育 : 香港經驗談, Wing Sang LAW
文研十載來時路, Wing Sang LAW
古文素養與銘文的寫作, Hung Kai LEE
「歲取十千」解 : 從英譯《詩經》說起, Hung Kai LEE
Joint pricing and contingent free-shipping decisions in B2C transactions, Mingming LENG and Rafael BECERRIL-ARREOLA
Analytic solution for the nucleolus of a three-player cooperative game, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR
A note on optimal "riskless" and "risk" prices for the newsvendor problem with an assembly cost, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR
Game-theoretic analyses of decentralized assembly supply chains : non-cooperative equilibria vs. coordination with cost-sharing contracts, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR
劉以鬯與香港現代主義, Ping Kwan LEUNG; Kwok Kan TAM; King Fai WONG; and Shuk Han, Mary WONG
從商營電台應否協助政治宣傳說起, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)
從「民粹」中尋找「公共」的媒體教育, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)
高鐵運動的新啟示 : 主流/獨立、新/舊媒體的新互動, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)
再论双语互译文本在对比研究当中的定位, Donghui LI
Antecedents and effect of internet implementation for trade shows, Ling Yee, Esther LI
Antecedents of principal–agent relationship value : the differential impact of social capital and dynamic learning factors, Ling Yee, Esther LI
Encouraging extra-role behaviour in a channel context : the role of economic-, social-, and justice- based sharedness mechanisms, Ling Yee, Esther LI
Factors that reduce rigid product adaptation decisions : the case of exporting firms in China, Ling Yee, Esther LI
Property rights protection and corporate R&D : evidence from China, Chen LIN, Ping LIN, and Frank SONG
Audit collusion in China : a joint effort of bureaucrats, SOE managers and local auditors, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN
性別編演、操演與女子的男性氣質 : 中國傳統戲曲武旦戲的當代搬演, Siu Leung LI
The evaluation of an integrated stress management intervention program among Chinese health care workers, Jia Yan LIU, Oi Ling SIU, and Kan SHI
Authorial intention and the varieties of intentionalism, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
On the appreciation of cinematic adaptations, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Teaching and learning guide for : cinema as philosophy, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Artistic collaboration and the completion of works of art, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON and Carol ARCHER
西學東漸第一人 : 利瑪竇在中國 (1582-1610年), Weiling LI (李韡玲) and Chi Pang LAU
A copula model for dependent competing risks, Ming Sum, Simon LO and R. A. WILKE
Extending the capabilities of mobile phones with multi-servers, Alfred W. S. LOO, C. W. CHUNG, and Alan LAM
Illusion of wireless security, Wai Sing, Alfred LOO
Can corporate governance deter management from manipulating earnings? Evidence from related-party sales transactions in China, Wai Yee, Agnes LO; Man Kong, Raymond WONG; and Michael FIRTH
Tax, financial reporting, and tunneling incentives for income shifting : an empirical analysis of the transfer pricing behavior of Chinese-listed companies, Wai Yee, Agnes LO; Man Kong, Raymond WONG; and Michael FIRTH
Team training in China : testing and applying the theory of cooperation and competition, Jiafang LU, Dean William TJOSVOLD, and Kan SHI
Does loyalty protect Chinese workers from stress? The role of affective organizational commitment in the Greater China Region, Luo LU, Oi Ling SIU, and Chang-Qin LU
Sogdian translators in Tang China : an issue of loyalty, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG
Why is it so difficult to measure the effects of interruptions in healthcare?, Farah MAGRABI; Yau Wai, Simon LI; Adam G. DUNN; and Enrico COIERA
How Cloudy a Crystal Ball: A Psychometric Assessment of Concept Testing, Ling PENG and Adam FINN
How far can you rely on a concept test: the generalizability of testing over occasions, Ling PENG and Adam FINN
Whose crystal ball to choose? Individual differences in the generalizability of concept testing, Ling PENG and Adam FINN
Why was Hong Kong unable to substantially implement tax information exchange in time?, Monica PHENY and Wai Yee, Pauline WONG
Book review : Ageing and development, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Book review : Social policy in an ageing society : age and health in Singapore, David Rosser PHILLIPS
Person-environment (P-E) fit models and psychological well-being among older persons in Hong Kong, David Rosser PHILLIPS, Kevin H. C. CHENG, Anthony G. O. YEH, and Oi Ling SIU
Adoption of continuous and discontinuous innovations : the role of consumer expectations, Shing Chung, Patrick POON
Attitudes of migrants towards foreign-made products: an exploratory study of migrants in Australia, Shing Chung, Patrick POON; Felicitas EVANGELISTA; and Gerald ALBAUM
廟宇、城市空間與國民改造 : 民國時期廣州城隍廟的變化, Shuk Wah POON
The translator in Tibetan history : identity and influence, Roberta Ann RAINE
How do oil price shocks affect a small non-oil producing economy? Evidence from Hong Kong, Jimmy RAN; Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON; and Guangzhong LI
From Marcos to Arroyo : what went wrong for democracy in the Philippines?, James Andrew RICE
Race : a social destruction of a biological concept, Neven SESARDIC
Research methods and intelligibility studies, Andrew John SEWELL
Monitoring students' overseas experience through a learning management system, C. SHIRLEY
馮夢龍重編《酒家傭》, Sau Ieng SI TOU
Gangs in the markets : network-based cognition in China's futures industry, Leung Sea, Lucia SIU