
Submissions from 2011


Book review : Imagining sociological theory, William Peter BAEHR


Editorial, William Peter BAEHR


Marxism and Islamism : intellectual conformity in Aron’s time and our own, William Peter BAEHR


Purity and danger in the modern university, William Peter BAEHR


Incentives for cost shifting and misreporting : US rural universal service subsidies, 1991-2002, Sanford V. BERG, Liangliang JIANG, and Chen LIN


Universal service subsidies and cost overstatement : evidence from the U.S. telecommunications sector, Sanford V. BERG, Liangliang JIANG, and Chen LIN

Beyond the Olympics : power, change and legacy, Brian BRIDGES


The making of a modest mega-event : Hong Kong and the 2009 EastAsian games, Brian BRIDGES

Being a Chinese university graduate village official : pragmatism or sense of citizenship?, Che Po CHAN


迈向活跃老化 (积极乐颐年) 的政策观点 : 以香港左邻右里计划为例, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Tsz Huen LEUNG (梁芷瑄)


Introduction : education and cultural studies, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN and Po Keung HUI


Taking education seriously as reform : curriculum policy research and its implications for cultural studies, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN and Yuen Fun, Muriel LAW


In defence of polysystem theory, Nam Fung CHANG


A culture of protection : the establishment of a sex offenders' register in Hong Kong, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN

Women in public affairs : old and not so new challenges, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN


兒童及青少年的性權與性教育 : 單從保護出發是否上策?, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN

性通識 : 本性權利與道德爭議, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN

Women police officers in Hong Kong : femininity and policing, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN and Ka-ki, Lawrence HO


Aggregate quasi rents and auditor independence : evidence from audit firm mergers in China, Koon Hung CHAN and Donghui WU

Beyond war and men : reconceptualizing peace in relation to the everyday and women, Shun Hing CHAN

中國跨國公司在企業國際化過程中的外國市場選擇與進入模式, Tsang Sing CHAN and Geng CUI


下一刻, Wai Ying CHAN

凝神與漫想 : 香港詩歌「遊」的美學, Wai Ying CHAN

流轉, Wai Ying CHAN


視物、感物、知物 : 香港詩人的都市想像與物質書寫, Wai Ying CHAN

隧道時光, Wai Ying CHAN


Psychological contract breach and counterproductive workplace behaviors : testing moderating effect of attribution style and power distance, M. C., Joe CHAO; Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG; and Man Sze, Anise WU

新旧白话与简繁体字 : 对话陈丹青, Danqing CHEN and Zidong XU


The influence of corporate governance structure on executive pay, Lai Sheung, Suwina CHENG; Man Ching, Gladie LUI; Connie SHUM; and Shuk Fong, Ada WONG


The information content of earnings components : evidence from the Chinese stock market, Gongmeng CHEN; Michael Arthur FIRTH; and Ning, Daniel GAO


The impact of the high technology crisis on CEO compensation, Suwina CHENG and Bruce A. RAYTON


Knowledge management in Chinese organizations : collectivist values for open-minded discussions, Guoquan CHEN, Dean William TJOSVOLD, Nan LI, Yue FU, and Dawei LIU


Constructive controversy for learning and team effectiveness in China, Guoquan CHEN, Dean William TJOSVOLD, Huiqun ZHAO, Nan NING, and Yue FU

Recovery from the 2008 Great Sichuan Earthquake in China : constructive controversy and relationships, Yifeng, Nancy CHEN; Yi KANG; Dean William TJOSVOLD; and Yang, Cathy GUO


Newcomer socialization in China : effects of team values and goal interdependence, Yifeng, Nancy CHEN; Dean TJOSVOLD; Xu HUANG; and Da XU


New manager socialization and conflict management in China : effects of relationship and open conflict values, Yifeng, Nancy CHEN; Dean William TJOSVOLD; Xu HUANG; and Da XU


Optimizing stacking ensemble by an ant colony optimization approach, Yijun CHEN and Man Leung WONG


Monograph circulation over a 15-year period in a liberal arts university, Sheila CHEUNG, Terry CHUNG, and F. NESTA


Psychological capital as a moderator between emotional labor, burnout, and job satisfaction among school teachers in China, Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG; So Kum, Catherine TANG; and Shuwen TANG

中聯影業的寫實主義與官方編造的「香港精神」, Wan Kan CHIN

香港城邦論, Wan Kan CHIN

九評地產黨 : 香港輿論界抗擊地產霸權, Wan Kan CHIN; Wing Ping, Joseph WONG; Kwong Tak, Albert LAI; Max WONG; Zunzi; Kwok Ming MA; Zhisen WU; Yingqi HUANG; and Po Keung HUI


Confucianism, colonialism, and the Cold War : Chinese cultural education at Hong Kong's New Asia College, 1949-63, Ai Ling, Grace CHOU


Using online collaborative tools for groups to co-construct knowledge, Kai Wai, Samuel CHU and David M. KENNEDY


Designing Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Chien Peng CHUNG


Japan's involvement in Asia-centered regional forums in the context of relations with China and the United States, Chien Peng CHUNG

The geopolitics of Asia in 2030 from China's perspective and interest, Chien Peng CHUNG

Aesthetic properties, Rafael DE CLERCQ


Modern architecture and the concept of harmony, Rafael DE CLERCQ


Reflections on marriage and family therapy emergent from international dialogues in China, Jason DIAS, Albert CHAN, James UNGVARSKY, James ORAKER, and Heatherlyn P. CLEARE-HOFFMAN


Repositioning William Wordsworth in contemporary China, Ersu DING

符号学与跨文化研究, Ersu DING

Legal education and the rise of rights consciousness in China, John Nguyet ERNI


The luxury axiom, the wealth paradox, and child labor, Chengze, Simon FAN


An optimal policy for joint dynamic price and lead-time quotation, Jiejian FENG, Liming LIU, and Xiaoming LIU


Insider trading in Hong Kong : tests of stock returns and trading frequency, Michael Arthur FIRTH, T. Y. LEUNG, and Oliver M. RUI


Auditors' organizational form, legal liability, and reporting conservatism : evidence from China, Michael Arthur FIRTH, Phyllis L. L. MO, and Raymond M. K. WONG

The language of metaphors, Andrew GOATLY


Book review : Family newspapers? Sex, private life and the British Popular Press 1918-1978, Mark HAMPTON

Book review : The empire project : the rise and fall of the British world-system, 1830-1970, Mark HAMPTON

Book review : The punch brotherhood : table talk and print culture in Mid-Victorian London, Mark HAMPTON


Early Hong Kong television, 1950s-1970s : commercialisation, public service and Britishness, Mark HAMPTON


秋之香江, Dezhi HAN


秋晴城門河早行, Dezhi HAN


Optimal brokerage commissions for fair insurance : a first order approach, Arthur HAU


Pricing of loan commitments for facilitating stochastic liquidity needs, Arthur HAU

Evaluating attitudes towards a technology-based writing program, Preet Pankaj HIRADHAR

Denmark, Mette HJORT


Small Cinemas: How They Thrive and Why They Matter, Mette HJORT


The problem with provocation : On Lars von Trier, enfant terrible of Danish art film, Mette HJORT


Hong Kong's happiness indices : what they tell us about LIFE?, Lok Sang HO

Human spirituality and happiness : a tribute to life, the source of inspirations, the source of hope, the source of joy, Lok Sang HO


Making a happier Hong Kong, Lok Sang HO


Towards an effective (more or less) monetary union in Asia, Lok Sang HO


APEC and the rise of China, Lok Sang HO and John WONG


APEC and the rise of China : an introduction, Lok Sang HO and John WONG

《左傳》「寡君將墮幣焉」解, Tzu Pin HSU

從語文角度看香港樓盤的中文名稱, Tzu Pin HSU

王逸《楚辭章句》發微, Tzu Pin HSU


Doing cultural studies in the Hong Kong educational context a tale of two action research experiments, Po Keung HUI and Chak Sang PANG

The Mind's Ear: imagination, emotions and ideas in the intersemiotic transportation of Housman's poetry to song, Mike INGHAM


Subject-Verb Inversion and Iambic Rhythm in Shakespeare's Dramatic Verse, Richard INGHAM and Michael INGHAM

Social media uprising in the Chinese-speaking world, Iam Chong IP

序 : 改造社會常態的力量, Iam Chong IP

旁观者的可能 : 香港电影中的冷战经验与「社会主义中国」, Iam Chong IP

草根起義 : 從虛擬到真實, Iam Chong IP


阶级、权力与文化 : 对 「蚁族研究」 的反思, Iam Chong IP

集體行動力與社會運動, Iam Chong IP

Editor's note, Iam Chong IP and Chi Leung LEE


The social economy of new rural reconstruction, Pan JIA'EN and Du JIE

Work-life balance : a three-wave longitudinal analysis of its mediating role, Thomas KALLIATH, Jeffrey H. GREENHAUS, Paula BROUGH, Oi Ling SIU, Michael O'DRISCOLL, and Jerry MARMEN

The global classroom project : learning a second language in a virtual environment, Brant KNUTZEN and David KENNEDY


The impact of the financial tsunami on Hong Kong port, Ying KOU, Liming LIU, and Xin TIAN


《春秋左傳》王引之《述聞》獻疑, Pang Fei KWOK, Tzu Pin HSU, and Bit Chee KWOK


Problems in translating culture : the translated titles of Fusheng liuji, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

The aesthetics of parallelism in Chinese poetry : the case of Xie Lingyun, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

朱淑真李清照詩詞逐字索引, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

武則天李冶薛濤魚玄機詩逐字索引, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

清風嶺, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG

瀟湘月, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG