Submissions from 2012
An assessment of China's banking system reform, Alicia GARCÍA-HERRERO and Daniel SANTABÁRBARA
The impact of airport and seaport privatization on efficiency and performance : a review of the international evidence and implications for developing countries, Stephen X. H. GONG, Kevin CULLINANE, and Michael Arthur FIRTH
The issue of representativeness in Hong Kong English, Julie M. GROVES
Interchange fee rate, merchant discount rate, and retail price in a credit card network : a game-theoretic analysis, Hangfei GUO, Mingming LENG, and Yulan WANG
Motivational effects of linking incentives to different measures in strategic performance measurement systems : implications for proactive strategic behavior, Lan GUO; Wong On Wing BERNARD; and Man Ching, Gladie LUI
Journalists' histories of journalism : Britain since the 1950s, Mark HAMPTON
Projecting Britishness to Hong Kong : the British Council and Hong Kong House, nineteen-fifties to nineteen-seventies, Mark HAMPTON
Colonial legacies and internationalization : British history in contemporary Hong Kong, Mark HAMPTON and C. L., Carol TSANG
At the crossroads of higher education : implementing e-learning management systems, Preet Pankaj HIRADHAR
Film review : 1428, Mette HJORT
Film review : Blind Shaft/Mang Jing, Mette HJORT
Film review : KJ : music and life, Mette HJORT
Globalization, exports, and effective exchange rate indices, Lok Sang HO
Public policy and the public interest, Lok Sang HO
Researching organizational learning in Chinese contexts, Fok Loi, Jacky HONG; Robin Stanley SNELL; and Mark EASTERBY-SMITH
《左傳》「墮幣」及相關紀事考釋, Tzu Pin HSU
《左傳》禮制與"三禮"有合有不合說, Tzu Pin HSU
Competition and coordination in a fashion supply chain with wholesale pricing schemes, Jian HUANG, Mingming LENG, and Liping LIANG
Recent developments in dynamic advertising research, Jian HUANG, Mingming LENG, and Liping LIANG
Why does one act differently from what one pledges? Multiple perspectives and independent enquiry study in liberal studies, Po Keung HUI
告別犬儒 : 續篇, Po Keung HUI
在反智社會裹怎樣做文化研究, Po Keung HUI
為甚麼我們做的並非是我們講的? 通識教育的多角度思考與獨立專題研習, Po Keung HUI
重思文化評論和社會運動, Po Keung HUI
新高中通識科課程內容研究調查報告, Po Keung HUI and Youying YU
Hong Kong's democratic movement and the making of China's offshore civil society, Ho Fung HUNG and Iam Chong IP
Twenty years on : Hong Kong dissident documentarians and the Tiananmen factor, Michael Anthony INGHAM
為下一代覺醒, Iam Chong IP
The global classroom project : learning a second language in a virtual environment, Brant KNUTZEN and David KENNEDY
Designing the Self: the Transformation of the Relational Self-concept through Social Encounters in a Collaborative Virtual Environment, Brant KNUTZEN and David M. KENNEDY
「內美」與「脩能」 : 詩人與詩, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
東山零雨, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
翠韻芊芊, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
隔岸留痕, Yim Tze, Charles KWONG
The opportunity recognition framework in the Hong Kong SMEs context, Wing LAM; Hiu Kan, Ada WONG; Chung Sze, Phyllis TONG; and Ziguang CHEN
僑通天下: 陳有慶傳, Chi Pang LAU
屯門, Chi Pang LAU
《新安縣全圖》(1866) 中的香港新界村莊, Chi Pang LAU
侯寶璋家族史 (增訂版), Chi Pang LAU and Shu-yong LIU (劉蜀永)
不遇、補償與辟邪 : 論〈慶豐年五鬼鬧鍾馗〉, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
神話・仙話・鬼話 : 古典小說論集, Yin Ping, Grace LAU
Enhancing the study of art and community through service-learning, Suk Mun, Sophia LAW
從文化批判到文化研究的教育 : 嶺大文研的道路, Wing Sang LAW
殖民研究與香港研究, Wing Sang LAW
簡論香港政治與選舉文化的變遷和挑戰, Wing Sang LAW
解讀香港臥底電影的情緒結構和變遷, Wing Sang LAW
A study of ubiquitous technologies in higher education in Hong Kong, Marc Craig LEBANE
讀《現代漢語大詞典》, Hung Kai LEE
Validating the Concord Index as a measure of family relationships in China, Paul H. LEE; Sunita M. STEWARTS; Miu Chi, Vivian LUN; Michael H. BOND; Xiaonan YU; and T. H. LAM
Transfer pricing in a multidivisional firm : a cooperative game analysis, Mingming LENG and Mahmut PARLAR
Learning goal orientation and creative performance : the mediating roles of intrinsic motivation, Kwok LEUNG, Tingting CHEN, and Guoquan CHEN
序 : 從學術研究、學科教育到社區關懷 : 討論香港文學與電影的意義, Ping Kwan LEUNG and Shuk Han WONG
香港文學與電影, Ping Kwan LEUNG (梁秉鈞); Shuk Han, Mary WONG; Hai Yan SHEN (沈海燕); and Ching Hang, Matthew CHENG
Re-nationalizing the transnational? The cases of exiled and missing in Hong Kong-China film co-production, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)
回歸後香港新聞自由的情況, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)
特首選舉新聞商品化, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)
Pedagogical development via production of new teaching materials for LCC101 Practical Chinese I, Donghui LI
院校分享 : 嶺南大學中國語文教學與測試中心新學制的課程架構, Donghui LI
Precautionary saving in the presence of labor income and interest rate risks, Jingyuan LI
Service and price competition when customers are naive, Li LI, Li JIANG, and Liming LIU
Does property rights protection affect corporate risk management strategy? Intra- and cross-country evidence, Chen LIN, Ping LIN, and Hong ZOU
What drives bank operating efficiency? The role of bank competition and credit information sharing, Chen LIN, Yue MA, and Frank M. SONG
Merger control policy under China’s anti-monopoly law, Ping LIN and Jingjing ZHAO
Recent amendments to Hong Kong's competition bill, Ping LIN and Jingjing ZHAO
Recent reform in Chinese VAT policies, Zhenpin, Kenny LIN and Wai Yee, Pauline WONG
The executive, Pang Kwong LI
香港管治困局的深層次因素, Pang Kwong LI
Phonological features of China English, Siqi LI and Andrew John SEWELL
戲曲更新與現代性的追尋, Siu Leung LI
波叔的「笑中淚」, Siu Leung LI
药品进价加成定价制度对制药产业研发投入的影响分析, Xuning LIU (刘旭宁) and Ping LIN
公立医院买方垄断对制药产业研发投入的影响 : 基于博弈模型的理论分析和实证检验, Xuning LIU (刘旭宁), Xuheng ZANG (臧旭恒), and Ping LIN
Spectatorship and risk, Paisley LIVINGSTON
Book review: Seeing fictions in film: the epistemology of movies, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Cinema, philosophy, Bergman : on film as philosophy, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
Itérabilité et ontologie de l’art, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
On cinematic genius : ontology and appreciation, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON
A systematic review of the psychological literature on interruption and its patient safety implications, Yau Wai, Simon LI; Farah MAGRABI; and Enrico COIERA
Distributed computing innovations for business, engineering, and science, Wai Sing, Alfred LOO
Smart phones and multi-servers, Wai Sing, Alfred LOO; Chi Wai CHUNG; and Wing Lun, Alan LAM
Book review : Hong Kong's housing policy : a case study in social justice, Hon Kwong LUI
Outcome-based education and student learning in managerial accounting in Hong Kong, Man Ching, Gladie LUI and Connie SHUM
Examining the influence of culture on critical thinking, Miu Chi, Vivian LUN
Harmonizing conflicting views about harmony in Chinese culture, Miu Chi, Vivian LUN
Post-entry container port capacity expansion, Meifeng LUO, Liming LIU, and Fei GAO
Towards a quality of social network (QoSN) model in the context of social web services, Zakaria MAAMAR; Noura FACI; Wai Sing, Alfred LOO; and Parisa GHODOUS
港式中文连词调查报告, Maopeng MA
论汉语语音史研究中的假说演绎法, Maopeng MA
Complex goods' exports and institutions : empirics at the firm level, Yue MA, Baozhi QU, and Yifan ZHANG
Global health : an introduction to current and future trends, Kevin MCCRACKEN and David Rosser PHILLIPS
Progress of the ICOSA project : findings of the needs analysis, Andy John MORRALL, Fiona WILLIAMS, and Marc Craig LEBANE
Institutinal culture : a manifesto with rules, Meaghan MORRIS and Mette HJORT
The effect of manufacturing flexibility on export performance in China, Gabriel O. OGUNMOKUN and Ling Yee, Esther LI
Sales maximization or profit maximization? How state shareholders discipline their CEOs in China, Sonja OPPER; Man Lai, Sonia WONG; and Yong YANG
On the paradoxical balancing of panaceaism and particularism within the field of management learning, Anders ÖRTENBLAD, Robin Stanley SNELL, Manuela PERROTTA, and Devi AKELLA
Individual differences in consumer responses to traditional versus virtual concept testing, Ling PENG, Geng CUI, and Chunyu LI
A framework for optimizing the cost and performance of concept testing, Ling PENG, Chunyu LI, and Xiang WAN
The effects of image congruence and self-monitoring on product evaluations : a comparison between genuine and counterfeit products, Ling PENG; Hiu Kan, Ada WONG; and Chun Ying , LISA WAN