
Submissions from 2009

鐘擺與螺旋 : 中國的政治與經濟改革, Yiu Chung WONG

鐘擺與螺旋 : 中國的政治與經濟改革, Yiu Chung WONG

American nuclear primacy or mutually assured destruction : the future of the U.S.-China strategic balance of power, Baohui ZHANG


Political paralysis of the Basic Law regime and the politics of institutional reform in Hong Kong, Baohui ZHANG

新國際格局下的中國外交, Baohui ZHANG (張泊匯)

新國際格局下的中國外交, Baohui ZHANG (張泊匯)

民主化, Baohui ZHANG


La Cina sta diventando una potenza revisionista? [Is China becoming a revisionist state?], Baohui ZHANG and Mario RIMINI

Submissions from 2008


Introducing Asia, Europe and the challenges of globalization, Richard BLAME and Brian BRIDGES

Korea and the gulf crisis, Brian BRIDGES


The European Union and the Korean Conundrum, Brian BRIDGES


Looking north : Taiwan’s relations with Japan under Chen Shui-bian, Brian BRIDGES and Che Po CHAN

從自由到保守傾向 : 過去卅年中國知識青年政治文化之轉變, Che Po CHAN (陳皙博)


The Shanghai administrative reform in the last decade : more rationalisation and marketisation, Che Po CHAN and Ren XIAO


China's approaches to the institutionalization of regional multilateralism, Chien Peng CHUNG

Separatism in modern China : an analytical framework, Chien Peng CHUNG


The role of Asia-Pacific organizations in maintaining regional security, Chien Peng CHUNG

從「共識政治」到「否決政治」 : 香港行政立法關係的質變, Pang Kwong LI


Education reform in Hong Kong : the "through-road" model and its societal consequences, Yuk Kang, Anita POON and Yiu Chung WONG


Policy changes and impact of the education reform in Hong Kong, Yuk Kang, Anita POON and Yiu Chung WONG

如何認識民主? : 略析一般人對民主的誤解, Yiu Chung WONG


Improving democratic governance in East Asia, Baohui ZHANG


Taiwan's political balancing act, Baohui ZHANG


The Taiwan strait and the future of China's no-first-use nuclear policy, Baohui ZHANG

Submissions from 2007

Domestic politics and the making of US foreign policy towards China during Bush's first term : the case of US textile industry, K. S., Jackson CHO and Yiu Chung WONG


Resolving China's island disputes : a two-level game analysis, Chien Peng CHUNG

Political transition and regime transformation, Pang Kwong LI

The executive, Pang Kwong LI

Policy goals and impact of Hong Kong's education reform, Y. K., Anita POON and Yiu Chung WONG


The modernization of Chinese nuclear forces and its impact on Sino-U.S. relations, Baohui ZHANG

Submissions from 2006

Fun, fervor or fitness? : sporting cultures and happiness, Brian BRIDGES

The changing ethics within the Chinese People's Liberation Army : yesterday's Lei Feng vs. today's young soldiers, Che Po CHAN


Evolution of the Pudong government : Chinese local administrative reform in adapting to an expanding market economy, Che Po CHAN and Wai Kit POON


China and the institutionalization of the Shanghai cooperation organization, Chien Peng CHUNG

Confronting terrorism and other evils in China : all quiet on the western front?, Chien Peng CHUNG


"Super paradox" or "Leninist integration" : the politics of legislating Article 23 of Hong Kong's Basic Law, Yiu Chung WONG

讀寫《明月》四十年, Yiu Chung WONG

American nuclear primacy or emerging US-China parity : projecting the future of strategic balance of power, Baohui ZHANG

Toward the rule of law : why China's path will be different from the West, Baohui ZHANG

Submissions from 2005


Has China's anti-secession law made the world a safer place?, Chien Peng CHUNG


The Shanghai cooperation organization : institutionalization, cooperation and rivalry, Chien Peng CHUNG

From Deng Xiaoping to Jiang Zemin : two decades of political reform in the People's Republic of China, Yiu Chung WONG

The 2004 Hong Kong Legislative Council Elections : the withering of the Democratic Party, Yiu Chung WONG


Why and how does Asia cooperate?, Baohui ZHANG

Submissions from 2004

Business as usual? The European Union and Hong Kong after the handover, Brian BRIDGES


The Shanghai co-operation organization : China's changing influence in Central Asia, Chien Peng CHUNG

Governance in education in Hong Kong : a decentralizing or a centralizing path?, Yuk Kang, Anita POON and Yiu Chung WONG

"One country" and "two systems" : where is the line?, Yiu Chung WONG

"One country, two systems" in crisis : Hong Kong's transformation since the handover, Yiu Chung WONG


American hegemony and China's U.S. policy, Baohui ZHANG

How and when will China democratize : the lessons from Taiwan, Baohui ZHANG

Submissions from 2003


Western Europe and north Korea : new openings and old problems, Brian BRIDGES

Book review : The dual developmental state : development strategy and institutional arrangements for China's transition, Yiu Chung WONG

Submissions from 2002


China's special economic areas : provincial competition and institutional change, Pang Kwong LI

Die Demokratisierung Hongkongs : Eine Analyse der Institutionen, Pang Kwong LI


Rethinking the democratic transition in Hong Kong : some methodological and substantive issues, Yiu Chung WONG


Corporatism, civil society and democratisation in the People's Republic of China, Yiu Chung WONG and Che Po CHAN

Submissions from 2001

Book review : Consolidating democracy in South Korea, and The politics of democratization in Korea : the role of civil society, Brain BRIDGES

Book review : Chinese society : change, conflict and resistance, Che Po CHAN


The 1998 State Council organizational streamlining : personnel reduction and change of government function, Che Po CHAN and Gavin DREWRY


Civil service reform in the People's Republic of China : another mirage of the new global paradigm of public administration?, Gavin DREWRY and Che Po CHAN

The executive-legislature relationship in Hong Kong : evolution and development, Pang Kwong LI

Book review : Power transfer and election politics : the First Legislative Election in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Yiu Chung WONG

Post-handover politics in Hong Kong : institutional changes, legitimacy crisis and China's intervention, Yiu Chung WONG

Submissions from 2000

The political pragmatism of Chinese university students at the dawn of the twenty-first century, Che Po CHAN


The voting propensity of Hong Kong Christians : individual disposition, church influence, and the China factor, Che Po CHAN and Kit Fun, Beatrice LEUNG

Hong Kong from Britain to China : political cleavages, electoral dynamics and institutional changes, Pang Kwong LI

The democratic transition of Hong Kong : an institutional analysis, Pang Kwong LI


Book review : Democracy and modernisation, Yiu Chung WONG


Book review : Hong Kong's embattled democracy : a societal analysis, Yiu Chung WONG

Hong Kong : captive colony, Yiu Chung WONG


Review essay : Hong Kong from Britain to China : political cleavages, electoral dynamics and institutional changes, by Li Pang-Kwong, Yiu Chung WONG

從政治改革到行政改革 : 中國政治體制改革的宏觀分析, Yiu Chung WONG

神州五十年 : 香港的視野, Yiu Chung WONG

Submissions from 1999

Book review : Japan's evolving foreign policy doctrine : from Yoshida to Miyazawa, and Japanese foreign policy : the emerging logic of multilateralism, Brain BRIDGES


Europe and the Asian financial crisis : coping with contagion, Brian BRIDGES


The political pragmatism of Chinese university students : 10 years after the 1989 movement, Che Po CHAN

選舉與香港民主發展, Pang Kwong LI

Book review : Market liberalism : American foreign policy toward China, Yiu Chung WONG


Book review : The last governor, Asian values and China's uniqueness, Yiu Chung WONG

書評 : «The democratization of China», Yiu Chung WONG

Submissions from 1998

香港選舉制度的設計, Pang Kwong LI


Book review : The golden needle : the biography of Frederick Stewart (1836-1889), Yiu Chung WONG

兩岸關係 : 轉變中的香港角色, Yiu Chung WONG

書評 :《思入風雲 : 現代中國的思想發展與社會變遷》, Yiu Chung WONG

Submissions from 1997

Executive and legislature : institutional design, electoral dynamics and the management of conflicts in the Hong Kong transition, Pang Kwong LI


Give and take : electoral politics in transitional Hong Kong, Pang Kwong LI

Political order and power transition in Hong Kong, Pang Kwong LI

香港的殖民地的統治, Pang Kwong LI


The two-faced Tung Cheehwa, Yiu Chung WONG

中國政治體制改革的回顧與前瞻, Yiu Chung WONG

書評 : «The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order», Yiu Chung WONG

民主化浪潮與香港的政治發展, Yiu Chung WONG

Submissions from 1994


The Asian-Pacific 'geese' : flying or floundering?, Brian BRIDGES

主權問題阻礙兩岸會談, Yiu Chung WONG

八十年代中國大陸、台灣及香港的政治發展及其未來走向, Yiu Chung WONG

書評 :《中國 : 毛澤東熱》, Yiu Chung WONG


評《中國的人權狀況》白皮書, Yiu Chung WONG

Submissions from 1993


Guest editor’s introduction, Brian BRIDGES

書評 : 《社會學新論》, Yung LAU (劉融) and Yiu Chung WONG