Lingnan Videos - Lectures & Seminars is the archive of scholarly presentations organized by Lingnan University, including public seminar, public lecture, inaugural lecture, university assembly, etc.
Symposium and first panel introduction | 2005 Annual MCS Symposium | Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN and Po Keung HUI
First roundtable session : professional practices : defaults and dynamics | 2005 Annual MCS Symposium | Siu Wan HON, Wing Suet NG, Violet SUNG, Yuen Yi CHUNG, and Wai Leuk CHOI
Second panel introduction | 2005 Annual MCS Symposium | Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
Second panel : open discussion | 2005 Annual MCS Symposium | Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG
Unfolding the sport spectacle of David Beckham | 2005 Annual MCS Symposium | Kam Ling MA and Alice LAM
Phone鈴現身 : 流動電話、遙現和主體形構 | 2005 MCS 年度研討會 | Alvar POON and Wing Ho SIU
解讀米高佐敦 | 2005 MCS 年度研討會 | Wing Ho SIU and Lesley FUNG
Heritage, tourism and dislocated memories : the reconstruction of Murray House | 2005 Annual MCS Symposium | Kin Wai TOO
From plague to SARS, from flower to power : the hybridity of Hong Kong medical science development projected by the HK Museum of Medical Science | 2005 Annual MCS Symposium | Cally YU and Samuel CHOY
From fishing port to “city of life” : Hong Kong history according to the Hong Kong Tourism Board | 2005 Annual MCS Symposium | Hoi Yan YUEN and Suet Wah CHOI
University Assemblies
Hong Kong's positioning as an international financial centre and government policies developing the financial services industry | Joseph H. L. CHAN and Kent LAI
Innovation, entrepreneurship, and start ups | Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG; Steven LAM; and Chun Hin, Anthony SO
Service leadership : the 2nd education revolution in the 21st century = 廿一世紀服務領導新定向 | Po Yang CHUNG
U.S.-Hong Kong economic relationship | Kurt W. TONG
港青主場 : 劉鳴煒談香港青年的機遇和出路 | Ming Wai LAU
綠‧惜‧嶺南 | David YEUNG
胡楓 : 一個小生的藝壇傳奇 | Fung WOO
「非常校長」 = “Life coach” | Siu Cheuk CHAN (陳兆焯)
「友時」相聚 : 張學友與馬時亨細說人生 | Hok Yau, Jacky CHEUNG and Si Hang, Frederick MA
劉以鬯的花様年華 | Zidong XU; Shuk Han WONG; King Fai, Ben WONG; Thomas LIN; and Yichang LIU
傳統服務業的現代化挑戰 = Challenges of modernization in service industries | 中總講堂 = CGCC Business Forum | Wai Ping CHUNG (鍾偉平)
A respect for rights and a respect for the rights of others = 尊重權利與尊重他人的權利 | Geoffrey MA (馬道立)
國學的歷史、現狀與未來 | Lin PENG (彭林)
Internationalization of RMB & the roles of Hong Kong = 人民幣國際化及香港扮演的角色 | Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG (鄭國漢)
香港證券市場 : 演變、現局與新機 | Lawrence FOK (霍廣文)
營商之道 = Running business | Ying Sheung, Gordon WU Sir (胡應湘)
用另一角度看人生旅程 | Kwong Ho, Edmund LEUNG
香港民生的挑戰 | Christine FANG (方敏生)
創業家與文化發展的關係 | Chun Kay, Stephen CHOW Dr. (周振基)
在通脹壓力下、資產泡沫中如何自處? | Chi Ming CHO (曹志明)
創業之道,管理之法 = Start a company, manage a business | Wing Ching SHIH (施永青)
貧富懸殊與社會公義 | Nelson CHOW (周永新)
作自己的導演 | Johnnie TO (杜琪峰)
我心深處 : 歧視是否「原罪」? | Woon Kwong LAM (林煥光)
Non-state actors and intelligence services : their pivotal role in the 21st century | Efraim HALEVY
領袖與學生對話 : 年青人投身商界的機遇 = Dialogue with leader : opportunities of youngsters in business market | Michael TIEN (田北辰)
當前國際形勢和中國外交工作 = China's diplomatic policy & the foreign relationship | Zigang YANG
Ageing population : the problems, the challenges, and the opportunities = 人口老齡化 : 問題、機遇和挑戰 | Che Hung LEONG
將業務轉虧為盈的經驗和心得 | Nanlu CHEN
Outcome based approach is student learning | T. S. CHAN; John ERNI; Frank WONG; and Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
想像立新 | Ki Man, Leonie FUNG
Polities and governance | Anson CHAN
Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowing we have lost in information? | Xi LIN
贏得精彩輸得起 | Chui Yee YU (余翠怡)
This is the moment | Pau Tat, Peter KAM (金培達)
逆景自強 | Maria LEE TSANG (李曾超群)
博雅教育與我 | Ka Cheung CHAN (陳家強)
管理新思維 | Ming Kwai, Dick LEE (李明逵)
動力領導 | Tak Fun, Alice YUK (郁德芬)
香港古蹟建築保育的困難及前景 | Wan Fung, Bernard LIM (林雲峰)
臨別依依,與校長真情對話 | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN
人生寶貴經驗分享會 | Chi Wan, Stephen CHAN (陳志雲)
環保與人生 | Chi Sum MAN (文志森)
精英教育與普及教育 | Suk Yee, Regina IP LAU (葉劉淑儀)
校長週年致辭,2006 | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀)
成功方程式 | Chee Wah TSANG (曾智華)
僵屍解構 | Tin Chi LAU (劉天賜) and Kin Yuen WONG (王建元)
事業成功路線圖 | Robert CHOW (周融)
才情橫溢創作路 | Integrated Learning Programme, Student Services Centre | Chip TSAO (陶傑)
棟篤笑的藝術 | Koon Man, Michael HUI (許冠文)
創業成功投資路 | Wing Luk CHAN (陳永陸)
議事規則面面觀 | Lai Tai, Rita FAN HSU (范徐麗泰)
大學生應如何裝備自我面對社會挑戰 | Tung Shun, Peter WONG (王冬勝)
我們的使命、遠景和成就 = Our mission, vision and achievements | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀)
香港經濟之定位 | Yi Teng, Eden WOON (翁以登)
校長週年致辭,2004 | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀)
Speaking good English | University Orientation Programme, 2004 = 2004年大學迎新 | Fong Lam, Rosie CHEN CHAN
Official welcome by the President and introduction of VP, AVPs, Programme Directors, Heads of Departments and President of Students’ Union to new students | University Orientation Programme, 2004 = 2004年大學迎新 | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN
禮儀 = Manners | University Orientation Programme, 2004 = 2004年大學迎新 | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀)
如何提昇英語能力 | Ti Liang YANG (楊鐵樑)
香港政制改革與發展 | Kah Kit, Alan LEONG (梁家傑)
大學歲月與人生路 | Zhuofei WEN and Hung Kai LEE
對抗非典型肺炎之難忘經歷 | Kwok Yung YUEN (袁國勇)
校長週年致辭,2003 (影片1) | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀)
校長週年致辭,2003 (影片2) | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀)
新聞 、報人與社會 | Kwai Yeung CHEUNG (張圭陽)
嶺南的民系及地區的開發 | Xinbao DING (丁新豹)
高等教育 : 香港故事 | Chiu Fun, Fanny LAW FAN (羅范椒芬)
校長週年致辭,2002 (影片1) | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀)
校長週年致辭,2002 (影片2) | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀)
香港經濟轉型 ‧ 政治改革帶來的挑戰 | Peng Fei, Allen LEE (李鵬飛)
大學生作為未來社會棟樑應有的素質 | Yuen Wan CHOI (蔡元雲)
踏上成功路 | Wing Ching SHIH (施永青)
校長週年致辭,2001 (影片1) | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀)
校長週年致辭,2001 (影片2) | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀)
與校長真情對話 : 博雅教育何去何從 | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀) and Kwok Fai LAU (劉國輝)
希望工程 | Cheong Lap CHAN (陳昌立)
南極科學考察 | Lok Sze, Rebecca LEE and Jiaqi LIU
中國文明史新圖 | Man Hung CHAN (陳萬雄)
校長週年致辭 | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN
Racism(s) by other means : a research training workshop presentation | Racism(s) by Other Means | Ackbar ABBAS
'No South Asian riders please' : politics of visibilization in platformed food delivery work during COVID in Hong Kong | Racism(s) by Other Means | Lisa Yuk-ming LEUNG
Indigenous children are still dying in boarding Schools | Racism(s) by Other Means | Maya RATNAM
Triangulating whiteness in Africa China popular media and geopolitics | Racism(s) by Other Means | Roberto CASTILLO
Structures of colorblindness | Racism(s) by Other Means | David Theo GOLDBERG
Caste-ing race / Race-ing caste | Racism(s) by Other Means | Tejaswini NIRANJANA
從農場到餐桌、從餐桌到農場 : 社區廚餘回收推廣及永續種植 = Community food waste recycling and farming | Creating Urban Commons with the Youth 城市共享培植項目 | Lab0ver 零剩研究所 and Sze Chung CHOW (周思中)
擴展共享廚房的夢想 : 共廚家作 = "Kitchen incubator" : the case of Sharing Kitchen | Creating Urban Commons with the Youth 城市共享培植項目 | Ping Fung CHAN (陳秉鳳)
在天水圍實踐社區經濟 : 天姿作圍 = Practising community economy in Tin Shui Wai : the case of Tin Zi Zok Wai | Creating Urban Commons with the Youth 城市共享培植項目 | Janis FAN (范詩婕)
The Ghost in the (Twittering) machine | Digital Humanities, Pandemic Futures | Ackbar ABBAS