Hong Kong's positioning as an international financial centre and government policies developing the financial services industry

Streaming Media


Office of Student Affairs, Lingnan University

Document Type

University Assembly




2:15 p.m. -- 3:45 p.m.


Mr and Mrs Wai Kee Kau Audio Visual Theatre (LBYG02), Ground Floor, B.Y. Lam Building, Lingnan University; Zoom



Additional Information

Biography of speaker

Mr Chan was appointed the Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury on 16 August 2017. Mr Chan has many years of senior executive experience in the banking industry. He was a Managing Director in the Global Markets Division of Credit Agricole Corporate Investment Bank, and was a Managing Director in Financial Markets of Standard Chartered Bank.

Prior to joining the Government, Mr Chan held multiple roles in a number of public and professional bodies, including Vice President of the Hong Kong Society of Financial Analysts, Director of Hong Kong Securities & Investment Institute, Advisor of the Chinese Gold Silver Exchange Society, as well as a General Committee member of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.

Mr Chan was also a member of the Central Western District Council.

Mr Chan holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics (Hon) and Psychology from the University of Michigan, USA. He is also a Chartered Financial Analyst.

Photo Gallery:


Recommended Citation

Chan, J. H. L., & Lai, K. (2021, April). Hong Kong's positioning as an international financial centre and government policies developing the financial services industry [Video podcast]. Retrieved from https://commons.ln.edu.hk/videos/870/
