Lingnan Videos - Lectures & Seminars is the archive of scholarly presentations organized by Lingnan University, including public seminar, public lecture, inaugural lecture, university assembly, etc.


Public Seminars


The application of Daoist principles to public policy | Interdisciplinary Seminars = 人文及社會科學研究所跨學科學術研討會 | Lok Sang HO (何濼生)


Modes of interpretation and interpretative constraints | Interdisciplinary Seminars = 人文及社會科學研究所跨學科學術研討會 | Stein OLSEN


The sociology of sex trade | Interdisciplinary Seminars = 人文及社會科學研究所跨學科學術研討會 | Keng Mun, William LEE (李經文)


我的領導觀 = My leadership philosophy | Interdisciplinary Seminars = 人文及社會科學研究所跨學科學術研討會 | Kin Chok MUN (閔建蜀)


博雅教育與終身學習 | 新界西北區中學師生終身學習協作計劃 = Preparation and Promotion of Life-long Learning among Secondary School Teachers and Students in the Northwest New Territories | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀)


Modern accountants' role in 'knowledge-based economy' that serves China | Ka Cheung, Eric LI (李家祥)


終身學習與中國入世後香港中學生應抱有之態度 | 新界西北區中學師生終身學習協作計劃 = Preparation and Promotion of Life-long Learning among Secondary School Teachers and Students in the Northwest New Territorie | Kwok Wah, Paul YIP (葉國華)


中國入世的危和機 = The opportunities and threats for PRC entering WTO | 嶺南大學香港同學會專題講座 | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀)


事業輔導與新經濟模式 = Career education and new economy | Kwan Yiu, Edward CHEN (陳坤耀)


Crisis and change in the Japanese financial system | Hugh T. PATRICK


Initial public offering : anomalies, theoretical explanation and empirical evidence | Roy SEMBEL


世紀末的文化觀察 | Hsienyung PAI (白先勇)


漫談小說 | Leung Yung, Louis CHA (查良鏞)


宿舍、性與愛 | 嶺南學院學生宿舍自由論壇 | Man Hung, Stephen SZE (史文鴻); Rose WU (胡露茜); Man Lun NG (吳敏倫); and Sing Wing, Dennis WONG (黃成榮)


當代中國文學的困惑和機會 | Meng WANG (王蒙)



Pink and yellow ribbons : iconographies of resistance and the construction of sexual and gender identity in dating apps | Digital Intimacy: Young Women and Social Transformation in Asia | Ruepert Jiel Dionisio CAO


Contentious politics : digital media and transnational feminist activism | Digital Intimacy: Young Women and Social Transformation in Asia | Sara LIAO


Digital dilettante and the creation of romance | Digital Intimacy: Young Women and Social Transformation in Asia | Nimmi RANGASWAMY


The usefulness of ambiguity | Digital Intimacy: Young Women and Social Transformation in Asia | Hua SU


Very friendly, very quickly | Digital Intimacy: Young Women and Social Transformation in Asia | Nisha SUSAN


Strategic identities : Chinese & Hong Kong queer women's self-presentations on lesbian dating apps | Digital Intimacy: Young Women and Social Transformation in Asia | K. M. Carman FUNG


The many realms of digital intimacies | Digital Intimacy: Young Women and Social Transformation in Asia | Smita V


Virtual refuge to assertion | Digital Intimacy: Young Women and Social Transformation in Asia | Dhiren BORISA


Gender politics of dating apps in urban China | Digital Intimacy: Young Women and Social Transformation in Asia | Lik Sam CHAN


Carving out the lines of visual intimacy in the story of a Chinese artist and collector | CAAC2021 9th Online Mini-symposium : Distances and Intimacies | Binjun HU


Re-burying the remains of Chinese martyrs: the rumours, controversies and revised solidarities of the new Tazara memorial park in Zambia | CAAC2021 9th Online Mini-symposium : Distances and Intimacies | Ruth SIMBAO


“Fake masks”: a reflection on the reception of African arts in China | CAAC2021 9th Online Mini-symposium : Distances and Intimacies | Jin XI


Between “马丁” and “map”: Zambian artist Martin Abasi Phiri’s artistic practices and his experiences in China | CAAC2021 9th Online Mini-symposium : Distances and Intimacies | Lifang ZHANG


Her private life | Digital Intimacy: Young Women and Social Transformation in Asia | Paromita VOHRA


Making room for (inter) personal intimacy in the digital age | Digital Intimacy: Young Women and Social Transformation in Asia | Sonia WONG


Foreign catering firm-owners and “home”: reflections on African catering services in Hong Kong | CAAC2021 8th Online Mini-symposium : Can Hong Kong Be Home? Sub-Saharan Africans’ Experiences of Belonging/Not Belonging | Fekadu Malede ABITEW


Can Hong Kong be home for sub-Saharan African asylum seekers? | CAAC2021 8th Online Mini-symposium : Can Hong Kong Be Home? | Gordon MATHEWS


Homing aspirations of African students in Hong Kong | CAAC2021 8th Online Mini-symposium : Can Hong Kong Be Home? Sub-Saharan Africans’ Experiences of Belonging/Not Belonging | Phillip THEBE


Shortcut English : a pidgin language and "racialization" at a Chinese-operated mine in Zambia | CAAC2021 7th Online Mini-symposium : Shortcut English: A Pidgin Language and Racialization at a Chinese-Operated Mine in Zambia | Justin Lee HARUYAMA


Chinese learning goes West : the reception and development of traditional Chinese thought in modern Europe, North America, and beyond : Session B | Lingnan Prism Symposium Series (3.3) | Ellen HUANG, Kurt SPELLMEYER, Chunjie ZHANG, Nan Z. DA, Minghui HU, Jason WIRTH, Zong-qi CAI, and Stephen RODDY


Chinese learning goes West : the reception and development of traditional Chinese thought in modern Europe, North America, and beyond : Session A | Lingnan Prism Symposium Series (3.3) | Angelo CATTENEO, Nicolas STANDAERT, Dinu LUCA, Jean-Tves HEURTEBISE, Martin POWERS, Martin Svensson EKSTROM, Zong-qi CAI, and Stephen RODDY


The Chinese century and the City of Gold : on race and labor | CAAC2021 6th Online Mini-symposium : Ethnographies of Mobility : Circular Migration and Uneven Geographies | Mingwei HUANG


Emplacing capital : import anxieties and profit politics in Nigerian south-south commerce | CAAC2021 6th Online Mini-symposium : Ethnographies of Mobility : Circular Migration and Uneven Geographies | Vivian Chenxue LU


Q&A session on ethnographies of mobility | CAAC2021 6th Online Mini-symposium : Ethnographies of Mobility : Circular Migration and Uneven Geographies | Vivian Chenxue LU, Derek SHERIDAN, Mingwei HUANG, and Cheryl SCHMITZ


Developing in Africa : Chinese migrants to Africa and the imagined geography of uneven development | CAAC2021 6th Online Mini-symposium : Ethnographies of Mobility : Circular Migration and Uneven Geographies | Derek SHERIDAN


第十七屆 MCS 年度研討會 = The 17th Annual MCS Symposium | The 17th MCS Annual Symposium - Culture and Everyday Politics: Film, Music, Drama | Ngai PUN (潘毅), Man-tao LEUNG (梁文道), Ziyan CHEN (陳紫嫣), Linan LIU (劉立楠), and Yiu-kei CHEUNG (張耀基)


Q&A session on Fintech innovation in the digital era | HKIBS Symposium on "Business Innovation in the Digital Era" | Tao SUN, C. F. YAM, Bobby Chi Kan LEUNG, and Liping LIANG


All in the name of Fintech…?! | HKIBS Symposium on "Business Innovation in the Digital Era" | Bobby Chi Kan LEUNG


Insurance product fragmentation in the digital era | HKIBS Symposium on "Business Innovation in the Digital Era" | C. F. YAM


Q&A session on marketing innovation in the digital era | HKIBS Symposium on "Business Innovation in the Digital Era" | Ling PENG, Sebastian Yu Ho CHUNG, Amy KWOK, Icy NGAI, and Liping LIANG


How digitalization changed our business practice : experience sharing from Milk Top | HKIBS Symposium on "Business Innovation in the Digital Era" | Amy KWOK


Engaging customers using big data : from academia to practice | HKIBS Symposium on "Business Innovation in the Digital Era" | Sebastian Yu Ho CHUNG


How AI is reshaping retailing | HKIBS Symposium on "Business Innovation in the Digital Era" | Ling PENG


The digital economy : innovations and research | HKIBS Symposium on "Business Innovation in the Digital Era" | Geng CUI


Building digital GBA in the 'dual circulation' era | HKIBS Symposium on "Business Innovation in the Digital Era" | Witman Wai Man HUNG


China’s role in global health : HIV/AIDS traditional Chinese medicine research and treatment in Tanzania from 1987 to 2014 | CAAC2021 5th Online Mini-symposium : Africa Looking East : A Global History of Africa-China Engagement | Andrea KIFYASI


Africa looking East : a global history of Africa-China engagement | CAAC2021 5th Online Mini-symposium : Africa Looking East : A Global History of Africa-China Engagement | Shaonan LIU and Jamie MONSON


The operating logic of Chinese capital in Africa from historical perspective : a case study of sisal industry in Tanzania | CAAC2021 5th Online Mini-symposium : Africa Looking East : A Global History of Africa-China Engagement | Junle MA


Transnational networks of Africans and Chinese : global South imaginaries, decolonisation and the Cold War | CAAC2021 5th Online Mini-symposium : Africa Looking East : A Global History of Africa-China Engagement | Jodie Yuzhou SUN


Understanding “Blackness” in Hong Kong : representations of Africa in Hong Kong popular media | CAAC2021 4th Online Mini-symposium : Relocating Africa : Representations and Memory of Africa in 20th and 21st Century China | Emily CHOW-QUESADA


Friend or foe? Africans at the door : twentieth century military encounters between the Chinese and various African nationals at the borders of China 1900-1950 | CAAC2021 4th Online Mini-symposium : Relocating Africa : Representations and Memory of Africa in 20th and 21st Century China | Clifford PEREIRA


Visualising Africa in Chinese posters 1950-1980 | CAAC2021 4th Online Mini-symposium : Relocating Africa : Representations and Memory of Africa in 20th and 21st Century China | Ignatius SUGLO


Q&A session on Relocating Africa : Representations and Memory of Africa in 20th and 21st Century China | CAAC2021 4th Online Mini-symposium : Relocating Africa : Representations and Memory of Africa in 20th and 21st Century China | Ignatius SUGLO, Emily CHOW-QUESADA, Clifford PEREIRA, and Facil TESFAYE


Translation, travel, and transmission : the reception of Chinese masterworks in the West : Session A : Fiction | Lingnan Prism Symposium Series (3.1) | Antonio LEGGIERI; Lintao QI; Shengyu FAN; Sarah Jessi BRAMAO-RAMOS; Andrew SCHONEBAUM; Daniel YOUD; Zong-qi CAI; and Tak-hung, Leo CHAN


Translation, travel, and transmission : the reception of Chinese masterworks in the West : Session B : Poetry and drama | Lingnan Prism Symposium Series (3.1) | Fusheng WU; Massimiliano CANALE; Qingyang LIN; Yulia DREYZIS; Patricia SIEBER; Ying WANG; Zong-qi CAI; and Tak-hung, Leo CHAN


Runako Celina on anti-Black racism in China | CAAC2021 3rd Online Mini-symposium : On Anti-Black and Anti-Chinese Sentiments | Runako CELINA


Anti-blackness in China : approach, aporia, action | CAAC2021 3rd Online Mini-symposium : On Anti-Black and Anti-Chinese Sentiments | Kun HUANG


Q&A session on anti-Black and anti-Chinese sentiments | CAAC2021 3rd Online Mini-symposium : On Anti-Black and Anti-Chinese Sentiments | Kun HUANG, Hairong YAN, Runako CELINA, and Jamie MONSON


Yan Hairong on anti-Black and anti-Chinese sentiments | CAAC2021 3rd Online Mini-symposium : On Anti-Black and Anti-Chinese Sentiments | Hairong YAN


Displacement and socio-economic (in)mobility of Chinese expatriates in Africa | CAAC2021 2nd Online Mini-symposium : Contemporary Chinese Mobilities in East/Southern Africa | Ding FEI


Medical diplomacy before and after COVID-19 : Chinese engagements in Zambia | CAAC2021 2nd Online Mini-symposium : Contemporary Chinese Mobilities in East/Southern Africa | Maggi W.H. LEUNG


Make a new friend, build a new road : opportunity, mistrust, and reliability in Chinese-Angolan collaborations | CAAC2021 2nd Online Mini-symposium : Contemporary Chinese Mobilities in East/Southern Africa | Cheryl Mei-ting SCHMITZ


社區政治的未來 : 新任區議員的文化研究 = The future of community politics : new DC members and cultural studies | 第十六屆 MCS 年度研討會 = The 16th Annual MCS Symposium | Po-keung HUI (許寶強); Clara CHEUNG (張嘉莉); Ting Fung LI (李庭豐); Wing Heng CHOW (鄒穎恒); Kong Wai CHU (朱江瑋); Yun Tat WONG (黃潤達); Ka Chun, Warren TAM (譚家浚); and Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN (陳清僑)


大時代的文化研究 : 馬照跑,舞照跳? = Will horse racing and dancing go on in the Great Era of Cultural Studies? | 第十六屆 MCS 年度研討會 = The 16th Annual MCS Symposium | Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明); Tse Shang, Denise TANG (鄧芝珊); Ho Yi LIU (廖可兒); Ling FUNG (馮羚); Ka Chun, Warren TAM (譚家浚); and Siu Leung LI (李小良)


後雨傘時代的表演研究 = Performance studies in the post-Umbrella Movement Era | 2018 MCS 年度研討會 : 展演CROSSOVER : 香港文化研究的變奏與另類新選擇 | Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN (陳清僑); Siu Leung LI (李小良); Yau WEN (魂游); Fan Keung, Billy HUNG (孔繁強); Tung AUYEUNG (歐陽東); and Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)


此時彼刻文化研究 = Cultural studies still in the making | 2018 MCS 年度研討會 : 展演CROSSOVER : 香港文化研究的變奏與另類新選擇 | Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明); Siu Ki NG (吳紹奇); Yan Ting KUM (甘欣庭); Yee KONG (江怡); Cheuk Laam KOO (古卓嵐); and Kwun Chung, Nathan LAW (羅冠聰)


圓桌討論 : 中港融合/區隔 = Roundtable on the integration/segregation of Hong Kong with China | 2017 MCS 年度研討會 = 2017 Annual MCS Symposium | Kwong Tak LAI (黎廣德) and Pok Yin CHOW (周博賢)


變動中的香港 = Hong Kong in changes | 2017 MCS 年度研討會 = 2017 Annual MCS Symposium | Wing Yiu SO (蘇穎瑤), Fan Keung HUNG (孔繁強), Tak Fai LEUNG (梁德輝), and Pak Shing TSE (謝伯盛)


新媒體時代 = The era of new media | 2017 MCS 年度研討會 = 2017 Annual MCS Symposium | Yuen Ching TANG (鄧婉晴), Ho Wah LEE (李浩華), Ka Wai NGAI (魏嘉慰), and Hoi Ting HO (何凱婷)


不可能擔受的性別歧視 = Unbearable gender discrimination | 2016 MCS 年度研討會 = 2016 Annual MCS Symposium | Ting Fung CHAN (陳婷楓), Wing Sum WONG (黃慧心), Siu Nam NG (吳兆南), and Kit Ling LUK (陸潔玲)


圓桌討論 : 網絡出版 = Roundtable on online publication | 2016 MCS 年度研討會 = 2016 Annual MCS Symposium | Hiu Fung CHUNG (鍾曉烽), Kam Yuen HO (何錦源), Xingxiang ZHEN (曾醒祥), and Yuen Ching TANG (鄧婉晴)


香港警察文化故事 = Stories of HK's cop culture | 2016 MCS 年度研討會 = 2016 Annual MCS Symposium | Kang Ming HO (何耿明); Ying Sheung MAK (麥盈湘); and Ka Ki, Lawrence HO (何家騏)


城市與空間 = City and space | 2012 MCS 年度研討會 = 2012 Annual MCS Symposium | Chi Fan CHIU (趙智勳); Kam Tin, Ida CHENG (鄭錦鈿); Hung Wai LAU (劉孔維); and Esther CHEUNG (張美君)


文化與金錢 = Culture and money | 2012 MCS 年度研討會 = 2012 Annual MCS Symposium | Kam Wah LAM (杜錦華); Man Wah, Debra WONG (王漫華); and Oiwan LAM (林藹雲)


性別與女性 = Gender and women | 2012 MCS 年度研討會 = 2012 Annual MCS Symposium | Jian Ren LIU (劉健仁); Wai Man, Janet HO (何蕙雯); Hsiao Min YU (余曉瑉); and Tsui SIT (薜翠)


性別與女性 = Gender and women | 2010 MCS 年度研討會 = 2010 Annual MCS Symposium | Shun Hing CHAN (陳順馨), Jiaen PAN (潘家恩), Jianhua CENG (曾劍華), Tingfeng LI (李庭豐), and Kam Wah CHAN (陳錦華)


香港論述 = Discoursing Hong Kong | 2010 MCS 年度研討會 = 2010 Annual MCS Symposium | Siu Leung LI (李小良), Yanyi LU (盧燕儀), Zhihua HUANG (黃志華), Rizhao LI (黎日照), Yiyan YU (于宜嫣), Yaolin CHEN (陳耀麟), and Helan YANG (楊漢倫)


消費與主權 = Consumption and sovereign power | 2010 MCS 年度研討會 = 2010 Annual MCS Symposium | Kwok Ming MA (馬國明), Alice CHOW (周陳燕文), Yuling LIN (林于玲), Wai Sze LAU (劉慧思), and Siu Leung LI (李小良)


公私不分 = Privatizing the public and publicizing the private | 2007 MCS 年度研討會 = 2007 Annual MCS Symposium | Iam Chong IP (葉蔭聰); Yan Chi, Jackie KWOK; Wai Leuk CHOI; Zhuoxin ZHU (朱焯信); Zhihao ZHANG (張智浩); Qiuyun LI (李秋筠); Meifang YU (余美芳); and Grace YEE


藝術與文化政策 = Media art and cultural policy | 2007 MCS 年度研討會 = 2007 Annual MCS Symposium | Muriel LAW, King Chung SIU, Samual CHOY, Qiuyu ZHANG (張秋玉), Jiaxin LUO (羅嘉欣), Jiayan LI (李嘉言), and Huimin XU (許惠敏)


Closing | 2007 MCS 年度研討會 = 2007 Annual MCS Symposium | Wing Sang LAW (羅永生); Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN (陳清僑); and Siu Leung LI (李小良)


虛擬的震撼 = The impact of virtuality | 2007 MCS 年度研討會 = 2007 Annual MCS Symposium | Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明); Siu Leung LI (李小良); Hairong HUANG (黃海榮); and Dejian XIAO (蕭德健)


普及文化中的性別身份 = Gender identity in popular culture | 2007 MCS 年度研討會 = 2007 Annual MCS Symposium | Marsha LUI, Natalia CHAN, Po Shan LEUNG, Mingkuang CHEN (陳銘匡), and Shuyin HU (胡淑茵)


歷史的建構 = The construction of history | 2007 MCS 年度研討會 = 2007 Annual MCS Symposium | Kwok Ming MA (馬國明), Kam Fai CHAN, Kam Fong KAN, Si CHEN (沈思), Yulan XIE (謝玉蘭), Baoshan LIANG (梁寶珊), Lizhu HAN (韓麗珠), and Weiji YAN (嚴偉基)


Third panel introduction | 2005 Annual MCS Symposium | Shun Hing CHAN


Third panel : open discussion | 2005 Annual MCS Symposium | Shun Hing CHAN


書寫杜蕾斯安全套 : 一個繫於文化經濟的故事 | 2005 MCS 年度研討會 | Wai Yin CHAN and Wai Leuk CHOI


性傾向工作坊 : 裡裡外外的掙扎 | 2005 MCS 年度研討會 | Man Kit CHO and Joui Wan CHING


Can a documentary script be fair and objective? | 2005 Annual MCS Symposium | Chun Chiu FUNG and Ka Chun SHIU


Fourth panel : open discussion | 2005 Annual MCS Symposium | Po Keung HUI


女性內衣與女性身份建構 | 2005 MCS 年度研討會 | Shuk Man LAW and Jing, Maggie CHUNG


從《婦女新姿》走到《都市閒情》 : 探討本港婦女觀眾口味變化與電視節目內容改變的互動關係 | 2005 MCS 年度研討會 | Kwok Lun LO and Man Kit CHOI


穿越文化空間 : 越界與「顚覆」? | 2005 MCS 年度研討會 | Chi Pui MAK and Ka Chun SHIU


Play of two generations | 2005 Annual MCS Symposium | Pui Iong WONG and Clara YEUNG


First panel : open discussion | 2005 Annual MCS Symposium | Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN