Translation, travel, and transmission : the reception of Chinese masterworks in the West : Session A : Fiction
Centre for Humanities Research and the Department of Chinese, Lingnan University
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Document Type
8:00 a.m. -- 10:00 a.m.
Online Session via Zoom
This online symposium features papers on the translations of Chinese literary masterpieces in the Western world. Speakers would offer critical reflections on how the major translators have contributed to the dissemination of Chinese culture overseas.
The session is moderated by Prof. CHAN Tak-hung, Leo and the opening remarks is delivered by Prof. CAI Zong-qi. Each presentation is followed by a Q&A session. Session A focuses on fiction and includes the following presentations,
- A brief history of the Italian translation of Feng Menglong’s (馮夢龍) Sanyan 三言 / Antonio LEGGIERI
- Monkey’s journey in the west : an archive-based reception study of Arther Waley’s English translation of Xi You Ji / Lintao (Rick) QI
- Rewriting The Story of the Stone : de-translating David Hawkes for a Chinese-English bilingual edition Hongloumeng / Shengyu FAN
- The translation of Théodore Pavie’s Histoire des Trois Royaumes / Sarah Jessi BRAMAO-RAMOS
- “Popular” English editions of Chin Ping Mei 金瓶梅 / Andrew SCHONEBAUM
- The “double effect” of translation in Jean-Pierre Abel-Rémusat’s Iu-Kiao-Li, ou les Deux Cousines (1826) / Daniel M. YOUD
This symposium is under the auspice of a broader project on the dissemination of Chinese culture led by Professor Yuan Xingpei of Peking University. Symposium papers, after successful peer-review, will be published in a volume in the Brill book series Chinese Texts in the World.
Recommended Citation
Leggieri, A., Qi, L., Fan, S, Bramao-Ramos, S. J., Schonebaum, A., Youd, D., Cai, Z.-q., & Chan, T. H. L. (2021, April 11).Translation, travel, and transmission: The reception of Chinese masterworks in the West: Session A: Fiction [Video podcast]. Retrieved from
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