Q&A session on Relocating Africa : Representations and Memory of Africa in 20th and 21st Century China

Streaming Media


The Chinese in Africa / Africans in China Research Network Conference Organising Committee in collaboration with the Centre for Cultural Research and Development at Lingnan University, Hong Kong

Event Title

CAAC2021 4th Online Mini-symposium : Relocating Africa : Representations and Memory of Africa in 20th and 21st Century China

Document Type





9:00 p.m.


Online Session via Zoom


Ignatius Suglo, from the School of Modern Languages and Cultures (China studies) at the University of Hong Kong, Emily Chow-Quesada, from the Department of English Language and Literature at Hong Kong Baptist University, and Clifford Pereira, from the African Studies Programme at the University of Hong Kong, had a fascinating conversation on the complex and multiple ways in which Africa and Africans have been represented historically and in diverse Chinese cultural spaces. After their presentations, the speakers shared comments and their questions, as well as responded to questions from audiences. The session is moderated by Facil Tesfaye, director of the African Studies Programme, the University of Hong Kong.



Additional Information

Recommended Citation

Suglo, I., Chow-Quesada, E., Pereira, C., & Tesfaye, F. (2021, May 7). Q&A session on Relocating Africa: Representations and Memory of Africa in 20th and 21st Century China [Video podcast]. Retrieved from https://commons.ln.edu.hk/videos/876/
