Submissions from 1996
宋十大家词选, Shiu Hon WONG and Sau Ieng SI TOU
金元十家詞選, Shiu Hon WONG (黃兆漢), Sau Ieng SI TOU, Lai Chun NG (吳麗珍), and Po Chi TAM (譚寶芝)
林年同論文集, Shuk Han, Mary WONG and Wai Luk LO (盧偉力)
小說與文化 : 試論也斯的小說, Sze Han WONG and Shuk Han, Mary WONG
現代管理要訣, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
張承志 : 守衛昨日之夢 : 從《金牧場》到《金草地》, Zidong XU
Submissions from 1995
The use of channel integration as a strategic option : a study of Hong Kong clothing manufacturers, T. S. CHAN
Auditor quality, corporate risk, and the valuation of new issues, Michael Arthur FIRTH and Andrew SMITH
Decentralisation as a moderating factor in the budgetary participation-performance relationship : some Hong Kong evidence, Ferdinand A. GUL, Judy S. L. TSUI, Steve C. C. FONG, and Helen Y. L. KWOK
Commercializing ‘Washminster’ in Australia : what lessons?, Alexander KOUZMIN, John DIXON, and James WILSON
Is there a link among Confucianism, institutions, and economic performance?, Tzong-biau LIN and Lok-sang HO
The efficient marriage market hypothesis : a direct test, Hon Kwong LUI and Wing SUEN
The Kornai effect and soft budget constraints, Wing Chung PUN
Occupational stress among school teachers : a review of research findings relevant to policy formation, Oi Ling SIU
Generalized cellular automata as a modeling tool, H. A. WAN
重读《日出》、《啼笑因缘》和《第一炉香》, Zidong XU
中國歷代文論精品, Shaokang ZHANG (張少康), Yonglin LU (盧永璘), Jian ZHANG (張健), and Chunhong WANG
Submissions from 1994
The Asian-Pacific 'geese' : flying or floundering?, Brian BRIDGES
人際關係與社會支持網絡, Shek CHAN (陳碩) and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
The commercialization of the Australian public sector : competence, elitism or default in management education?, John DIXON and Alexander KOUZMIN
產品與價格, Kwok Fai LAU (劉國輝) and Hon Kwong LUI
導論, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
社會地位與角色之變化, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
穗港老人的社會經濟生活, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
「穗港老人社會經濟生活的比較硏究」之簡介, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW
快樂老人之要素, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW and Kok Man LEE (李覺敏)
書評 : 《文心雕龍語詞通釋》, Hung Kai LEE
書評 : 《文心雕龍辭典》, Hung Kai LEE
營銷系統與分銷渠道, Lai Cheung, Leo LEUNG
Differential returns to education in Hong Kong, Hon Kwong LUI
Does schooling in China yield lower returns than schooling in Hong Kong?, Hon Kwong LUI
The expansion of tertiary education in Hong Kong : an economic perspective, Hon Kwong LUI
The structure of the female earnings gap in Hong Kong, Hon Kwong LUI and Wing SUEN
Towards a behaviourally based performance appraisal system for academic staff, James Stuart POUNDER
管理概論, Mo Lin, Moureen TANG
Modelling stock markets by probabilistic 1-d cellular automata, Hakman A. WAN
組織行為, Man Kei, Paulina WAN
Enhancing the Learning Capacity in a Japanese Organization in Hong Kong through Spiritual Education, Mei Ling, May WONG
生產管理, Shiu Ho, Alfred WONG
主權問題阻礙兩岸會談, Yiu Chung WONG
八十年代中國大陸、台灣及香港的政治發展及其未來走向, Yiu Chung WONG
書評 :《中國 : 毛澤東熱》, Yiu Chung WONG
評《中國的人權狀況》白皮書, Yiu Chung WONG
人事管理, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
企業的組織環境, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
企業目標與策略管理, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
勞資關係在香港, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
現代企業管理, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
組織發展, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
Submissions from 1993
Guest editor’s introduction, Brian BRIDGES
Transfer of marketing technology to China : a content analysis, Chi Fai CHAN, Kitty Y. YOUNG, and Kwok Fai LAU
消費文化與階級區別, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN
The strategy of letters, Mette HJORT
Whither Hong Kong in an open-door, reforming Chinese economy?, Y. P. HO and Y. Y. KUEH
書評 : 《社會學新論》, Yung LAU (劉融) and Yiu Chung WONG
《三朝要典》考略, Hung Kai LEE
書評 : 《漢字演變五百例》, Hung Kai LEE
說文通訓定聲與古音, Hung Kai LEE
Why negative retained imports exist?, Hon Kwong LUI
勞力市場的供求探討, Hon Kwong LUI
敎育人生二重奏, Yuk Kang, Anita POON and Yiu Chung WONG
書評 : «Communist neo-traditionalism : work and authority in Chinese industry», Yiu Chung WONG
汪辜會談後的兩岸關係, Yiu Chung WONG
民主敎育與時代反思, Yiu Chung WONG and Yuk Kang, Anita POON
Submissions from 1992
Rules and conventions : literature , philosophy, social theory, Mette HJORT
旅遊・思考・人生, Yuk Kang, Anita POON (潘玉瓊) and Yiu Chung WONG
商業組織人際關係, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
Submissions from 1991
《錢玄同研究》評介, Hung Kai LEE
The structure of the female earnings gap in Hong Kong, Hon Kwong LUI and Wing SUEN
古代文学理论研究概述, Zongqiang LUO (罗宗强) and Chunhong WANG
Managing the business environment : Hong Kong & beyond, James Stuart POUNDER
中共人治制度改革的曲折路, Yiu Chung WONG
「六四」兩周年的中國政局 : 宮廷政治格局未變,老人退而不隱可悲, Yiu Chung WONG
台灣政治新生代的出現, Yiu Chung WONG
社會主義在中國 : 中共成立七十周年的得失, Yiu Chung WONG
蘇共的崩解與社會主義的前途, Yiu Chung WONG
開放改革的崎嶇路 : 中國政治體制改革的回顧與前瞻, Yiu Chung WONG
私人機構加薪幅度下降 : 兼談統計處薪酬調查趨勢, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
電訊裁員對勞資關係的衝擊與影響, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
Submissions from 1990
《說文通訓定聲》對字義的研究, Hung Kai LEE
九十年代香港人力資源, Yui Tim, Edward WONG
Submissions from 1989
中國學運的反思與前瞻, Yiu Chung WONG
從學生運動到全國性的群眾運動, Yiu Chung WONG
沙汀代表作, Guangcan ZENG (曾廣燦) and Chunhong WANG
Submissions from 1988
在紐約聽劉賓雁演講有感, Yiu Chung WONG
從民主制度的社會條件看自由主義在近代中國的失敗 : 下, Yiu Chung WONG
Submissions from 1987
一九七九年後中國社會學發展的四種特色, Yiu Chung WONG
中國如何運用辯證法處理香港政制發展, Yiu Chung WONG
從社會控制觀點看中國學生運動, Yiu Chung WONG
論「全盤西化」的起源及其爭論, Yiu Chung WONG
Submissions from 1986
Split consciousness : the dialectics of desire in Camel Xiangzi, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN