
Submissions from 2017


In-school adolescents’ knowledge, access to and use of sexual and reproductive health services in Metropolitan Kumasi, Ghana, Godfred AMANKWAA, Kabila ABASS, and Razak Mohammed GYASI


Health literacy and self-perceived health status among street youth in Kumasi, Ghana, Padmore Adusei AMOAH, David Rosser PHILLIPS, Razak Mohammed GYASI, Adwoa Owusuaa KODUAH, and Joseph EDUSEI

Founders, classics, canons : modern disputes over the origins and appraisal of sociology's heritage, William Peter BAEHR


Movement, formation, and maintenance in the Soviet Union : Victor Zaslavsky’s challenge to the Arendtian theory of totalitarianism, William Peter BAEHR

The theory of totalitarian leadership, William Peter BAEHR

The Anthem companion to Hannah Arendt, William Peter BAEHR and Philip WALSH


Women in the Hong Kong police force : organizational culture, gender and colonial policing, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN and Ka Ki, Lawrence LO


Love in the time of ‘settling’ : forbidden knowledge and modern singles advice, Julian M. GROVES and Hau Nung, Annie CHAN


Demographic and epidemiological transition, Kevin MCCRACKEN and David Rosser PHILLIPS


Global health : an introduction to current and future trends, Kevin MCCRACKEN and David Rosser PHILLIPS


Massification of higher education and challenges for graduate employment and social mobility : East Asian experiences and sociological reflections, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Jin JIANG


The productivist construction of selective welfare pragmatism in China, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK; Stefan KÜHNER; and Genghua HUANG


Introduction : managing welfare expectations and social change : policy responses in Asia, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK; Stefan KÜHNER; and Nicola YEATES

The sustainability of higher education in an era of post-massification, Deane E. NEUBAUER; Ka Ho, Joshua MOK; and Jin JIANG

Managerialism against professionalism? the evidence from Hong Kong social welfare sector, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN

Strategic ignorance : the tension between state and society at the grassroots level in China’s social reform, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN and Kinglun NGOK

策略性忽视 : 政府购买服务中的街头官僚与社会组织的张力, Zhuoyi, Vincent WEN and Kinglun NGOK (岳经纶)

Submissions from 2016


Social institutions and same-sex sexuality : attitudes, perceptions and prospective rights and freedoms for non-heterosexuals, Padmore Adusei AMOAH and Razak Mohammed GYASI


Explaining positions on same-sex sexuality in conservative societies : do cultural and religious precepts matter?, Padmore Adusei AMOAH, Razak Mohammed GYASI, and Joseph EDUSEI


Nexus between artisanal and small-scale gold mining and livelihood in Prestea mining region, Ghana, Francis ARTHUR, Williams AGYEMANG-DUAH, Razak Mohammed GYASI, Joseph Yaw YEBOAH, and Evans OTIEKU


Book review : Andreas Hess, The political theory of Judith N. Shklar. exile from exile, William Peter BAEHR


「退保」不得不為 妥協才有出路, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN

Forgiveness and transitional justice in East Asia, Roman DAVID


Lustration, forgiveness transitional justice in Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, Roman DAVID

Lustration in Ukraine and democracy capable of defending itself, Roman DAVID

The future of the past in Myanmar : experimental evidence, Roman DAVID


The past or the politics of the present? Dealing with the Japanese occupation of South Korea, Roman DAVID


Who wants what in lustration? The analysis of public views of lustration process in Ukraine, Roman DAVID


Do health beliefs explain traditional medical therapies utilisation? Evidence from Ghana, Razak Mohammed GYASI, Felix ASANTE, Kabila ABASS, Joseph Yaw YEBOAH, Samuel ADU-GYAMFI, and Padmore Adusei AMOAH


Pulled in or pushed out : understanding the complexities of motivation for alternative therapies use in Ghana, Razak Mohammed GYASI, Felix ASANTE, Joseph Yaw YEBOAH, Kabila ABASS, Charlotte Monica MENSAH, and Lawrencia Pokuah SIAW


Going up in the world, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


‘Massifying’ higher education and intensifying social inequality in China, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


The quest for regional education hub status : challenges, possibilities and search for new governance in Hong Kong, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


台大學群南進招生的啟示, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


打造亚洲教育枢纽 : 香港的经验, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


拓教育樞紐促民心相通, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


理財教育與安老政策, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


Massification of higher education: challenges for admissions and graduate employment in China, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Jin JIANG


Dual decentralization and fragmented authoritarianism in governance : crowding out among social programmes in China, Jiwei QIAN and Ka Ho, Joshua MOK

Submissions from 2015


British sociology and Raymond Aron, William Peter BAEHR

Impacts on health and social care of an ageing population in Asia : policy initiatives in Hong Kong, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN


Age-friendly neighbourhoods as civic participation : implementation of an active ageing policy in Hong Kong, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Ting CAO


Chinese conception of mental illness : a comparative culture analysis, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Ting CAO; and Meng Ting Gao

國際養老政策理論及澳門建構養老保障機制的啟示, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Chun Kiu, Tony LAI; and Wing Chung, David CHAN

Ageing trends in Asia-Pacific region, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Hok Ka, Carol MA

中港關係論述性別倫理的建構與解讀, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN

傳統價值取向與家庭變遷, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN

Love in the time of “settling” : single women’s reactions to contemporary television dating shows in Hong Kong, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN and Julian M. GROVES

香港女警六十年, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN and Lawrence K. K. HO


Good neighbours : ethnic and religious tolerance in Myanmar, Roman DAVID

Lustration and democracy capable of defending itself, Roman DAVID


Transitional justice and changing memories of the past in Central Europe, Roman DAVID

Discussant roundtable and publication plans, Roman DAVID, Charlie CLEMENTS, Kathryn SIKKINK, and Kiyoteru TSUTSUI

Transitional justice in Myanmar’s democratization, Roman DAVID and Ian HOLLIDAY


What has our culture taught young women? : Gender norms, body image, self-objectification and women's reactions toward stranger harassment, Sui LAU


人口老化對就業安老政策的啟示, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK


Editorial, Ka Ho, Joshua MOK and Jingwei, Alex HE


Purification or witch-hunt? Did lustration succeed?, Andrzej PACZKOWSKI, Roman DAVID, Hubertus KNABE, Boštjan KOLARIĆ, and Monika NALEPA


Comparing the age-friendliness of different neighbourhoods using district surveys : an example from Hong Kong, Moses WONG; Pui Hing CHAU; Yue Lok, Francis CHEUNG; David Rosser PHILLIPS; and Jean WOO

Submissions from 2014


The informers : Hannah Arendt's appraisal of Whittaker Chambers and the ex-Communists, William Peter BAEHR


Totalitarianism in America? Robert Nisbet on the “Wilson war state” and beyond, William Peter BAEHR


Daily fluctuations in work engagement : an overview and current directions, Arnold B. BAKKER


香港病患者與中西療法偏好研究, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Man Yin CHAN


如何讓亞太地區患認知障礙症長者居家安老?, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Lequn DAI; and Wanxin SHAO


Widening of a poverty gap : a condition of governance crisis in Hong Kong, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Stephen Y. L. LEUNG; and Tony C. K. LAI

Gendered organization perspective in context : female officers in the Hong Kong police 1950s to the present, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN

Rethinking gendered organization perspective in male-dominated work : the case of Hong Kong, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN


由女性主義者到婦進執委, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN


Patterns of residential adjustment for older person : who will recover and how do they recover? A study in different residential environments in Hong Kong, H. C., Kevin CHENG; David Rosser PHILLIPS; Oi Ling SIU; and G. O., Anthony YEH

自主、自治及社會參與 : 香港公民社會的發展模式, Hon Fai CHEN

Apology and collective memory of Japan’s occupation in Korea, Roman DAVID

Good neighbours : perceptions about ethnic and religious minorities in Myanmar, Roman DAVID

Rehabilitation of former political prisoner in the Czech Republic, Roman DAVID

Transitional justice and collective memory : dealing with Japan’s occupation in South Korea, Roman DAVID


Personnel change or personal change? Rethinking Libya's political isolation law, Roman DAVID and Houda MZIOUDET

Lustration of public officials : international experience and Ukrainian perspectives, Radoslaw PETERMAN, Roman DAVID, and Lyudmyla KOZLOVSKA

Profiling the middle classes in Macao today, Po San, Shirley WAN and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW

Reality and expectations : social mobility of the Macao middle classes, Po San, Shirley WAN and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW

個人與家庭生活的主觀評價, Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊) and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW

過去與現在的家庭形勢走向, Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊) and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW

澳門綜合生活素質客觀指標體系 : 回歸後的發展趨勢, Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊); Wan Tai, Victor ZHENG (鄭宏泰); and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW

Submissions from 2013


Book review : Why concepts matter : translating social and political thought, William Peter BAEHR


The honored outsider : Raymond Aron as sociologist, William Peter BAEHR


The problem of "unmasking" in "ideology and utopia" : Karl Mannheim, Karl Jaspers and Hannah Arendt, William Peter BAEHR


The undoing of humanism : Peter L. Berger's sociology of unmasking, William Peter BAEHR


From secularism to reciprocity : banning the veil in France and beyond, William Peter BAEHR and Daniel GORDON


From the headscarf to the burqa : the role of social theorists in shaping laws against the veil, William Peter BAEHR and Daniel GORDON


Distinktioner kan åbne det fastfrosne : et interview om Hannah Arendts tænkning, William Peter BAEHR and Martin SKOVBJERG JENSEN


現代化背景下的養老 : 家庭將何去何從?, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Ting CAO

论香港老年人最低生活保障制度之方向, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN; Tony C. K. LAI; and Bokeng DENG


Active aging : policy framework and applications to promote older adult participation in Hong Kong, Cheung Ming, Alfred CHAN and Jr Shiuan, Emily LIANG


Si-nais talking dirty : Hong Kong middle class working mothers on- and offline, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN


具性別意識的性教育 : 在香港實行的需要及可行性, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN


公民權利與人格主義 : 澳門天主教與公民社會初探, Hon Fai CHEN


Book review : Limits to democratic constitutionalism in Central and Eastern Europe, Roman DAVID

Do international criminal tribunals deliver justice in divided societies? Examining the ICTY in Croatia, Roman DAVID

Office for the Documentation and the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism / Úřad dokumentace a vyšetřování zločinů komunismu (The Czech Republic), Roman DAVID

Rehabilitation of political prisoners, Roman DAVID

Retribution, Roman DAVID

The Czech Republic, Roman DAVID