
Submissions from 2000


Social factors and atopic dermatitis, Nicholas MCNALLY and David Rosser PHILLIPS


Is there a geographical variation in eczema prevalence in the U.K.? Evidence from the 1958 British birth cohort study, N. J. MCNALLY, H. C. WILLIAMS, David Rosser PHILLIPS, and D. P. STRACHAN

Ageing in the Asia-Pacific region : issues, policies and contexts, David Rosser PHILLIPS

Ageing in the Asia-Pacific region : issues, policies and future trends, David Rosser PHILLIPS

Long-term care, David Rosser PHILLIPS


Researching the geography of health and health care : connecting with the third world, David Rosser PHILLIPS and Mark W. ROSENBERG

Submissions from 1999


Ageing in rural China : impacts of increasing diversity in family and community resources, Alun E. JOSEPH and David Rosser PHILLIPS

老有所終? 香港中年市民的退休準備, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW; Ying Keung CHAN (陳膺強); and Po San, Shirley WAN (尹寶珊)

現代化與應用研究的偏差性 : 以香港老人研究為例, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW and Pui Leung, Rance LEE (李沛良)


A qualitative study of the professional relationship between family physicians and hospital specialists, Martin N. MARSHALL and David Rosser PHILLIPS

Ageing in the Asia-Pacific region : the impact of the ageing and development report, David Rosser PHILLIPS

The importance of the local environment in the lives of urban elderly people, David Rosser PHILLIPS


Environment and ageing : environmental policy, planning and design for elderly people in Hong Kong, David Rosser PHILLIPS and Gar On, Anthony YEH

Submissions from 1998

香港殖民管治的教化對推行母語敎學的影響, Hong Kin KWOK (郭康健) and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW

When I am eighty : perceptions of old age among primary school students, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW; Ying Keung CHAN; and Shun Shun, Violet NG

Book review : Sociology of aging : international perspectives, David Rosser PHILLIPS


Spatial health research in Africa : a review of the recent literature, David Rosser PHILLIPS and Gavin J. ANDREWS

Submissions from 1997

Book review : Controversial issues in aging, David Rosser PHILLIPS

Book review : Developing services for older people and their families, David Rosser PHILLIPS

Book review : Re-evaluating residential care, David Rosser PHILLIPS

Submissions from 1994

人際關係與社會支持網絡, Shek CHAN (陳碩) and Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW

導論, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW

社會地位與角色之變化, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW

穗港老人的社會經濟生活, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW

「穗港老人社會經濟生活的比較硏究」之簡介, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW

快樂老人之要素, Wing Kin, Kenneth LAW and Kok Man LEE (李覺敏)

Submissions from 1993

消費文化與階級區別, Hau Nung, Annie CHAN