
Submissions from 2015

港式中文词类现象举隅, Siu Lam TIN (田小琳) and Maopeng MA

Submissions from 2014

On the developemnt of university Chinese benchmark test : a case study, Donghui LI

Pilot tests on learning outcomes for the required practical Chinese courses in 4-year curriculum, Donghui LI

Putonghua curriculum design after 3-3-4 education reform : from primary school through university in Hong Kong, Donghui LI

初唐诗首句入韵与出句平声非韵现象研究, Fei LI

上古汉语前置音的语音性质, Maopeng MA

港式中文程度副词简论, Maopeng MA

港式中文同素逆序词考论, Siu Lam TIN (田小琳) and Fei LI

关于辞书修订与创新的几点认识 : 兼谈香港三联书店《现代汉语学习词典》(繁体字本) 出版工作设想, Siu Lam TIN (田小琳), Fei LI, and Maopeng MA

香港地區漢字認知及使用狀況調查問卷分析, Siu Lam TIN (田小琳), Yee WONG (黃翊), Maopeng MA, Fei LI, and Ka Lai CHUN (秦嘉麗)

Submissions from 2013

Assessing learning outcomes in tertiary Chinese language programmes, Donghui LI

王梵志詩歌異調通押現象辨析, Fei LI

《孟子章指》用韻與東漢末年關中方言韻母的特點, Maopeng MA

港式中文语序问题略论, Siu Lam TIN (田小琳) and Maopeng MA

Submissions from 2012

Pedagogical development via production of new teaching materials for LCC101 Practical Chinese I, Donghui LI

院校分享 : 嶺南大學中國語文教學與測試中心新學制的課程架構, Donghui LI

港式中文连词调查报告, Maopeng MA

论汉语语音史研究中的假说演绎法, Maopeng MA

Submissions from 2011


秋之香江, Dezhi HAN


秋晴城門河早行, Dezhi HAN

Parallel study on Lingnan exit written Chinese proficiency tests since 2009, Donghui LI and Keling YU

Submissions from 2010

國家語委普通話水平測試應試教程, Haitong FENG (馮海峒), Fei LI, and Maopeng MA


曉芙, Dezhi HAN


有一首法國古歌, Dezhi HAN


讀疊山先生慶全庵桃花有感, Dezhi HAN

再论双语互译文本在对比研究当中的定位, Donghui LI

Submissions from 2009


雙雙比翼鳥 : 詠沙田城門河比翼雙飛白鷺, Dezhi HAN

從方言地區語氣詞的誤用看普通話教學的教研問題 : 以香港地區為例, Dezhi HAN and Baisheng ZHOU (周柏勝)

乌者凶兆? : 浅论先秦两汉文学中"乌"意象的嬗变, Donghui LI

詞彙、意象與文化歷史的互動 : 以"烏"的詞彙意象之歷史嬗變為例, Donghui LI


漢語方言研究方法簡析, Fei LI

量詞"個化"及教學策略, Fei LI

香港大學生普通話語會話語音偏誤分析, Fei LI

上古音影母音值之检讨, Maopeng MA

社區詞與言語社區理論, Maopeng MA

《诗经》是押韵的是从未得到证明的假说吗? : 与李书娴、麦耘商榷, Maopeng MA

香港人普通话朗读中的陈述句、疑问句语调偏误分析, Maopeng MA

Submissions from 2008

老鼠嫁女, Dezhi HAN

Cultural and historical filters and fusions : on translating the crow imagery in the Shijing, Donghui LI

近体诗连仄句申论, Fei LI

Submissions from 2007

Translation, identity politics and diplomatic communication in Tang China, Donghui LI

十三轍、民謠用韻與上古漢語韻部元音構擬的原則, Maopeng MA

Submissions from 2006

Contrastive linguistics : problems and prospects from a translation perspective, Donghui LI

英汉对比研究的翻译学视角, Donghui LI

Submissions from 2005


白鷺捕魚, Dezhi HAN


秋思二首, Dezhi HAN


詠城門河畔白鷺, Dezhi HAN


香江感懷, Dezhi HAN

汉语真假复合词, Yuanjian HE and Lingling WANG


Interpreters as historians in China, Wai Chu, Rachel LUNG and Donghui LI

Submissions from 2004


無題 (一), Dezhi HAN


無题 (二), Dezhi HAN


窈窕, Dezhi HAN


青白紅, Dezhi HAN

Submissions from 2003

高級實用中文 : 普通話語音及政府公文寫作, Dezhi HAN and Chinese Language Education and Assessment Centre, Lingnan University

再論雙語互譯文本語料的量化分析, Donghui LI

大學實用中文, Qian WANG (王倩); Siu Lam TIN (田小琳); Wai Yiu WU (胡維堯); Hualing CHEN; Ching Mei, Irene CHANG; Yuen Ying PAT (畢宛嬰); Dezhi HAN; Yifeng SUN; and Chinese Language Education and Assessment Centre, Lingnan University

Submissions from 2002

Revisiting the use of personal pronouns (PP) and related issues in C-E/E-C translation, Donghui LI

Translation of diplomatic correspondence in the Tang China, Donghui LI

Submissions from 2001

從翻譯學的角度看漢英對比硏究的若干問題, Donghui LI

"調侃" : 漢語修辭中"荒謬任誕"的手法, Donghui LI

Submissions from 2000


說字正腔圓, Dezhi HAN

Submissions from 1997

美國大學生漢語聲調習得順序研究, Donghui LI

對香港地區普通話水平測試的一些看法, Wai Yiu WU (胡維堯); Xianying WANG (王仙瀛); Dezhi HAN; and Ching Mei, Irene CHANG