The Library collects data on research outputs published by active researchers at Lingnan University. This data provides the University with valuable information on the research activity of its staff.

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Submissions from 1988

Literary knowledge : humanistic inquiry and the philosophy of science, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON


Multiple resources and the optimal balance between size and number of offspring, Mark, Alan MCGINLEY and Eric L. CHARNOV

The epidemiological transition in Hong Kong : changes in health and disease since the nineteenth century, David Rosser PHILLIPS


'The people's voice'?, R. SRIVATSAN, P. SUDHIR, and Tejaswini NIRANJANA


Towards an optimal public housing policy, Lok Sang HO

人事管理與組織行為, Yui Tim, Edward WONG

全盤探討本港婦女就業現況 : 何以年青婦女就業參與率偏低?, Yui Tim, Edward WONG

在紐約聽劉賓雁演講有感, Yiu Chung WONG

当代中国青年文学中的三个外来偶像, Zidong XU

從悲劇衝突與悲劇元素看皇甫枚的「步飛煙」, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

從民主制度的社會條件看自由主義在近代中國的失敗 : 下, Yiu Chung WONG

書評 : 《中國語文學家辭典》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《古今字小字典》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《古代漢語的假借字》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《古漢語常用同義詞辨析》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《古漢語常用詞通釋》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《國風與民俗研究》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《鍾嶸詩歌美學》, Hung Kai LEE

神秘的微笑, Wan Kan CHIN

評李澤厚的《中國現代思想史論》, Yiu Chung WONG


论东南亚民族形成和分布的地理基础, Xiaorong HAN


青年的心事 : 從小說看大陸青年問題, Zidong XU

Submissions from 1987

Beyond distance teaching towards open learning, Vivien E. HODGSON, Sarah J. MANN, and Robin Stanley SNELL

Beyond distance teaching towards open learning, Vivien E. HODGSON, Sarah J. MANN, and Robin Stanley SNELL


Book review : Home ownership in the inner city : salvation or despair?, Ray FORREST

New towns in East and South-east Asia : planning and development, David Rosser PHILLIPS and YEH G. O., Anthony

New towns : the East and South-east Asian experience, David Rosser PHILLIPS and YEH G. O., Anthony


Parental investment in offspring in variable environments : theoretical and empirical considerations, Mark, Alan MCGINLEY; David H. TEMME; and Monica A. GEBER

Productivity based real incomes policy, Lok Sang HO

Social services and community facilities in the Hong Kong, David Rosser PHILLIPS


Spatial mobility, tenure mobility, and emerging social divisions in the UK housing market, Ray FORREST


The affluent home owner : labour market position and the shaping of housing histories, Ray FORREST and Alan MURIE

The challenge of painful and unpleasant emotions, Robin Stanley SNELL


The geography of council house sales in England : 1979-85, Richard DUNN, Ray FORREST, and Alan MURIE

The Philippines : faltering new town policies, but evidence of new towns-in-town, David Rosser PHILLIPS

The structure of Whitman's 'Song of myself' and Hegel's phenomenological dialectic, Zongqi CAI


Towards better specifications, Yeung Wai SUEN


一九七九年後中國社會學發展的四種特色, Yiu Chung WONG

一個國家三種制度, Yiu Chung WONG

「一國兩制」如何才能在港成功?, Yiu Chung WONG

中國如何運用辯證法處理香港政制發展, Yiu Chung WONG

刘心武论 : 《新时期小说主流》之一章, Zidong XU

君自故鄉來, Wan Kan CHIN

国内东南亚民族研究概述, Xiaorong HAN


定向爆炸試驗, Wan Kan CHIN

当代文学印象, Zidong XU

從民主制度的社會條件看自由主義在中國的失敗, Yiu Chung WONG

從社會控制觀點看中國學生運動, Yiu Chung WONG

政制改革與中國因素, Yiu Chung WONG

新时期的三种文学, Zidong XU

書評 : 《中國小學史》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《文心雕龍索引》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《漢語新詞詞典》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《說文解字講稿》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《鍾嶸詩品校釋》, Hung Kai LEE

根傳海外, Wan Kan CHIN

治港精英的五種特質, Yiu Chung WONG

論「全盤西化」的起源及其爭論, Yiu Chung WONG

論民主化四題, Yiu Chung WONG


遊戲, Wan Kan CHIN

霸權、政治文化、一國兩制, Yiu Chung WONG

Submissions from 1986


A decision support system for audit-staff scheduling with precedence constraints and due dates, Koon Hung CHAN and Bajis DODIN

Girard and literary knowledge, Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON


Marginalization and subsidized individualism : the sale of council houses in the restructuring of the British welfare state, Ray FORREST and Alan MURIE


On electronic road pricing and traffic management in Hong Kong, Lok Sang HO


Private residential accommodation for the elderly : geographical aspects of developments in Devon, David Rosser PHILLIPS and John A. VINCENT


Split consciousness : the dialectics of desire in Camel Xiangzi, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN


Structural antitheses in Goldsmith's The deserted village, Zongqi CAI

The Hong Kong economy : a 1985 review, Lok Sang HO

基本法的草擬與社會力量, Yiu Chung WONG

從北大學生示威看中國經濟改革的政治意義, Yiu Chung WONG

文学中的三种性描写, Zidong XU

现象学哲学与文学理论述评, Ersu DING

蘇共二十七大的改革信息 : 小心謹愼,仍未突破, Yiu Chung WONG

評金耀基的《中國民主之困局與發展》, Yiu Chung WONG

近年来小说创作与西方文学影响, Zidong XU

陀思妥耶夫斯基与张贤亮 : 兼谈俄罗斯与中国近现代文学中的知识分子“忏悔”主题, Zidong XU

Submissions from 1985


Central place foraging by beavers (Castor canadensis) : a test of foraging predictions and the impact of selective feeding on the growth form of cottonwoods (Populus fremontii), Mark, Alan MCGINLEY and Thomas G. WHITHAM


Directions for medical geography in the 1980s : some observations from the United Kingdom, David Rosser PHILLIPS


Education of the professional accountant : an empirical study, M. Rai KAPOOR and Koon Hung CHAN


Profitable cost increases and the shifting of taxation : equilibrium response of markets in oligopoly, Jesús SEADE

Restructuring the welfare state : privatization of public housing in Britain, Ray FORREST and Alan MURIE

Threat to party control?, Yiu Chung WONG

张承志与张辛欣的梦, Zidong XU


春生的插曲, Wan Kan CHIN

東歐遊踪 : 捷克──匈牙利, Yiu Chung WONG

浪漫派? 感伤主义? 零余者? 私小说作家? : 郁达夫与外国文学, Zidong XU

Submissions from 1984


Central place foraging for non-food items : determination of the stick size-value relationship of house building materials collected by eastern woodrats, Mark, Alan MCGINLEY


Commodification and housing : emerging issues and contradictions, Ray FORREST and P. WILLIAMS

Disorder and order : proceedings of the Stanford Internatinal Symposium (Sept. 14-16, 1981), Paisley Nathan LIVINGSTON


Signals of status in wintering white-crowned sparrows, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii, Gary N. FUGLE; Stephen I. ROTHSTEIN; Craig W. OSENBERG; and Mark, Alan MCGINLEY


The adaptive value of male-biased sex ratios in stressed animals, Mark, Alan MCGINLEY

文学批评中的「我」, Zidong XU

文學批評中的“入”與“出”, Zidong XU

曹冠龙的小说创作, Zidong XU

现代文学,“拥挤”的学科?, Zidong XU

記姬鵬飛與李後的談話, Yiu Chung WONG

讀李敖談香港前途的文章, Yiu Chung WONG

郁达夫新论, Zidong XU

郁達夫創作風格論 : 郁達夫新論之六, Zidong XU