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Theses/Dissertations from 1941
The gold standard : its past and future, Guy LAWSON
A study of quenching circuits, Tse Hung LEUNG (梁子鏗)
我國礦業政策, Zineng LIANG (梁子能)
學校兼辦社會教育之研究, Dongqing LI (李冬青)
中國工業合作社之研究, Hanyao LI (李漢耀)
The organization and operation of an export trading company, Ping Kwan LING
廣東省幾府風俗的探討, Youfeng LING (凌有鳳)
Design of chimney, Ping Wong LO (盧炳煌)
Bean milk and bean products, Shiu Wa WONG
我國抗戰前後之農業金融設施, Dunti XIAO (蕭敦悌)
英國普及教育運動初期的導生制, Zhenying XU (徐振英)
香港金融市場之研究, Zhuyou ZHU (朱竹友)
Theses/Dissertations from 1940
Design and construction of a railroad and terminal, Tak Tai CHAN (陳德泰)
The condensation of urea with formaldehyde, Wing Siu CHAN (陳永兆)
法西斯義大利之政治制度, Shukun CHEN (陳樹堃)
The morphology and anatomy of common cockroach (Periplaneta americana L.) with a comparative study on methods of its control, Tzu Cheng CHEN (陳自誠)
香港婦孺販賣問題, Xuejing CHEN (陳雪晶)
A study of a transitron oscillator at high frequencies, Chin Yim CHU (朱進任)
Oxidation of sulphur dioxide inside packed towers, King Sun CHUNG
Foreign exchange problems of our national dollar, Siak Kwong CHU (朱石光)
南洋華僑之研究, Shuying FENG (馮淑英)
Social aspects of a Hoi-Ping village, Chan May FONG (方珍美)
香港戰時經濟設施, Linshan GUO (郭琳珊)
Some fresh water flagellates of Hong Kong, A. James HULSE
戰時我國國際貿易之變遷, Tongti KANG (康同倜)
Investigation, design and construction of steel mill building, Kwong Kit LAI
Organic reagents in inorganic colorimetric analysis, Edgar M. LAUFER
Some experiments on sulfite pulp and active carbon, Chung Yao LEE
Photosensitive diazo compounds : their preparation and application, Pui Kum LEE
Straw cellulose : its extraction and utilization, Po Ming LEI
The reduction of diazonium compound studied polarographically, Yuk Hon LEUNG (梁約翰)
The philosophy of Lao Chang by Lao Shih 老張的哲學老舍著, Chung Sau LIN (林中秀)
歷史教學法, Shuhui LIN (林淑惠)
新文學運動以來的小說, Qiongkun LI (李瓊崑)
米業-側重米價-之研究, Baoyu LIU (劉寶玉)
Polargraphic studies on phenyl arsonic acid, Hon Ying LIU
Some studies in the preparation of liquid fuels, Sec Kan NG (吳式勤)
連續式之結構, Xiling OU (區錫齡)
香港廣州最近賦稅制度之比較, Wei QU (區衛)
香港教育制度之史的研究, ROU RUAN (阮柔)
A study of vacuum tube voltmeter circuits, Lan SHEN (沈瀾)
Preparation of gallic acid from Chinese nutgall and preparation of dyestuffs by using gallic acid, Wei San SIAO
香港市上各種肥皂之分析, Ning SITU (司徒寧)
蘇聯外交的研究, Jiajun SUN (孫家鈞)
The development of consular jurisdiction in China, Kit Ngaan TSOH
Comparative study of the secondary education of girls in England, Germany, and the United States 英德美日女子中等教育之比較研究, Renlan WANG (王紉蘭) and Yoshi KASUYA
Luminous tubes as laboratory light sources, Tso Yee WANG
中國歷代與安南關係, Guo Yu WENG (翁國裕)
A study of a negative feedback D.C. amplifier as a laboratory current measuring device, Awa WONG
Some experiments in elementary photography, Tso Kwing WONG