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Theses/Dissertations from 1939
中國郵政儲金之研究, Qiying XU (徐啟英)
所得稅之研究, Guoliang YANG (楊國亮)
家禽普通病害及其防治編纂, Zhuoheng ZENG (曾卓衡)
三十年來中國社會思潮之檢討, Weichi ZHANG (張維持)
Theses/Dissertations from 1938
Design of an open spandrel railway arch bridge, Chun Tai CHAN (陳振泰)
The water supply of Kwong Mon, Dai Lim CHAN (陳棣濂)
The two sagas : a comparison of John Galsworthy's Forsyte saga with a Chinese family in South China, Wan Pei CHANG (張婉姵)
The preliminary investigation of the Ha-Char Wu-Tong railway, Tze Yan CHAN (陳自仁) and Ka Chau LAM (林家就)
私立嶺南大學基督教青年會之社會事業, Jiming CHEN (陳繼明)
A study of macracantorhynchus [sic] hirudinaceus, Ping Cheng HSU (徐秉正)
馬克司主義與蘇聯現行制度, Shoulin HUANG (黃壽林)
自九一八至塘沽協定之中日交涉史料輯要, Yanping HUANG (黃炎平)
日本明治維新與中國戊戌變法思想上之關係, Guoquan JIAN (簡國銓)
The supernatural beings of the Celtic dramatists and Chinese classic, Chong Mei LEUNG
China and Chinese characters in Pearl Buck's novels, Fung Shang LEUNG (梁鳳生)
Design of a simply suspended and cantilever reinforced concrete highway bridge, at Whansha, Canton, Kin Hing LEUNG
Design of an elevated steel water tank, Yun Fun NG (吳潤蕃)
香港兒童福利設施, Shuxian OUYANG (歐陽淑嫻)
廣州幾種陋俗的研究, Xiude OUYANG (歐陽修德)
下渡村調查, Kunqi QU (區閫奇)
撤廢領事裁判權之研究, Yaoman QU (區耀滿)
二十五年度之廣州市人口, Liangxing TAN (譚亮星)
Biological study of Fasciolopsis buski, with notes on ecology of its intermediate host in Canton, Chiu WANG
The design of a sluice gate, Shiu Ming WAN
A study of the spermatogenesis in frog rana rugulosa, Chi Chuen WONG (黃梓川)
The design of retaining wall, Man Hoi WONG (黃文海)
Early larval development of diphyllobothrium mansoni in cyclop leuckarti claus, Shui Hoi WONG
Design of a fixed arch bridge with filled spandrels, Yui Kwan WONG (王銳鈞)
Design of elevated water tanks, Kwong Tsoi YEE
廣州市乞丐問題的研究, Tianyou ZHANG (張天佑)
Theses/Dissertations from 1937
廣州市勞工問題的探究, Quan BAI (白銓)
The trematode parasites of bats in Kwangtung 廣東蝙蝠之吸虫類, Loi Ka CHAN (陳來加)
Design of an arched reinforced-concrete sewer by the theory of least work, Sze Tun CHAN (陳士敦)
Measurements at Canton, China of potential gradient above the ground,and of atmospheric current densities, Pang Tsun CHAO (趙邦俊)
最近中國貨幣政策之檢討, Damin CHENG (程達民)
日本侵佔中國內河航行權之研究, Kunchi CHEN (陳昆池)
廣東蝙蝠之吸蟲類, Laijia CHEN (陳來加)
中國中央銀行制度, Ruilin CHEN (陳瑞麟)
中國國民經濟建設中之農村經濟, Zhusheng CHEN (陳竹盛)
Some aspects of psycho-analysis 心理分析, Shiu Kwai CHEUNG (張紹桂)
Analysis of chemical composition and detergent action of various brands of local laundry soaps, To Cheung CHUI (徐道彰) and Yuk Lam CHAN
A comparison between the Elizabethan and Chinese theatres, Heung Koy CHUNG
室內裝飾之研究, Rongxin DENG (鄧蓉馨)
Chinese examination system, Yau Hung FUNG (馮佑雄)
血球沉澱對於炎性之研究, Peiqin GUO (郭佩芹)
廣州蛙類蟾蜍及蜥蜴類寄生線蟲之研究 (包括四新種與一新亞種), Ruiyan GU (顧瑞岩)
民國以來西南與中央歷次分離之經過, Yuanjiong HE (何元炯)
我國之證券交易所, Shengquang HUANG (黃盛光)
中國之輔幣, Xuexin HUANG (黃學信)
Plant esculents used for the preservation of health 植物補品之研究, Siu Ying HU (胡秀英)