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Theses/Dissertations from 1937
植物補品之研究 Plant esculents used for the preservation of health, Siu Ying HU (胡秀英)
Studies on some nematode parasites of frogs, toads and lizards from Canton, with descriptions of four new species and a new variety, Swei Yen KOO (顧瑞嚴)
中央銀行概論, Rengchang LAI (賴礽昌)
Preparation of materials for the analysis of the component composition of portland cement by petrographic method, Paak Hau LEI
Determination of free lime in sai chuun cement, Wing Kai LEUNG (梁永佳)
民國後中國之銀行發展情形, Dinge LIANG (梁定鄂)
廣州市電影事業的研究, Fengzhen LIANG (梁奉真)
所得稅的研究與實施, Hairen LIANG (梁海仁)
我國中央政府財政部之內國公債, Lianxian LIANG (梁聯顯)
白銀問題與我國法幣政策之研究, Shuya LIANG (梁淑亞)
外蒙問題之研究, Biyun LI (李碧雲)
非常時期之財政, Chengzhi LI (李成枝)
急性腎炎之研究, Qifang LI (李其芳)
生命保險之經濟價值論, Jingse LIU (劉靜瑟)
民國以來港幣匯率漲落與廣東政治經濟之關係, Rirong LIU
托辣斯之研究, Rizhen LIU (劉日貞)
人性論, Yixi LIU (劉奕熙)
廣州市二百個人力車夫生活狀況調查, Yunbi LI (李蘊碧)
The religion of Shelley, Yau Shang LOH (羅猶生)
剖腹後之治療, Zhaowei LU (呂兆偉)
中國農村建設問題, Zhuxiu LU (盧竹修)
民國以來我國中央政府財政之研究, Chucai MO (莫楚材)
中國糧食統制問題, Jin Liu MO (莫錦鎏)
A study of the issues envolved [sic] in the English civil war, 1603-1649, Hoh Cheung MUI (梅可鏘)
A taxonomic study of some Kwangtung caterpillars 廣東一部份鱗翅目幼虫之分類研究, Yuk Chau NG
廣東一部分鱗翅目幼蟲之分類研究, Yuk Chau NG (吳玉洲)
鋼筋混凝土學, Dianyuan PENG (彭奠原)
太平洋有均勢乎?, Wuqi QU (屈武圻)
Design of a railway open spandrel arch bridge, Hsi Kwan SHEN
蘇東坡文之研究, Weiwen SHI (施蔚文)
A study of the skeletal, muscular and circulatory systems of the gecko (gekko gecko), Ip Kwong SHUM (岑業光)
Design of a restaurant, Tak Po TSANG (曾德甫)
Design of a building auditorium & gymnasium, Huan Hsin TSOU (鄒煥新)
腸熱症, Shujiang WANG (王淑姜)
Business combinations in the United States, Kam Chan, Jeane WONG (黃錦珍)
腹痛之分別診斷, Meiqiong XIA (夏美瓊)
中國管理通貨制度, Bilan XIE (葉碧瀾)
痺熱症臨床上之情況, Jiehui ZHENG (鄭潔輝)
鉤蟲病之研究, Pu ZHENG (鄭璞)
中國文藝復興, Benzhen ZHOU (周本真)
Theses/Dissertations from 1936
Shipping in China, I. P. CHAN (陳耀炳)
John Galsworthy's social philosophy as exemplified in his plays, Mei Lan CHAN (陳美蘭)
Design of a school assembly hall, Ping Wai CHAN (陳秉淮)
Wood testing, Shue Hing CHAN (陳書韾)
The preliminary invistration [sic] of the Wong-Po Sai-Tsuen railway, Yuen Lik CHAN (陳元力), Sai Tai CHUI, and Wai Kwong WONG
南洋華僑的經濟社會及文化建設之貢獻, Huibin CHEN (陳惠繽)
兒童家庭教養, Liyi CHEN (陳麗儀)
漢, 蒙, 藏, 日, 印, 蠻六大民族的家庭研究, Muxiu CHEN (陳慕修)
中美法院組織之比較, Yongquan CHEN (陳永權)
Practical design of covered service reservoirs, Chong You CHIU (趙長有)