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Theses/Dissertations from 1933
廣東省之中央紙幣, Fuyuan FU (符福源)
初中適用國文名著之選擇及其評定標準, Ruchang HUANG (黃汝昌)
中國國際貿易, Zhaoyi KONG (孔昭毅)
Nutritional value of soybean curd, Wai Tsaam KO (高為參)
Japan's Manchuria policy since 1894, Lau Kan LAU (劉柳勤)
華僑學生對於中國的態度, Liqiong LEI (雷礪瓊)
中央銀行制度之研究, Qingwen LIANG (梁慶文)
中央政府與地方政府之權限應如何劃分之, Shouxin LIANG (梁受欣)
廣州市公安局的組織及其行政, Jian LIU (劉建)
Vegetables as a source of helminthiasis in human beings with some references to prophylactic methods, Yam Hin LOUIE (雷蔭軒)
廣州市女子中等學校學生職業興趣及消遣興趣之調查, Xinying MA (馬信英)
廣州之金融組織, Yanrui MA (馬延瑞)
中國教育重要問題之研究與統計, Shuying MO
A study of six species of lepidopterous larvae occurring on Lingnan University campus, Yuk Chau NG (吳玉洲)
British sphere of influence in China, Chun Lam TAAM
The Chinese interest in vernacular poetry and in British and American poetry, Kai Sau WONG
中國農村經濟問題的研究, Zhen Sen WU (鄔振森)
The plays of O'Neill, Shin Yue YUEN (袁世裕)
中國絲業生產及其在國際貿易上之地位, Jiyu YU (余季玉)
廣州市初中學生個人衛生常識與習慣之關係, Rufeng YU (余如鳳)
Theses/Dissertations from 1932
The representative system, Tun Ho CHANG
整頓我國幣制, Yigong CHEN (陳怡恭)
The art of Henry Fielding the novelist, Tsuen Kung CHEUNG
Ammonia equilibria, Cheuk Fui FOK (霍卓奎)
中國關稅問題之研究, Jiahai HE (何家海)
China's relations with Japan previous to the Sui Dynasty, Shiu Haap HOH (何少俠)
批評的實在論, Qitian HUANG (黃期田)
A critical analysis of the anti-Japanese boycott, Man Cheung KA
Radioactive evidence for theories of nuclear structure, Man Kong LEE
A history of the Taiping Rebellion, Shiu Keung LEI
中國政治思想史 : 由漢至宋 = History of Chinese political thought : from Han to Sung dynasty, Shiu Chung LEUNG (梁紹松)
保險業與企業發展的關係, Guirong LI (李桂榮)
中國關稅問題, Lanzhen LI (李聯禎)
A critical study and evaluation of the home economics instruction in six girls' middle schools in Canton, Shau Hing LOH
A critical evaluation of some widely used methods of teaching English as a foreign language, Shuk Haan NG
廣州市中小學生中文識字量數之研究, YI SITU (司徒義)
The life of women in Jane Austen's England as portrayed in her novels, Tsoi Lei WAI
嶺南大學中西教職員之兒女六歲前衛生狀況, Minqing WEN (溫敏清)
Sino-European intercourse of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), In Yuk WONG
鳥瞰中的中國國際貿易, Zairong XIE (葉在榮)
四川桐油業之研究及其改善方法, Ronghua ZHAO (趙榮華)
帝國主義的發展及其評價, Pu ZHONG (鍾溥)
中國幣制問題, Lemin ZHU (朱樂民)
Theses/Dissertations from 1931
中國厘金之研究, Laidong LIN (林來棟)
兩粤鹺政之研究, Shenjun QU (區神駿)
Theses/Dissertations from 1930
布丹、孟德斯鳩、霍布斯、洛克與盧梭的國家起源學說, Zhenchu LI (李珍珠)
Theses/Dissertations from 1924
General study of village life in the vicinity of Canton Christian College, Ping Hang YUNG (容秉衡)