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Theses/Dissertations from 1949
廣東實業公司之調查, Zhenquan YANG (楊振權) and Jiaming CHEN (陳家明)
Complete design of a L50-ft. double track through riveted skew pratt truss span, Man On YEUNG
Theory of vibration and group representation, Lungfey B YIPP
訓育上的懲罰問題, Liping YU (余麗萍)
Antibiotics of higher plants, Shoi Fun YUNG
日本主要戰犯問題之研究, Xiumei ZHANG (張秀梅)
中暹貿易概況, Zhihu ZHANG (張之虎)
廣州市地政局及其措施, Zhiqi ZHANG (張之麒)
唐代的教會, Baoqi ZHENG (鄭寶琪)
汕頭市市參議會, Jincheng ZHENG (鄭錦澄)
二十年來中央民意機關之演進, Yaqing ZHENG (鄭亞清)
廣州基督教學生團體工作概況, Yuxian ZHOU (周玉仙)
晚清的政治改良主義者 : 康有為與梁啟超, Dahui ZHU (朱達輝)
Theses/Dissertations from 1948
Tuberculous meningitis : a study of sixty-five cases seen in Canton and Hackett hospitals, Bow Cheung AU
Complete design & model of a 144-Ft. single-track through riveted pratt truss span, loading : Cooper's E-60, Young AU-YOUNG and Yun Cho CHAN
耶穌與社會, Cuiyu CAI (蔡粹瑜)
圖騰學說之比較研究, Simian CEN (岑似棉)
William Makepeace Thackeray's novels, Chit Kei CHAN (陳婕姬)
Pa-Chin's family dramatized by Chao-Yu, Haam Ying CHAN
A study of exophthalmic goitre as seen in Hackett Hospital, Tack Kwong CHAN (陳德廣)
Labor unions in the United States, So Ngor CHAO (周素莪)
抗戰以來中國經濟狀況之探討, Binghui CHEN (陳炳輝)
A comprehensive description of some cultivated varieties of saccharum, Chat Wing CHENG and Yip Chang WEN
Unemployment, Yue Kay CHENG (鄭儒琦)
民國以來我國對外貿易政策之檢討, Lizhen CHEN (陳麗珍)
Literature report of some saponins, Mei'e CHEN
中國外匯政策之研究 : 實行新貨幣政策以後, Yongkang CHEN (陳永康)
中國關稅之研究, Zhenguo CHEN (陳振國)
Fistula-In-Ano an analysis of 23 cases from the Canton Hospital,1947, On Tak CHEUNG (張安得)
The chemistry and toxicology of insecticides used in China, Sai Seung CHIU
Arnold Bennett's novels of the five towns, Tuen Man Theresa CHOW (周端文)
Hydatidiform mole with deductions from thirty-six cases, Hon Bong ENG
都市社會與農村社會差異比較之研究, Cuiqin FU (傅翠琴)
我國火災保險事業之研究, Junqiang GU (辜俊強)
中國田賦整理問題之檢討, Yixian GUO (郭益顯)
A treatise on simple reinforced concrete highway bridges, See Yuen HO (何思源)
托兒所的設備, Baozhen HUANG (黃寶珍)
我國西南民族的婚姻制度, Jinluan HUANG (黃錦鸞)
商業經營之研究, Jinquan HUANG (黃錦荃)
Music and worship, Lai Ying HUANG
李鴻章與對日外交, Shunuan HUANG (黃淑暖)
中國工業建設之資本問題, Yongyao HUANG (黃永耀)
The China Rubber Manufacture Company, limited (a case study), Kon Sum HUIE
Modern credit system, Kit Chiu HUNG (洪傑超)
中國婦女參政運動, Ning JIANG (蔣寧)
我國鐵路負責運輸之檢討, Wen JIN (金文)
美國對華商業之研究, Xinglong KE (柯醒龍)
The practice and procedure of export trade, Kwong Kui LAM
Hernia (inguinal and femoral) a study of twenty-two cases met with in the Canton hospital, from March 1947-March 1948, Chee Hung LEE