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Theses/Dissertations from 1949
自由主義與極權主義教育的比較, Quangluan LIANG (梁鏘鸞)
白銀問題與我國法幣政策之實施, Zhicheng LIANG (梁志澄)
廣州市自殺案件的分析, Ruifen LIAO (廖瑞芬)
廣州市民間禁忌語之初步研究, Huiyan LI (李惠顏)
臺灣糖業概況, Jiaze LIN (林嘉澤)
暗示語言與社會功能, Jinge LIN (林菁莪)
近代中國政黨之發展, Shouling LIN (林壽齡)
廣州市兒童福利事業概況調查, Ximin LI (李希旻)
廣東省銀行 : 個案研究, Zhihui LI (李智慧)
Complete design of a through parallel chord truss highway bridge, Ming Heong LO
順德糖廠調查報告書, Xunzhai LONG (龍遜齋) and Dingqiu LONG (龍定球)
貧窮的原因及其救濟, Chuan LU (呂川)
問題兒童的研究, Kunming LU (陸坤明)
社會化的親職教育, Lishan LU (陸麗姗)
清末百年來廣州府兒童保護事業考, Bingwan LUO (羅冰紈)
資本主義與統制經濟, Shinong LU (盧世農)
戰後我國經濟金融改革, Tingchi LU (盧廷熾)
Men against fate, Ying Ling Mora LU (呂英玲)
實業之發展The evolution of industry, David Hutchison MACGREGOR and Ruiming XU (徐瑞蓂)
關稅問題及中國海關, Yuanzhen MAI (麥元貞)
Design of a girls dormitory Lingnan University, Shum Fai MA (馬信輝) and Kin Paak WU (鄔堅伯)
中國抗戰戲劇研究, Donghua MEI (梅冬華)
The chemistry of streptomycin, Yerk Hong MOK
A study of bamboo as a substitute for steel in reinforced concrete beam, Shing Haap NG and Yick Suen LAU
戰後香港經濟政策及其金融、貿易市場之研究, Shaojie NI (倪少傑)
中國與第一次世界大戰, Yun OUYANG (歐陽鋆)
Edmond Rostand's L'Aiglon a translation from French into English, Woon Yiu PANG (彭煥堯)
The investigation of airport design, Ying Biu POON (潘應標)
The planning and design of the new middle school compound, Yin Keung POON (潘演強) and Po Chiu IU (姚保照)
消費合作事業之研究, Gongjia SHANG (商宮甲)
醫藥社會工作 : 南京中央醫院社會服務部, Zanxia SHEN (沈贊夏)
十三年來法幣政策之檢討, Rukang SU (蘇汝康)
A study of the problems of industrial management illustrated by the World Pencil Manufacture Company, Nai Wai TAM (譚迺威) and Man Cho KWOK
Subgrade investigation of a section of Sil-Kong road (小港路) Canton, China, Kam Wing TANG and Kwok Lieng KWONG
A general description of synthetic estrogens, Shui Woo TANG
The international responsibility of states : a study on injuries sustained by aliens on account of mob violence and civil wars, Tin Sun TONG (唐天燊)
An experimental study of the distribution of acetanilide between benzene and water, Maak Sang TSAO (曹麥生)
Antitubercular compounds, Shung Ling TSAO
A proposed plan of an arena for Lingnan University, Kee Kau WAI (韋基球) and King Hau WU (鄔境厚)
青年之家庭教育, Mangfang WANG (王芒芳)
Design of Lingnan University library, Hong To WONG (黃康道) and Fung Hong HO (何逢康)
Korea : historical background and subjection, To Cheung WONG
Complete design of a fixed reinforced concrete arch bridge with open-spandrels for highway, Woon Lam WONG (黃煥林)
Translation of So-Manju's Novels, Tze Tung, Nellie WOO
國際統制貿易之理論與實踐, Chaozhuo WU (吳超擢)
宏業東莞糖廠調查報告, Chuanzhu WU (吳串珠) and Shaorong PAN (潘少容)
西藏儸儸邊族的宗教, Huizhong WU (吳慧中)
新會縣東南角農村經濟概況調查報告, Ruigang WU (吳瑞釭), Jincheng TAN (談錦成), Sen CENG (曾森), and Yongyin ZHANG (張永胤)
凱恩斯之生平及其思想 John Maynard Keynes, 1883-1946, Xiqin WU (吳習勤) and E. A. G. (Edward Austin Gossage) ROBINSON
我國桐油輸出貿易之概況, Jilun XIANG (香基倫)