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Theses/Dissertations from 1950
論新民主主義的中國經濟, Huanqiang ZHU (朱煥強)
Theses/Dissertations from 1949
The economic significance of the oversea Chinese remittances, Tin Cheuk CHAN (陳天焯)
The rule of treaty construction known as conventio omnis intelligitur rebus sic stantibus, Wing Kwong CHAU
A general design of the Lingnan market, Wing Tong CHAU and Sue Hung CHEW
The chemistry of penicillin, Yiu Kee CHAU
廣州禁忌的研究, Fengxian CHEN (陳鳳賢)
Methods for testing antibiotic activity and the preliminary works on some Chinese medicinal plants, Chiu CHENG (鄭超)
廣州市民國元年至二十六年的兒童救濟事業, Huizi CHENG (程慧姿)
廣州市勞工生活狀況, Guojun CHEN (陳國鈞) and Dinghua XU (許定華)
中俄伊犁交涉, Huanbin CHEN (陳煥彬)
我國會計管理與主要會計制度概略, Juenian CHEN (陳覺念)
嶺南大學附屬小學走讀與寄宿學生的研究, Peilan CHEN (陳培蘭)
初中國文教材, Qundi CHEN (陳群棣)
潮州民俗的搜集與研究, Xiuhui CHEN (陳秀惠)
南越秦漢文獻, Yuzhen CHEN (陳玉珍)
廣州火柴業調查報告, Zichao CHEN (陳子焯) and Guangzhi MA (馬廣治)
A complete design of the Lingnan student center, Yuet Kai CHEUNG (張悅楷)
Investigations on the compressive strength of concrete using materials available in the Canton market, Fuk Wah CHUNG (鍾福華), Shau Kang LAM (林壽庚), and Kung Hoi CHOW (周公海)
中國之所得稅, Shaoming DENG (鄧紹明)
從教育觀點下分析連環圖, Huiyi DONG (董惠意)
英國社會安全計劃, Xiluan DONG (董錫鑾)
廣東新會葵業概況, Guohua FANG (方國華)
中國紡織建設股份有限公司業務概況, Yongguang FANG (方永光), Hongxian LI (李洪現), and Shaorong CHEN (陳少榮)
利用外資復興我國戰後經濟建設之研究, Xicheng GUAN (關錫呈)
十五年來我國中等教育問題之分析, Yuzhen GUAN (關玉貞)
從合作事業論中國農業之改造及其出路, Baohe HE (何寶和)
招商局之概況, Huiying HE (何惠英), Hongqing LIN (林鴻卿), and Ruijian RUAN (阮銳堅)
十年來中國物價, Biaoxiong HUANG (黃標熊)
一個社會兒童教養機構 : 嶺南兒童工藝所膳食與營養的研究, Biyun HUANG (黃碧雲)
夢, Dihe HUANG (黃迪和)
中國倉庫制度, Guoqing HUANG (黃國慶)
中國錢莊之研究, Jin Feng HUANG (黃金鳳)
我國現行省政府職權問題之研究, Meijuan HUANG (黃美娟)
童話拾篇, Qixia HUANG (黃綺霞)
學業成績與學習習慣, Shangyi HUANG (黃尚儀)
Chemical investigation of Draba Nemorosa L. 葶藶之研究, Wei Yuan HUANG (黃維垣)
葶藶之研究, Weiyuan HUANG (黃維垣)
十二年來我國初等教育問題之分析, Yuzhen HUANG (黃玉貞)
資本與生產的關係, Xiaozhong HU
The development of Chinese drama after the literary enlightenment, Che Hing KWAI and Miu Yuen WONG
清軍機處之研究, Tanzhang LAN (藍檀章)
Design of the medical school building, Yee LAU (劉飴) and Tze Lin LIU
A brief survey of the restoration drama, Chug Quan LEE (李竹君)
Complete design of a 216-Ft. single-track through pin-connected curved chord pratt truss span, Hak Kan LEE (李克勤)
The chemistry of biotin, Kai Bun LEE
Naturalism in the nineteenth century drama, King Ying LEE
The sewerage system of Lingnan University, Siu Kok LEE
The synthesis and determination of vitamin B1, Yuen Po LEUNG (梁元溥)
太平天國時代的上海, Dezhi LIANG (梁德智)
中國商業法概要, Guogiang LIANG (梁國強) and Changyu MA (馬昌裕)