Submissions from 2017
“The universal language of the future" : decolonization, development, and the American embrace of global English, 1945-1965, Diana LEMBERG
Book review : Xinjiang and the modern Chinese state, Niccolò PIANCIOLA
再造徐霞客 : 民国科学地理学, Lei ZHANG
Submissions from 2016
Colonial autonomy and cold war diplomacy : Hong Kong and the case of Anthony Grey, 1967–9, James FELLOWS
Settler colonialism and the Soviet Union (1916-1933) : Kazakhs and Kyrgyz between Decolonization and state violence, Niccolò PIANCIOLA
Submissions from 2015
John Stuart Mill’s other island : the discourse of unbridled capitalism in post-war Hong Kong, Mark HAMPTON
The politics of identity in revolutionary China before and after 1949 : the case of Wei Baqun, Xiaorong HAN
中國民族關係散論, Xiaorong HAN
日軍在港戰爭罪行 : 戰犯審判紀錄及其研究, Chi Pang LAU and Xinbao DING (丁新豹)
黄竹坑故事 : 從河谷平原到創協坊, Chi Pang LAU and Kwan Kin, Kenneth WONG
Book review : Fictions Nationales. Cinéma, empire et nation en Ouzbékistan (1919-1937), Niccolò PIANCIOLA
中华民国专题史 : 第17卷 : 香港与内地关系研究, Junyi ZHANG (张俊义) and Chi Pang LAU
Submissions from 2014
Translating higher education in the British Empire : the question of vernacular degrees in Postwar Malaya, Ai Ling, Grace CHOU
From warhorses to ploughshares: the later Tang Reign of Emperor Mingzong, Richard Lee DAVIS
Book review : East wind : China and the British left, 1925-1976, Mark HAMPTON
Red God : Wei Baqun and his Peasant Revolution in Southern China, 1894-1932, Xiaorong HAN
口述歷史與當代香港史志的編纂, Chi Pang LAU
天空下的傳奇 : 從啟德到赤鱲角 (上、下冊), Chi Pang LAU; Kwan Kin, Kenneth WONG (黃君健); and Ho Yin, Raymond CHIN (錢浩賢)
Book review : Speaking Soviet with an accent : culture and power in Kyrgyzstan, by Ali İğmen, Niccolò PIANCIOLA
Book review : Shenti zhi zheng : jindai Zhongguo fanchanzu de licheng, Shuk Wah POON
國葬: 民國初年的政治角力與國家死亡儀式的建構, Shuk Wah POON
閒暇、海濱與海浴 : 香江游泳史, Shuk Wah POON and Wing Ho WONG (黃永豪)
Britain, the cold war, and 'the importance of influencing the young' : a comparison of Cyprus and Hong Kong, Christopher SUTTON
Submissions from 2013
「迷信話語」報章與清末民初的移風變俗, Chi Cheung CHOI (蔡志祥), Jinxin WEI (韋錦新), and Shuk Wah POON
Book review : Courtesans, concubines, and the cult of female fidelity : gender and social change in China, 1000-1400, Richard Lee DAVIS
Historical approaches to media studies, Mark HAMPTON
The political cartoon as educationalist journalism : David Low's portrayal of mass unemployment in interwar Britain, Mark HAMPTON
Exiled to the ancestral land : the resettlement, stratification and assimilation of the refugees from Vietnam in China, Xiaorong HAN
儒學在東亞鄰國和中國少數民族地區的傳播, Xiaorong HAN
危情百日 : 沙士中的廣華, Chi Pang LAU
香港史研究的現狀、功用與設想, Chi Pang LAU
香港華人菁英的冒起, Chi Pang LAU
Interpreting an insurgency in Soviet Kazakhstan : the OGPU, Islam and Qazaq 'Clans' in Suzak, 1930, Niccolò PIANCIOLA
Introduction : towards a connected history of the Qazaq steppe, Niccolò PIANCIOLA and Paolo SARTORI
Islam, society and states across the Qazaq Steppe (18th - early 20th centuries), Niccolò PIANCIOLA and Paolo SARTORI
Dogs and British colonialism : the contested ban on eating dogs in colonial Hong Kong, Shuk Wah POON
淺水灣: 海濱、海浴與香港殖民地的空間政治 Repulse Bay: Seaside, Sea-bathing and the Politics of Space in Colonial Hong Kong, Shuk Wah POON
English newspaper and sport : the South China Morning Post 's lawn bowls reporting in British colonial Hong Kong, Yizheng ZOU
Submissions from 2012
Book review : American radio in China : international encounters with technology and communications, 1919-41, Ai Ling, Grace CHOU
Book review : Songdai shiren jieceng nüxing yanjiu, Richard Lee DAVIS
British infrastructure and French empire : Anglo-French steam interdependency in Asian waters, c. 1852-1870, James R. FICHTER
Round-table : Recovering liberties : Indian thought in the age of liberalism and empire, James R. FICHTER, Mark HAMPTON, Martin J. WIENER, Philip HARLING, Sugata BOSE, and C. A. BAYLY
Journalists' histories of journalism : Britain since the 1950s, Mark HAMPTON
Projecting Britishness to Hong Kong : the British Council and Hong Kong House, nineteen-fifties to nineteen-seventies, Mark HAMPTON
Colonial legacies and internationalization : British history in contemporary Hong Kong, Mark HAMPTON and C. L., Carol TSANG
僑通天下: 陳有慶傳, Chi Pang LAU
屯門, Chi Pang LAU
《新安縣全圖》(1866) 中的香港新界村莊, Chi Pang LAU
侯寶璋家族史 (增訂版), Chi Pang LAU and Shu-yong LIU (劉蜀永)
Submissions from 2011
Confucianism, colonialism, and the Cold War : Chinese cultural education at Hong Kong's New Asia College, 1949-63, Ai Ling, Grace CHOU
Book review : Family newspapers? Sex, private life and the British Popular Press 1918-1978, Mark HAMPTON
Book review : The empire project : the rise and fall of the British world-system, 1830-1970, Mark HAMPTON
Book review : The punch brotherhood : table talk and print culture in Mid-Victorian London, Mark HAMPTON
Early Hong Kong television, 1950s-1970s : commercialisation, public service and Britishness, Mark HAMPTON
香港早期華人菁英, Chi Pang LAU
香港達德學院 :中國知識份子的追求與命運, Chi Pang LAU
Book review : Faiths on display : religion, tourism, and the Chinese state, Shuk Wah POON
Negotiating religion in modern China : state and common people in Guangzhou, 1900-1937, Shuk Wah POON
文化遺產的保存與傳統的再造: 廣州珠村「乞巧文化節」, Shuk Wah POON and Wing Ho WONG
中英街與沙頭角禁區, 香港地方志辦公室, 深圳市史志辦公室, Chi Pang LAU, Ling HUANG (黃玲), and Xiao SUN (孫霄)
Submissions from 2010
花果飄零 : 冷戰時期殖民地的新亞書院, Ai Ling, Grace CHOU
Book review : Portrait of a community : society, culture, and the structures of Kinship in the Mulan River Valley (Fujian) from the Late Tang through the Song, Richard Lee DAVIS
Book review : Race, law, and "the Chinese puzzle" in Imperial Britain, Mark HAMPTON
Book review : The changing faces of journalism : tabloidization, technology and truthiness, Mark HAMPTON
Book review : The Crimean War in the British imagination, Mark HAMPTON
The fourth estate ideal in journalism history, Mark HAMPTON
展拓界址 :英治新界早期歷史探索, Chi Pang LAU
我們都在蘇屋邨長大 :香港人公屋生活的集體回憶, Chi Pang LAU
西學東漸第一人 : 利瑪竇在中國 (1582-1610年), Weiling LI (李韡玲) and Chi Pang LAU
廟宇、城市空間與國民改造 : 民國時期廣州城隍廟的變化, Shuk Wah POON
Book review : Race, law, and "the Chinese puzzle" in Imperial Britain, David Lloyd SMITH
Submissions from 2009
The reign of Li-tsung (1224–1264), Richard L. DAVIS
The reign of Tu-tsung (1264–1274) and his successors to 1279, Richard L. DAVIS
The Reigns of Kuang-tsung (1189–1194) and Ning-tsung (1194–1224), Richard L. DAVIS
伶人。武士。猎手 : 后唐庄宗李存勖传, Richard L. DAVIS and Jia MA
Book review : A political history of journalism, Mark HAMPTON
Inventing David Low : self-presentation, caricature and the culture of journalism in mid-twentieth century Britain, Mark HAMPTON
侯寶璋家族史, Chi Pang LAU and Shu Yong LIU (劉蜀永)
吞聲忍語 : 日治時期香港人的集體回憶, Chi Pang LAU and Jiajian ZHOU
Between religion and superstition : Buddhism and Daoism in Guangzhou, China, 1900-1937, Shuk Wah POON
從「送子觀音」到「送錢觀音」: 民國時期珠江三角洲一帶的「生菜會」和「觀音開庫」 Goddess of Mercy in Popular Religious Practices in Republican-era Pearl River Delta Region, Shuk Wah POON
Book review : Lords of misrule : hostility to aristocracy in late nineteenth and early twentieth century Britain, David Lloyd SMITH
Submissions from 2008
Book review : The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) : Shaping the Reforms, Academia, and China, 1977-2003, Ai Ling, Grace CHOU
Book review : Trade and society in the Straits Ofmelaka : Dutchmelaka and English Penang, 1780-1830, James R. FICHTER
Book review : Messages : free expression, media and the west from Gutenberg to Google, Mark HAMPTON
New journalism, nineteenth-century, Mark HAMPTON
Representing the public sphere : the new journalism and its historians, Mark HAMPTON
方志學的現代理念與應用, Chi Pang LAU
大埔教育:從鄉村師範的建立到鄉村學校的消失( Education in Tai Po: From the Founding of Rural Normal School to the Demise of Village Schools), Shuk Wah POON
民國時期廣州的糞穢處理與城市生活, Shuk Wah POON
Book review : Blackface Minstrelsy in Britain, David Lloyd SMITH
Submissions from 2007
World War I and the Anglo-American imagined community : civilization vs. barbarism in British propaganda and American newspapers, Jessica BENNETT and Mark HAMPTON
Book review : Unbounded loyalty : frontier crossings in Liao China, Richard Lee DAVIS
Book review : A century of media, a century of war, Mark HAMPTON
Book review : Tabloid Britain : constructing a community through language, Mark HAMPTON
屯門地名考, Chi Pang LAU
屯門歷史與文化, Chi Pang LAU