Submissions from 2018
A new test of multivariate nonlinear causality, Zhidong BAI, Yongchang HUI, Dandan JIANG, Zhihui LV, Wing Keung WONG, and Shurong ZHENG
All-units discounts as a partial foreclosure device, Yong CHAO; Guofu TAN; and Chi Leung, Adam WONG
Constructing a financial stress index for Vietnam : an application of autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic models, Nguyen Chi DUC and Thuy Ai HO
The two-moment decision model with additive risks, Xu GUO, Andreas WAGENER, Wing Keung WONG, and Lixing ZHU
Managing careers in organizations, Rongzhu KE, Jin LI, and Michael POWELL
e-purchase intention of Taiwanese consumers : sustainable mediation of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, Massoud MOSLEHPOUR, Van Kien PHAM, Wing Keung WONG, and Ismail BILGIÇLI
Price-level co-movements within currency unions : an alternative integration metric, Gregory William WHITTEN
Submissions from 2017
Input demand under joint energy and output prices uncertainties, Moawia ALGHALITH, Xu GUO, Cuizhen NIU, and Wing Keung WONG
China's impact on Mongolian exchange rate, Alimaa BATAI; M. Y., Amanda CHU; Zhihui LV; and Wing-Keung WONG
Management information, decision sciences and financial economics : a connection, Chia Lin CHANG, Michael MCALEER, and Wing Keung WONG
Entry and welfare in search markets, Yongmin CHEN and Tianle ZHANG
Intermediaries and consumer search, Yongmin CHEN and Tianle ZHANG
Soft skills, hard skills, and the black/white wage gap, Chengze, Simon FAN; Xiangdong WEI; and Junsen ZHANG (張俊森)
A Bayesian approach to excess volatility, short-term underreaction and long-term overreaction during financial crises, Xu GUO, Michael MCALEER, Wing Keung WONG, and Lixing ZHU
Risk breeds risk aversion, Tai Sen HE and Fuhai HONG
The emergence of compositional grammars in artificial codes, Fuhai HONG, Wooyoung LIM, and Xiaojian ZHAO
The emergence of language differences in artificial codes, Fuhai HONG and Xiaojian ZHAO
A new nonlinearity test to circumvent the limitation of Volterra expansion with application, Yongchang HUI, Wing Keung WONG, Zhidong BAI, and Zhen Zhen ZHU
Top purchase intention priorities of Vietnamese low cost carrier passengers : expectations and satisfaction, Massoud MOSLEHPOUR, Wing Keung WONG, Yi Hsin LIN, and Thi LE HUYEN NGUYEN
Kappa ratios and (higher-order) stochastic dominance, Cuizhen NIU, Wing Keung WONG, and Qunfang XU
PRC securitization : legal and rating developments, Kingsley ONG and Ho Ming, Stan HO
Local governance and the quality of local infrastructure : evidence from village road projects in rural China, Ho Lun, Alex WONG; Yu WANG; Renfu LUO; Linxiu ZHANG; and Scott ROZELLE
Topological characteristics of the Hong Kong stock market : a test-based P-threshold approach to understanding network complexity, Ronghua XU, Wing Keung WONG, Guanrong CHEN, and Shuo HUANG
Unbundling institutional determinants of multinational investments, Xinpeng XU (許心鵬); Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON; and Yan SHANG
Submissions from 2016
Three questions on China's “Belt and Road Initiative”, Kwok Hon, Leonard CHENG
Culture, institution, and development in China : the economics of national character, Chengze, Simon FAN
中國人的國民性 : 從懦弱到陽剛的演變, Chengze, Simon FAN
Border effect between Hong Kong and Mainland China, Simon C. FAN, Xiangdong WEI, and Jia WU
Mexico, Brazil and Chile : potential links with China and South Korea, K. C. FUNG, Hsiang-Chih HWANG, Jesús SEADE, and Rocky YUNG
Multivariate stochastic dominance for risk averters and risk seekers, Xu GUO (郭旭) and Wing-Keung WONG
Almost stochastic dominance for risk averters and risk seeker, Xu GUO, Wing Keung WONG, and Lixing ZHU
A new approach to road pricing, Lok Sang HO
A sustainable retirement plan, Lok Sang HO
Education system not helping students to face life's problems, Lok Sang HO
Everyone must respect Basic Law, Lok Sang HO
Integrity is a universal value which must not be overlooked, Lok Sang HO
Jury still out on Arthur Li, Lok Sang HO
Lawmakers should offer constructive criticisms and advice to government, Lok Sang HO
Let's build a better Hong Kong, Lok Sang HO
Life education is desperately needed in the SAR’s schools, Lok Sang HO
Life education will make our children healthier and happier, Lok Sang HO
Making life better for HK's workers, Lok Sang HO
More meeting and exhibition facilities are needed in the SAR, Lok Sang HO
Now is the time to get tough, Lok Sang HO
Open minds keep HK competitive, Lok Sang HO
Policy address does not disappoint, Lok Sang HO
Pragmatic approach is the best way to resolve standard working hours issue, Lok Sang HO
Premium taxis offer an alternative choice, Lok Sang HO
Provide basic jobs, not basic incomes, Lok Sang HO
Radicals marginalize themselves, Lok Sang HO
Rebuilding trust between the mainland and Hong Kong, Lok Sang HO
Removing doubts about B&R, Lok Sang HO
Surplus prediction may be wrong, Lok Sang HO
The mainland shares and respects the universal values we all cherish, Lok Sang HO
True meaning of press freedom, Lok Sang HO
We should all embrace the parental responsibility model, Lok Sang HO
中國債務增不一定構成危機, Lok Sang HO
中國經濟主動下行以質換量, Lok Sang HO
中國經濟非嚴峻, Lok Sang HO
中國經濟靠服務業新經濟推動, Lok Sang HO
人幣油價跌也有正面影響, Lok Sang HO
佛教經濟學可持續發展的關鍵, Lok Sang HO
全民養老金寧取「全數支付」, Lok Sang HO
匯率戰實為破壞別國經濟, Lok Sang HO
強美元易觸發經濟危機, Lok Sang HO
打擊避稅殃及經濟, Lok Sang HO
政府派糖到盡頭, Lok Sang HO
救市得法 多方共贏, Lok Sang HO
樓市復甦 財赤良方, Lok Sang HO
步入財赤年代難再派糖, Lok Sang HO
油價如匯價急升暴跌皆不宜, Lok Sang HO
港空有競爭力 無好好發揮, Lok Sang HO
港金融地位認真危, Lok Sang HO
熔斷無謂入市最實際, Lok Sang HO
理想的中港關係和兩岸關係, Lok Sang HO
辣招幫倒忙 害苦置業者, Lok Sang HO
辣招苦果逐漸浮現, Lok Sang HO
難證中國「長期走下坡」, Lok Sang HO
What accounts for the decline of happiness of children as they grow into their teens : a Hong Kong case study, Lok Sang HO and Patrick IP
Tax reform for a fairer, more vibrant economy, Lok Sang HO and Tianle ZHANG
Voluntary participation in public goods provision with Coasian bargaining, Fuhai HONG and Wooyoung LIM
Competition and bank opacity, Liangliang JIANG, Ross LEVINE, and Chen LIN
Introduction : pushing forward the frontier of knowledge in economic science, Ping LIN
政府债务风险与经济增长, Jinglin LIU and Jimmy RAN
Assessing the role of inward foreign direct investment in Chinese economic development, 1990-2007 : towards a synthesis of alternative views, Dic LO, Fuhai HONG, and Guicai LI
Arbitrage opportunities, efficiency, and the role of risk preferences in the Hong Kong property market, Chun Kei TSANG, Wing Keung WONG, and Ira HOROWITZ
Disaggregated trade and disaggregated currency unions: a ranking of common currency effects, Gregory William WHITTEN
Submissions from 2015
Interpersonal bundling, Yongmin CHEN and Tianle ZHANG
How business community institutions can help fight corruption, Avinash Kamalakar DIXIT
Book review : Consumption in China : how China’s new consumer ideology is shaping the nation. China Today Series. by LiAnne Yu, Chengze, Simon FAN and Yu PANG (龐宇)
Production networks and international trade: China, Brazil and Mexico, K. C. FUNG, Hsiang-Chih HWANG, Francis NG, and Jesús SEADE
Amended law will benefit everyone, Lok Sang HO
Attacks on TSA politically motivated, Lok Sang HO
Culture makes all the difference, Lok Sang HO
Dispute over co-location is futile, Lok Sang HO
HK can achieve growth beyond the 'new normal', Lok Sang HO
HK radicals cannot determine what constitutes the rule of law, Lok Sang HO
Hong Kong's young people have to learn to accept life's realities, Lok Sang HO
Housing proposal may not work, Lok Sang HO
It is time for the SAR to have a higher standard of journalism, Lok Sang HO