Rebuilding trust between the mainland and Hong Kong

Document Type

Newspaper article

Source Publication

China Daily (Hong Kong Edition)

Publication Date


First Page



There is so much mistrust between the mainland authorities and Hong Kong people that it has been extremely difficult to take advantage of the possible gains that may be achieved through greater integration between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. These can be looked upon as “twin cities” much like Minneapolis and Saint Paul in the United States and Buda and Pest forming Budapest in Hungary. Hong Kong, an international and cosmopolitan “world city”, has a population of 7.3 million. It is well known for its connectivity to the world and its rule of law. Metropolitan Shenzhen, now the most innovative and competitive city in China, has a population of 18 million. The two cities, each with their unique strengths, can complement each other and scale new heights - with benefits to both.

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Recommended Citation

Ho, L.-s. (2016, May 17). Rebuilding trust between the mainland and Hong Kong. China Daily (Hong Kong Edition), P10.
