This course aims to familiarize students with the various aspects of publication work so that they have a clear understanding of what is required in the professional publishing world. The course provides practical, hands-on experience that will help prepare them for possible job opportunities in publishing, editing or other types of text-based work. Below are the publications produced from the courses.
intralingual : a bilingual student magazine = 人云譯云
2015-2016 Bilingual Publication Workshop, Department of Translation, Lingnan University
This magazine is the product—or in pedagogical terms, the learning outcome—of a course offered by the Department of Translation at Lingnan University called Bilingual Publication Workshop. The aim of the Department of Translation is to not only train students in written translation and oral interpreting between Chinese and English, but also to prepare students for work in a wide variety of careers that require excellent bilingual skills. In Hong Kong, many jobs, such as those in the publishing world, require such training.
Trans-actions : a bilingual student magazine = 譯‧行者
2013-2014 Bilingual Publication Workshop, Department of Translation, Lingnan University
This magazine, named Trans-actions, is the result of the collective efforts (actions) of the twenty-five students in the translation (Trans) course called Bilingual Publication Workshop. In the spirit of Lingnan's liberal arts educational ethos, this course is held in an experiential learning mode, whereby students learn a wide range of skills and abilities that help them become more well-rounded individuals.
《譯行者》是集翻譯課程「雙語出版工作坊」二十五位同學的汗水和努力於大成的作品。配合嶺南大學的博雅教育精神,同學邊做邊學,通過學習 不同範疇的知識,從而得到全面發展。
TransFinite = 譯誌
2009-2010 Publication Workshop, Department of Translation, Lingnan University
This bilingual magazine was created and produced by the 55 students in a course called Publication Workshop, which is offered by Lingnan’s Department of Translation. Dr. Roberta Raine, as the teacher for this course, his role as “Editor-in-Chief” has been to guide the students in learning hands-on, through practical experience what is involved in publishing a magazine. The students have been responsible for every step of the process: brainstorming ideas for articles, writing, translating, editing, finding photos and artwork, designing, proofreading, preparing the magazine for printing, and distribution.
這本雙語雜誌是由嶺南大學翻譯系修讀”出版工作坊”的55名學生精心編著的。在此過程中,Dr. Roberta Raine 作為任課老帥兼「主編」,引導學生在實踐中來學習。從擬稿、寫作、翻譯、編輯、後期美工設計、校對、印刷到最後的派發,學生們在每個步驟上都身體力行。
a:muse : A bilingual student magazine
2008-2009 Publication Workshop, Department of Translation, Lingnan University
This bilingual student magazine is the result of the hard work, creativity and energy of the 62 students in this year's Publication Workshop, a course offered by the Department of Translation. This is a very hands-on, practical course in which students learn by doing. Each student must take responsibility, both as an individual and as part of a team, to ensure that the quality of the publication is high and that the entire production process goes smoothly and according to schedule, just like in a real-life professional setting. Every aspect of this publication - from writing, editing and design, to final printing and distribution - was done by the students.
這本雙語學生雜誌,是今年「出版工作坊」62名學生汗水、創意和精心製作的結 晶。「出版工作坊」是翻譯系開設的課程,它注重實踐,讓學生邊做邊學。爲了保證出 版物的品質,每一個同學都需要擔負個人和團隊兩部分的責任,令整個出版過程如期順 利進行,就如現實生活中一個專業的運作環境。出版的每一步——從撰文、編輯、設計 到最終印刷和發行都是由學生負責。