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Asia Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies Newsletter 亞太老年學研究通訊 (Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies 亞太老年學研究中心)

APIAS Newsletter is launched to provide a channel for the public to understand the latest development of the ageing population and how Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies stried to tackle any existing or potential problems holistically through research, course development and programmes.

This newsletter can also serve as a platform amongst the professionals and academia from different backgrounds to exchange information and opinions over a wide range of ageing issues while sharing their rich experiences in elderly related services and research.

Through communication, we believe the day we achieve our common goal in creating a "society for all ages" is not far away.

Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese 現代中文文學學報 (The Advanced Institute for Global Chinese Studies 環球中國文化高等研究院)

ISSN 1026-5120

JOURNAL OF MODERN LITERATURE IN CHINESE (JMLC) 現代中文文學學報 15.2 is the LAST issue published under this title.

After twenty-two years of publishing since 1997, JMLC assumes a new incarnation in 2019 : Prism, a biannual peer-reviewed journal published by Duke University Press for Lingnan University of Hong Kong. It is jointly sponsored by the Centre for Humanities Research and Department of Chinese of Lingnan University and the Forum on Chinese Poetic Culture at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Learn more about Prism: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature (from Vol. 16):

Lingnan Journal of Banking, Finance and Economics (Department of Economics)

The Lingnan Journal of Banking, Finance and Economics is a project conceived by the leadership of Lingnan University's Department of Economics, featuring papers from the students of Master of Science in International Banking and Finance (MIBF) Program.

嶺南學報 Lingnan Journal (1929-1952) (Scholarly Publications of Lingnan University (Guangzhou))


(註: 摘要撮自《嶺南學報》小史述略 : 兼論陳寅恪與《嶺南學報》)

本期刊頁收錄 1929 至 1952 年期間,由廣州嶺南大學出版的《嶺南學報》的全文。《嶺南學報》後續期號載於嶺南學報 Lingnan Journal 1999-2006嶺南學報 Lingnan Journal (復刊)

嶺南學報 Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies (Department of Chinese)

ISSN 1562-5915


  Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies (LJCS) is published by the Department of Chinese, in collaboration with Centre of Humanities Research of Lingnan University, now revamped as the Advanced Institute for Global Chinese Studies (AIGCS). Since its relaunch in 2014, LJCS has been striving to become a world-class journal in Chinese studies.

中文社會科學引文索引 Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI)
2023-2024 : 來源期刊 Indexed Journal
臺灣人文及社會科學期刊評比暨核心期刊收錄 Taiwan Humanities Core Index (THCI)
2020、2023 : 人文學 (文學一) 核心期刊 Core Journal

嶺南學報 Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies (1999-2006) (The Advanced Institute for Global Chinese Studies 環球中國文化高等研究院)


本期刊頁主要收錄 1999 至 2006 年期間,由嶺南大學文學與翻譯研究中心出版的新一至三期《嶺南學報》的全文。

《嶺南學報》原由廣州嶺南大學於1929-1952年間編刊,停刊近半世紀後於1999年由香港嶺南大學復刊。研慮此舉,一則繼往,可發揚往日優良之文史傳統;二則開來,有助推動學術研究。復刊一事,由劉紹銘及劉靖之兩位教授倡議,由文學與翻譯研究中心負責編輯及出版事宜,並邀中文系馬幼垣教授任主編,分別於1999, 2000 及 2006 年共出版了三冊。後因編刊人事及環境變遷,於 2006年出版新第三期後休刊。
