The Lingnan Journal of Banking, Finance and Economics is a project conceived by the leadership of Lingnan University's Department of Economics, featuring papers from the students of Master of Science in International Banking and Finance (MIBF) Program.
Current Volume: Volume 6 (2016) 2015/2016 Academic Year Issue
I am honored to have had the opportunity to be part of this elaborate work made by students and professors of the MIBF program. The 2015-2016 edition of the JOURNAL OF BANKING, FINANCE AND ECONOMICS includes concepts and ideas discussed throughout the year, as well as new ideas brought following in-depth academic research on interesting topics related to banking, finance and economics.
Lingnan University encourages curiosity of the mind. The University ensures that students and researchers get all the tools they need to successfully embark in the journey of academic research. Investigations on diverse topics brought by students can sometimes bring results that lead to major future developments in the field.
Studying in a major international hub for finance, we are obligated to be aware of the complexities that are present in today’s world of finance. These complexities are present in large part due to the strong interconnectedness of the countries’ economy. With this in mind, it is not surprising to see that future research topics involve many more factors to consider.
Finally, this journal would not be possible without the help of managing director Dr. Kent Lai. Thank you for your advice and countless hours in the office working to make this program better every day.
Student Managing Editor
How do CDOs and CDSs influence the crisis of 2008
Portfolio recallocation and exchange rate dynamics
King Chun WONG
Student Managing Editor