Historical Texts of Lingnan University 嶺南大學歷史特藏
This collection contains materials that documented the history of Lingnan University with various aspects and theme, including publications or primary texts or other important documents. The contents cover the details from its forerunner “Christina College in China” established in 1888 in Canton (Guangzhou), throughout its re-establishment and development in Hong Kong from1967 as Lingnan College, then Lingnan University till now.
本特藏收錄跟嶺南大學歷史發展相關的出版物, 包括書籍及原始資料等,內容函蓋自1888年創立的格致書院起,至1967年於香港復校後的沿革及發展。
The Order of the Supreme Court on the merger between Lingnan College Limited and Lingnan Education Organization (30 July 1969) = 最高法院頒令批准嶺南書院有限公司與嶺南教育機構合併
The Supreme Court of Hong Kong
The Supreme Court ordered the merger between Lingnan College Limited and Lingnan Education Organization be sanctioned, 30 July 1969.
Nai Zin ZIA (謝扶雅)
嶺南大學復校呼聲 = The voice of reviving Lingnan University
此特刊主要由1954 年 斌社的羅仁及黃達仁學長倡議彙編「嶺南大學復校呼聲」,其後得到國内外各地的紅灰校友熱烈支持,投稿表達對嶺南大學復校的意見。期望透過特刊對母校的恢復,起一點作用。
嶺南學院二十週年校慶特刊1967-1987= Lingnan College 20th anniversary special album 1967-1987
Lingnan College, Hong Kong
情繫司徒拔道 (場刊)
香港嶺南學院在同年10月遷往屯門新校園,搬離有28 年歷史的司徒拔道校園,而爲學院服務14年的校長陳佐舜博士亦於同年8月底榮休,故嶺南學院畢業生特別籌辦「情繫司徒拔道」晚會活動,藉此惜別司徒拔道校園,向陳校長致意,並聯繫嶺南人。
Sui Ming LEE (李瑞明)
本書主要分為郭查理所著之《嶺南大學簡史》與本會所編《嶺南教育的發展》兩部,並附以歷史圖片專頁一輯。前者版權屬今之紐約嶺南基金會所有。後二者取自中國校董會記錄、校友撰述和回憶錄及各圖書館館藏文獻,由嶺南 (大學) 籌募發展委員會統一出版。
大村歲月 : 抗戰時期嶺南在粵北
1942-1945年抗曰戰爭後期, 嶺南大學和附中在粵北仙人廟嶺大村的幾年, 正是烽火連天, 國家多難的歲月。那幾年, 對當時的嶺南人來說, 是風雨同舟、苦樂與共的歲月, 是正當身心發育、學業奠基的歲月, 是物資缺乏、精神旺盛的歲月, 是感情豐富、思想單純的歲月。每個人的經歷和感受不盡相同。大體來說, 那時有挫折、有憧憬、有憤怒, 有歡欣。那充滿挑戰的日子, 也同時是充滿值得懷念的好時光。
花開花落, 雲捲雲舒。青山不老, 綠水長流。緬懷過去, 可以帶來安慰, 也可以帶來歡樂。本集本著 "兼容並包, 自由思想" 的嶺南傳统。文章不按立場觀點角度取捨。文稿內容、形式、文體都不拘一格。這正如有些同學把閒話當年當作"精神聚餐"。甜酸苦辣, 南北東西, 名餚小炒, 都是我們在祖國苦難時代的生活。文章的編排, 除前輩的頭三篇外, 均按所屬級社先後為序。排名不分先後。
别矣大村! 滄海桑田, 當年校園已蕩然無存。原來風華正茂的少年同學, 如今已是白髮蒼蒼的長者。曾在嶺大村就讀的同窗, 無論是本集的作者或讀者, 回首前塵, 撫今追昔, 都會慶幸大家今朝依然健在; 慶幸大家能夠分享這雪泥鴻爪, 舊影餘香; 慶幸往事如煙, 但記憶長存, 友誼長在!
樟林已矣! 幸新芽已成長, 並開枝散葉。我們不敢奢望本集有 "以勵來兹" 的作用, 但願後來者能看到前人的一點足跡, 能體會過去的一點艱辛和那一點愛國愛嶺南之心, 已經是了不起的收獲,可以得到我們誠擎的祝福了。
嶺南大學文獻目錄 : 廣州嶺南大學歷史檔案資料
Sui Ming LEE (李瑞明)
嶺南大學自1888 年創校於廣州,其間的變遷,不單表述了嶺南的事跡,亦説明了近代中國歷史的一段重要里程。嶺南悠長的歷史,自然亦有大量的有關文獻。嶺南與世界各地交往頻繁,資料亦流散各地。由於史料的卷帙浩繁,如果沒有一個指引作為按圖索麟,研究嶺南歷史的學者恐怕只能浮光掠影,而無法從事深入客觀的研究。
嶺南教育在港80週年1922-2002 = Lingnan education in Hong Kong 80th anniversary 1922-2002
嶺南教育機構 Lingnan Education Organization
回顧二十世紀初葉,嶺南人已早開風氣之先,十分重視華僑教育。這一理念孕育至1922年得以落實,當年先師鐘榮光博士派遣司徒衛校長到香港開辦嶺南小學,目的是招引學生回廣州接受優質中學及大學教育。 其後時局變化,香港家長希望子弟留港繼續學業。1945年戰後復員,嶺南開辦初中,五十年代發展高中,六十年代創立嶺南學院,同期嶺南同學會在九龍開辦小學。在嶺南人不斷努力耕耘下,中學部於八十年代接受政府津貼,並先後發展為三間中學 : 嶺南中學、嶺南鍾榮光博士紀念中學和嶺南衡怡紀念中學。九十年代初,在司徒拔道校園增設幼稚園及幼兒園,而嶺南學院亦同時被納入政府大學資助體系,1999年立法會通過《嶺南大學條例》,學院正式成為嶺南大學。
嶺南教育機構創立於1969年,統籌嶺南學院,三間中學,小學暨幼稚園幼兒園的事務。經過八十年的努力和與時並進日新無已的演變,嶺南在香港已發展成一涵括由幼見學前教育至大學博雅教育的完善教育體系。今天嶺南人在「嶺南教育在港八十週年紀念」的慶典,應當追念先師的遠見,景仰創校的精神,同時亦應該衷心感謝數十年來,政府、校友、家長和社會人士的大力支持,以及歷任校董、校長、老師和職工的努力耕耘。上帝的恩典和紅灰見女的奮鬥,定必使嶺南精神和基督化教育的理念繼續傳揚。香港正面臨廿一世紀大時代的挑戰,當此資訊變化萬千,全球日趨一體化的時候,嶺南人在教育的崗位上更要不斷反思、互相勉勵、互助凰結,不斷追隨時代的步伐,為下一代創立一個合理、 優秀、愉快、安定的學習環境,對社會的厚望作一回報和交代。
李林建華1951 浩社校友,嶺南教育機構主席。
Lingnan Spirit Forever - A Mission in Transition, 1951-1990 : From the Trustees of Lingnan University to the Lingnan Foundation
Tung, Steve AU
Dr. AU, Tung Steven, taught at Lingnan University (Guangzhou) during 1946-47. He later became a board member of the Trustee of Lingnan University in US in 1973. Dr. AU had extensive knowledge of the historical development of Lingnan University. This publication supplemented and extended an earlier publication entitled Lingnan University : a short history based primarily on the records of the University's American Trustees written by Prof. Corbett, Charles. The contents covered also the post-1952 development of Lingnan University in various occasions, including the re-establishment of Lingnan College in 1967.
南國鳳凰 : 中山大學嶺南(大學)學院 = A phoenix of South China : the story of Lingnan (University) College, Sun Yat-sen University
Sui Ming LEE (李瑞明) and Emily M. HILL (邱燕凌)
本書是一部嶺南大學校史專著,着重研究中國國大陸改革開放並開始重返國際社會後, 前嶺南大學校友及員工為在廣州重建嶺南教育所做的不懈努力。
本書的讀者是關心中國高等教育發展的嶺南大學校友、在校學生、中國政府官員及各界人士。這些人士一直以各種方式向嶺南(大學)學院提供重要支持。為了使更多人了解嶺南 (大學)學院成立過程中的詳細情況,本書編者在寫作過程中遍訪了當事者,查閲了有關文獻,將嶺南大學和嶺南(大學)學院的歷史記之於文字,並觸及了許多與當前中國國際化有關的問題。故此,對於因學術和商務原因,對中國當前教育發展有興趣的讀者,本書或許具有相當價值
This book focuses on the contemporary history Lingnan University. It recounts the tireless efforts of Lingnan alumni and former faculty to re-establish Lingnan education in Guangzhou, beginning after the People's Republic of China adopted an Open Door Policy and began to participate once again in international society. The focus of this book is on Lingnan's reconstruction and development since December 1989, when Lingnan (University) College of Sun Yat-sen (Zhongshan) University was established.
Chung Wing Kwong : legendary educator in China's new learning
Huari YANG, Sui Ming LEE, and Emily M. HILL
Dr. Chung Wing Kwong, the first Chinese President of Lingnan University, had profound contribution to the development of Lingnan University. In commemorating Dr. Chung through this publication, the book chronicled the history of Lingnan University in the early days in Guangzhou between 1901-1942.
This is the English translation of "The Biography of Chung Wing Kwong" (鍾榮光先生傳) which was first published in January 1967 by 楊華日 under the support given by the Chung Wing Kwong Biography Editorial Committee of Lingnan University Alumni Association.
Publication of this English edition, edited by Dr. Lee, Sui Ming, and translated jointly with Dr. Emily Hill, is supported by the Lingnan (University) College Educational Development and Research Foundation.
嶺南大學創校125週年紀念特刊 = Lingnan 125 Glorious Years
此特刊為三藩市同學會簡報第68期的副刊, 以嶺南大學創校125周年紀念為題的特刊。內附嶺南檔案史料系列 007-009號, 另附有其他文章及珍貴歷史圖片, 總結嶺南大學自1888年創校至今125年的各重要紀事及人物。
司徒衛 : 嶺南校徽設計者 = Szto Wai : designer of the Lingnan emblem
Young AU-YOUNG (歐陽讓)
This publication was authored by IR AU-YOUNG Young, Lingnan alumni of Class 1947, with main purpose to appraise the contribution of Mr. Szto Wai, the designer of Lingnan Emblem, for Lingnan. During the Sino-Japanese War (1942-1944), Lingnan evacuated from Hong Kong and re-opened in Shao Kwan, the Northern part of Kwangtung Province. Mr. Szto Wai, together with President Lee Y. L. re-developed a new University campus at Taitsuen, some 30 miles from Shaokwan, a nearby railway station called Sin Yan Miu ("Miu" means temple). Mr. Szto Wai later created a series of watercolours and sketches of Taitsuen campus, which are now the most important and valuable records documenting Lingnan history at Taitsuen.
Mr. AU-YOUNG chronicle his memory at Taitsuen and introduced the background about the creation of Lingnan Emblem by Mr. Szto Wai. Mr. AU-YOUNG chose nine paintings of Szto Wai, supplementing each with bilingual description in both Chinese and English. This publication not only to serves to muse those alumni to recall those remote by-gone days but also enhance the young Lingnanians to learn the emblem designer's devotion and contribution to Lingnan over 40 years.
[內容撮要由嶺南檔案室撰寫 Description compiled by Lingnan Archives ]
Launch Ceremony of the 50th Anniversary of the Re-establishment of Lingnan University in Hong Kong = 嶺南大學香港復校50周年校慶啟動禮
Lingnan University
The Launch Ceremony of the 50th Anniversary of the Re-establishment of Lingnan University in Hong Kong was held on 19 September at Chan Tak Tai Auditorium of the University campus. About 700 staff, students, alumni and friends of the University gathered together to unveil the curtain of celebration activities in the coming year.