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Although organisational effectiveness is central to organisational theory and practice, researchers continue to debate its meaning. In measurement terms, there is no generally agreed operational definition of organisational effectiveness. However, a Competing Values Framework or Model (Quinn & Rohrbaugh 1981,1983) has been proposed as “a general paradigm of organisational effectiveness" (1 981, p.139) yet the applicability of the Model to higher educational organisations has never been tested. This paper describes the development of a construct valid and reliable instrument for measuring the organisational effectiveness of higher educational organisations in Hong Kong. The method of development tested the relevance of the effectiveness dimensions contained in the Competing Values Model, to those organisations. The resulting instrument contained four of the Model' s nine original effectiveness dimensions. Those four dimensions may constitute the core of an operational definition of organisational effectiveness in Hong Kong higher education. This study raises a number of issues relating to the development of a generally agreed operational definition of organisational effectiveness in higher education.


HKIBS Working Paper Series 008-967

Recommended Citation

Pounder, J. S. (1997). Organisational effectiveness in higher education: Towards an operational definition (HKIBS Working Paper Series 008-967). Retrieved from Lingnan University website:
