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The booklet features various artworks created by Ms. Debe Sham, Artist-in-Residence for 1st Semester 2015/16, Lingnan University. These include The 3rd Party, an interactive installation that incorporates galvanized zinc pipe with mirrors and pads, and the new Rainbow Series, with connected chairs created for ON AIR exhibition held during her residency at Lingnan. Readers can understand more about Debe’s works through various commentaries given by her mentors and members of Department of Visual Studies.
As part of the residency program, Ms. Debe Sham also taught 2015 Studio Practice Course, entitled Stepping Out: Form & Applications of Glass & Metal. The booklet features also the works created by students enrolled in this course.
Publication Date
Department of Visual Studies, Lingnan University
Hong Kong
Artist Biography
Debe Sham was born in 1988 in Hong Kong. She obtained the Master Degree of Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University in 2013. From her studies to her most recent developments, Debe’s journey is one of making glass and sculpture; she hopes the audience will take away an appreciation and a new understanding of interpersonal relationships from her art works.
More information about Ms. Sham Hoi Yee, Debe
岑愷怡於1988 年出生在香港,並在2013 年取得香港浸會大學視覺藝術碩士學位。在求學時期摸索的階段,以至畢業後的創作,她所做的雕塑均以玻璃和金屬為主要的創作物料,而作品內容多探討人與人之間的關係為題。事實上,岑氏希望作品能為觀眾對人與人之的想法帶來一些新思維,帶來一些意想不到的角度,甚至乎帶來一些驚喜。
Residence Period
September - December 2015
Exhibition Period
7-31 December 2015
Exhibition Venue
Leung Fong Oi Wan Art Gallery, 2/F Patrick Lee Wan Keung Academic Building (Main Building), Lingnan University
Interdisciplinary Arts and Media | Sculpture | Visual Studies
Recommended Citation
Sham, D. (2015). On air. Hong Kong: Department of Visual Studies, Lingnan University.