Violence against women, policy, and law reform = 針對婦女之暴力、政策與法律改革

Streaming Media


AM308, Lingnan University

Event Title

2020 The Seventh South South Forum on Sustainability

Start Date

14-7-2020 9:00 PM

End Date

15-7-2020 12:00 AM




Moderator :

  • Margo OKAZAWA-REY (San Francisco State University, USA)

Speakers :

  • Valentina SAGALA (Indonesia)
  • Joenia Batista DE CARVALHO (Brazil)
  • Marcela PASTORE (Argentina)
  • Ajna JUSIC (Bosnia)
  • KHIN Ohmar (Myanmar)

Brief Comments :

  • Maria Julia MOREYRA (Argentina)
  • Vera VIERA (Brazil)
  • Karen TANADA (Philippines)

Additional Information

Co-organized with PeaceWomen across the Globe

Document Type


Recommended Citation

Sagala, V., De Carvalho, J. B., Pastore, M., Jusic, A., Khin, O., Moreyra, M. J., ... Tanada, K. (2020, July 14). Violence against women, policy, and law reform. Presented at the Seventh South South Forum on Sustainability, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.


Jul 14th, 9:00 PM Jul 15th, 12:00 AM

Violence against women, policy, and law reform = 針對婦女之暴力、政策與法律改革

AM308, Lingnan University

Moderator :

  • Margo OKAZAWA-REY (San Francisco State University, USA)

Speakers :

  • Valentina SAGALA (Indonesia)
  • Joenia Batista DE CARVALHO (Brazil)
  • Marcela PASTORE (Argentina)
  • Ajna JUSIC (Bosnia)
  • KHIN Ohmar (Myanmar)

Brief Comments :

  • Maria Julia MOREYRA (Argentina)
  • Vera VIERA (Brazil)
  • Karen TANADA (Philippines)