Archetype modification

Streaming Media

Additional Streaming Media


AM 310, Lingnan University

Event Title

2019 The Sixth South South Forum on Sustainability

Start Date

2-7-2019 2:30 PM

End Date

2-7-2019 5:45 PM




On 2 July 2019, in the Workshop on Architecture and Urbanism, in the session of "Archetype Modification" moderated by Eka SWADIANSA (Office of Strategic Architecture), there were three speakers: Jacqueline YEO (PLY Studio), Nantapon JUNNGURN (Silpakorn University) and Gayuh Budi UTOMO (Gursiji).

Document Type


Recommended Citation

Yeo, J., Junngurn, N., & Utomo, G. B. (2019, July 2). Archetype modification. Presented at the Sixth South South Forum on Sustainability: Workshop on Architecture and Urbanism/SPIRIT 47: The Asian Contextual Retrospective, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.


Jul 2nd, 2:30 PM Jul 2nd, 5:45 PM

Archetype modification

AM 310, Lingnan University

On 2 July 2019, in the Workshop on Architecture and Urbanism, in the session of "Archetype Modification" moderated by Eka SWADIANSA (Office of Strategic Architecture), there were three speakers: Jacqueline YEO (PLY Studio), Nantapon JUNNGURN (Silpakorn University) and Gayuh Budi UTOMO (Gursiji).