Event Title
2012 可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會
Start Date
9-12-2012 2:00 PM
End Date
9-12-2012 3:15 PM
On a small town by the Ebro River the European economic model caused strong reactions in the local population. The social cultural movement protests against the serious problems regarding immigration, environment and social coexistence and its impacts.
Our three year practice of Community Intercultural Intervention in the old neighborhood of Tortosa tapped into the history of the social movement struggling against the transposition of the Ebro River in 2005 and evolved into the anti-nuclear movement. During the winter in 2007-08 radioactive particles were released from the Ascó nuclear power plant and the private company that concealed the incident was fined.
The slogan “The river is life” was painted in murals as a symbol of the old town and its new 17 nationalities citizen.
讲述西班牙偏僻的一个小镇,欧盟一贯的 “反发展模式”,延续不断的在民间环境里,社区整合的过程中,外来移民(农业工)等问题错综的现实条件下,剧烈地反响出来,以群众运动的形式,宣告底层的诉求。
Document Type
Chinese Version_Abstract
Xia Hang-abstract-es.docx (15 kB)
Other Language_Abstract
Recommended Citation
夏航 (2012,12月)。西班牙老区的社区发展实践。發表於 2012可持續實踐與鄉村建設國際研討會,西南大学,中國重慶市。
Included in
Demography, Population, and Ecology Commons, Growth and Development Commons, Other International and Area Studies Commons, Place and Environment Commons, Sociology of Culture Commons
西班牙老区的社区发展实践 = Projects of community development in an old community in Spain
On a small town by the Ebro River the European economic model caused strong reactions in the local population. The social cultural movement protests against the serious problems regarding immigration, environment and social coexistence and its impacts.
Our three year practice of Community Intercultural Intervention in the old neighborhood of Tortosa tapped into the history of the social movement struggling against the transposition of the Ebro River in 2005 and evolved into the anti-nuclear movement. During the winter in 2007-08 radioactive particles were released from the Ascó nuclear power plant and the private company that concealed the incident was fined.
The slogan “The river is life” was painted in murals as a symbol of the old town and its new 17 nationalities citizen.
讲述西班牙偏僻的一个小镇,欧盟一贯的 “反发展模式”,延续不断的在民间环境里,社区整合的过程中,外来移民(农业工)等问题错综的现实条件下,剧烈地反响出来,以群众运动的形式,宣告底层的诉求。