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Monday, December 12th
4:00 PM

Recent conflict in indigenous territory in Bolivia = 當前玻利維亞原住民土地紛爭

Cristina Isabel CARDOZO SARAVI, Terre des Hommes, Bolivia

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Decentralization and local participatory development : experiences from Cambodia and the Philippines = 去中心化與本土參與式發展 : 以柬埔寨與菲律賓為例

Maria Dolores ALICIAS, University of the Philippines

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Participatory approach in Rural poverty-alleviation and women's empowerment in Indonesia = 印度尼西亞參與式農村扶貧與婦女賦權計劃

Mayling OEY-GARDINER, Indonesian Academy of Sciences

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Peasant workers and urban-rural space in China = 農民工與中國城鄉空間

Chuanbo CHEN (陳傳波), Renmin University of China中國人民大學

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Building a discipline of rural ecology for rural sustainability = 為鄉村的可持續發展而構築鄉村生態學

Songliang WANG (王松良), Fuijian Agriculture and Forestry University 福建農林大學

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM