The 4th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning: Service-Learning as a Bridge from Local to Global: Connected world, Connected future

The 4th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning: Service-Learning as a Bridge from Local to Global: Connected world, Connected future

Conference Theme: Service-Learning as a Bridge from Local to Global: Connected World, Connected Future

With globalization, the world gets more and more connected. Barriers to movement are being decomposed and local demographics are dramatically changing. The connected world calls for all parties to collaborate and work together for a connected future. The need for bilingual and culturally sensitive professionals and service providers urges the universities to prepare graduates with the ability to act in the world and for the world. For example, Lingnan University emphasizes a whole-person approach to education, which enables students to think, judge, care and act responsibly in a continually changing Hong Kong and wider world.

Apart from the development of well-prepared global citizens, it is also very important to explore the wise use of knowledge for the improvement of the world. The specialization and isolation of knowledge into different disciplines and departments have allowed limited dialogue between faculties. However, social problems may need to be addressed through an interdisciplinary approach. We need a platform to connect knowledge from different academic disciplines and different social sectors, to learn from each others’ best practices and to apply knowledge in different settings to achieve a better world.

Service-Learning is to prepare students with the knowledge, skills, and sense of responsibility they need to succeed in the future world. As defined by the Office of Service-Learning, Service-Learning fosters students’ social competence, communication skills, problem-solving skills, subject-related knowledge, research skills, and civic orientation.

Welcome Message 歡迎辭
Conference Organizers and Co-organizers 會議主辨及協辨方
Conference Overview 會議總覽
Conference Theme 會議主題
Keynote Speakers 主題演講嘉賓
Conference Special Issue 會議特刊

Browse the contents of The 4th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning: Service-Learning as a Bridge from Local to Global: Connected world, Connected future:

Keynote Speeches
Breakout session 1A: Building effective partnerships in service-learning
Breakout session 1B: Different modes / Models of service-learning
Breakout session 1C: Building effective partnerships in service-learning
Breakout session 1D: Service-learning as civic education
Breakout session 1E: Program evaluation and assessment: outcomes of service-learning and a research agenda
Breakout session 2A: Program evaluation and assessment: outcomes of service-learning and a research agenda
Breakout session 2C: Building effective partnerships in service-learning
Breakout session 2D: Global citizenship and international service-learning
Breakout session 2E: Program evaluation and assessment: outcomes of service-learning and a research agenda
Breakout session 3A: Building effective partnerships in service-learning
Breakout session 3B: Different modes / Models of service-learning
Breakout session 3C: Different modes / Models of service-learning
Breakout session 3D: Building effective partnerships in service-learning
Breakout session 3E: Higher education as a force to address social problems
Breakout session 4A: Where’s the academic in service-learning?
Breakout session 4B: Different modes / Models of service-learning
Breakout session 4C: Building effective partnerships in service-learning
Breakout session 4D: Program evaluation and assessment: outcomes of service-learning and a research agenda
Breakout session 4E: Fostering reflection / Critical thinking
Breakout session 5A: Different modes / Models of service-learning
Breakout session 5B: Global citizenship and international service-learning
Breakout session 5C: Global citizenship and international service-learning
Breakout session 5D: Fostering reflection / Critical thinking
Breakout session 5E: Service-Learning Award 2013 presentation
Breakout session 6A: Different modes / Models of service-learning & building effective partnerships in service-learning
Breakout session 6B: Building effective partnerships in service-learning & service-learning as civic education
Breakout session 6C: Global citizenship and international service-learning
Breakout session 6D: Program evaluation and assessment: outcomes of service-learning and a research agenda & fostering reflection / critical thinking
Breakout session 6E: Different modes / Models of service-Learning & higher education as a force to address social problems
Breakout session 7A: Service-learning in China projects & program evaluation and assessment: outcomes of service-learning and a research agenda
Breakout session 7C: Fostering reflection / Critical thinking
Breakout session 8B: Different modes / Models of service-learning
Breakout session 8C: Higher education as a force to address social problems