Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 亞太地區服務研習會議 | OSL Conference, Seminar & Symposium 會議/研討會 | Lingnan University
Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 亞太地區服務研習會議

Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 亞太地區服務研習會議



Browse the contents of Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 亞太地區服務研習會議:

The 5th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning: Love Journey: Community Engagement through Service-Learning (Organized by Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan)
The 4th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning: Service-Learning as a Bridge from Local to Global: Connected world, Connected future
The 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service Learning: Make a Difference: Impacts of Service-Learning
The 6th Pan-Asian Initiative on Service-Learning & the 2nd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning: Crossing borders, Making Connections: Service-Learning in Diverse Communities
The 1st Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service Learning: Theory and Practice of Service-Learning: Cross-Cultural Service-Learning Programme in Asia-Pacific Region