Lingnan University, 1888 to Present: a Pictorial History

Creation Date
"Walking with Lingnanians" Fundraising Walkathon was held on 24 October 2010 on the Peak with the participation of around 1,000 students, alumni, teachers, staff and friends of the University. Over $1.7 million was raised in support of the University’s whole-person development programmes. The walkathon started at the Peak and took the route from Harlech Road to Lugard Road.
Officiating guests of the kick-off ceremony for the walkathon included: Mr Michael Suen Ming-yeung, Secretary for Education; Mr Bernard Chan, Council Chairman of the University; Ms Sophia Kao, Deputy Council Chairman of the University; Mr Patrick Ma Ching-hang, Chairman of the University’s Institutional Advancement Committee; and Prof Chan Yuk-shee, President of the University.
Kick-off ceremony: (from left) Mr Matthew Mo, Director of Office of Institutional Advancement & Public Affairs; Mr Patrick Ma Ching-hang, Chairman of Institutional Advancement Committee; Ms Sophia Kao, Deputy Council Chairman; Mr Wong Kai-man, Li & Fung (1906) Foundation Ltd; Mr Ben Wong, major sponsor; Mr Bernard Chan, Council Chairman; Mr Michael Suen Ming-yeung, Secretary for Education; Prof Chan Yuk-Shee, President; Prof Jesús Seade, Vice-President; Mr Irons Sze, Hang Tung Resources Holding Ltd and Ms Karen Tang, Council member.
開步禮合照 : (左起) 大學發展及公共事務處長毛南傑先生、大學發展委員會主席馬清鏗先生、校董會副主席高靜芝女士、利豐(1906)慈善基金有限公司黃啟民先生、王忠秣先生(主要贊助)、校董會主席陳智思先生、教育局局長孫明揚先生、校長陳玉樹教授、副校長施雅德教授、恆通資源集團有限公司施懷德先生及校董會成員鄧淑德女士。