
Vol. 10.2 十卷二期 (Spring 2012)

Special Issue: Translingual Cultural Liaison: Translation, Literature and Politics in Early Modern China

「跨語言的文化聯繫 : 近代中國的翻譯、文學與政治」專號



Editor's note = 編者的話
Zijiang, Chris SONG (宋子江)

Featured Article

Special Issues


Foreword = 前言
Sze Pui, Uganda KWAN (關詩珮) and Wang Chi, Lawrence WONG (王宏志)

JMLC Forum

Notes on Contributors


客席主編 Guest Editors
關詩珮 Uganda Sze-pui KWAN
Nanyang Technological University
王宏志 Lawrence Wang-chi WONG
Chinese University of Hong Kong

主編 Chief Editor
梁秉鈞 LEUNG Ping-kwan
Lingnan University

副編輯 Associate Editor
陸敬思 Christopher LURKE
Washington State University

助理編輯 Assistant Editors
許旭筠 Amanda HSU Yuk-kwan
Lingnan University
宋子江 Chris SONG Zijiang
Lingnan University

美術編輯 Art Editor
李家昇 LEE Ka-sing

編輯委員 Editorial Board
周蕾 Rey CHOW
Duke University
廖炳惠 LIAO Ping-hui
National Tsing Hua University
劉再復 LIU Zaifu
City University of Hong Kong
鄭樹森 William TAY
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
王德威 David WANG Der-wei
Harvard University
黃國彬 Laurence WONG Kwok-pun
Chinese University of Hong Kong
余珍珠 Angelina YEE Chun-chu
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
奚密 Michelle YEH
University of California, Davis