This collection contains of few major publications that detailing the biography of Dr. Chung Wing Kwong, the first Chinese President of Lingnan University
本特藏收錄以嶺南大學首位華人校長鍾榮光博士生平的書籍 。
Chung Wing Kwong : legendary educator in China's new learning
Huari YANG, Sui Ming LEE, and Emily M. HILL
Dr. Chung Wing Kwong, the first Chinese President of Lingnan University, had profound contribution to the development of Lingnan University. In commemorating Dr. Chung through this publication, the book chronicled the history of Lingnan University in the early days in Guangzhou between 1901-1942.
This is the English translation of "The Biography of Chung Wing Kwong" (鍾榮光先生傳) which was first published in January 1967 by 楊華日 under the support given by the Chung Wing Kwong Biography Editorial Committee of Lingnan University Alumni Association.
Publication of this English edition, edited by Dr. Lee, Sui Ming, and translated jointly with Dr. Emily Hill, is supported by the Lingnan (University) College Educational Development and Research Foundation.
Huari YANG (楊華日)
鍾校長榮光博士 : 百齡誕辰紀念特刊
鍾師榮光生於主曆1866年9月7日,終於1942年1月7日。嶺南大學香港同學會於1966年, 即鍾師誕生百週年的大慶,編印此紀念特刊,書中附有由1943年榮社李毓宏學長試擬的 鍾榮光博士大事年表, 亦收錄了由幾位嶺南人,包括曾昭森、招觀海、唐萱、陳德芸、簡又文、林逸民、伍聯德及陳汝銳撰寫紀念鍾校長的文章。
[嶺南檔案室附註: 同刊末頁附有以《鍾校長傳記編印委員會》名義刊發的通告一則,說明同學會正籌備編印「鍾校長傳記」,並邀請各嶺南相關院校、教職員或各界人士提供有關鍾校長生平史料予同學會以供編印 。此傳記為楊華日先生所著,於1967年出版的《鍾榮光先生傳》。]