
Submissions from 1994

送嫁的男人, Wan Kan CHIN

戴震《九歌注》「賦其事說」探討, Tzu Pin HSU

書評 : 林麗娥著《先秦齊學考》, Tzu Pin HSU

書評 : 黃開國主編《經學辭典》, Tzu Pin HSU

書評 : 《文心雕龍語詞通釋》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《文心雕龍辭典》, Hung Kai LEE

清代詞人厲鶚研究, Sau Ieng SI TOU

谈"近亲通婚"对两汉政权的影响, Chunhong WANG

Submissions from 1993


Derrida and Mādhyamika Buddhism : from linguistic deconstruction to criticism of onto-theologies, Zongqi CAI


Derrida and Seng-Zhao : linguistic and philosophical deconstructions, Zongqi CAI


Poundian and Chinese aesthetics of dynamic force : a re-discovery of Fenollosa and Pound's theory of Chinese written character, Zongqi CAI


The symbolic mode of presentation in the poetry of Juan Chi, Zongqi CAI

香港黑社會與華人民間文化, Wan Kan CHIN

《三朝要典》考略, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《漢字演變五百例》, Hung Kai LEE

說文通訓定聲與古音, Hung Kai LEE

Submissions from 1992

書評 : 《注釋學綱要》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《現代修辭學 : 人與人的世界對話》, Hung Kai LEE

Submissions from 1991

流動的城市 流動的窗, Wai Ying CHAN

小說技法舉例, Wan Kan CHIN

《錢玄同研究》評介, Hung Kai LEE

古代文学理论研究概述, Zongqiang LUO (罗宗强) and Chunhong WANG

論佛教與梁代宮體詩的產生, Chunhong WANG

Submissions from 1990


Fusion of feeling and nature in Wordsworthian and classical Chinese poetry, Zongqi CAI

書評 : 《古漢語常用字字源字典》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《明朝宦官》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《訓詁學新論》, Hung Kai LEE

《說文通訓定聲》對字義的研究, Hung Kai LEE

Submissions from 1989


From syntactic to structural pi-hsing : an important link between The Shih Ching and the "Nineteen Old Poems", Zongqi CAI


Synthetic parallelism : a cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary study, Zongqi CAI


《詩經》與《古詩十九首》 : 從比興的演變來看它們的內在聯係, Zongqi CAI

術數批判, Wan Kan CHIN

谈《庄子·大宗师》篇成篇的几种可能, Chunhong WANG

沙汀代表作, Guangcan ZENG (曾廣燦) and Chunhong WANG

Submissions from 1988


Fragments I-II and III-V in The Canterbury Tales : a re-examination of the Idea of the "Marriage Group", Zongqi CAI

神秘的微笑, Wan Kan CHIN

從悲劇衝突與悲劇元素看皇甫枚的「步飛煙」, Yin Ping, Grace LAU

書評 : 《中國語文學家辭典》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《古今字小字典》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《古代漢語的假借字》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《古漢語常用同義詞辨析》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《古漢語常用詞通釋》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《國風與民俗研究》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《鍾嶸詩歌美學》, Hung Kai LEE

Submissions from 1987

The structure of Whitman's 'Song of myself' and Hegel's phenomenological dialectic, Zongqi CAI

君自故鄉來, Wan Kan CHIN


定向爆炸試驗, Wan Kan CHIN

根傳海外, Wan Kan CHIN


遊戲, Wan Kan CHIN

書評 : 《中國小學史》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《文心雕龍索引》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《漢語新詞詞典》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《說文解字講稿》, Hung Kai LEE

書評 : 《鍾嶸詩品校釋》, Hung Kai LEE

Submissions from 1986


Structural antitheses in Goldsmith's The deserted village, Zongqi CAI

文学中的三种性描写, Zidong XU

近年来小说创作与西方文学影响, Zidong XU

Submissions from 1985


春生的插曲, Wan Kan CHIN