Submissions from 2009
Justice and adaptation to climate change in the Asia Pacific region : designing international institutions, Paul G. HARRIS and Jonathan SYMONS
Submissions from 2008
Collectivist values for productive teamwork between Korean and Chinese employees, Yifeng CHEN and Dean TJOSVOLD
China's efforts and the development of the six-party talks in 2007, Keyu GONG
Submissions from 2007
The North Korea-China relationship : context and dynamics, Tim BEAL
Playing games : the two Koreas and the Beijing Olympics, Brian BRIDGES
Designing Asia-Pacific economic cooperation, Chien Peng CHUNG
The economy, Lok Sang HO
Sino-ROK relations at 15 : an overview and assessment, Taeho KIM
Submissions from 2006
From ASPAC to EAS : South Korea and the Asian Pacific Region, Brian BRIDGES
Labour market reforms and polarization in Korea, K. H., Raymond CHAN
Participatory welfare in South Korea : meaning and issues, K. H., Raymond CHAN
On the logic of the economic integration of Hong Kong into the Greater China economy, Hoi Cheung CHEUNG
Power structure and recent political development in Korea, Seok Choon LEW
Submissions from 2005
Distant neighbours? : Japan-Korea relations revisited, Brian BRIDGES
Chinese approaches to institutionalizing regional multilateralism, Chien Peng CHUNG
關於中國建立反壟斷法體系的幾個基本問題 = Some basic issues about establishing an anti-monopoly system in China, Ping LIN
Equity vs excellence : a preliminary exploration of Hong Kong's education reform, Anita, Y.K. POON and Yiu Chung WONG
'Super paradox' or 'Leninist integration' : the politics of legislating Article 23 of the Basic Law in post-handover Hong Kong, Yiu Chung WONG
上海經濟龍頭作用中台商的影響與作用, 陸緋雲
Submissions from 2004
China's domestic and international policies on global warming : explanations and assessment, Paul G. HARRIS and Hongyuan YU
Exchange rate regimes and the twin economies of Hong Kong and Singapore, Yue MA; Y. Y. KUEH; and Raymond, C. W. NG
The economic challenges for the New Chinese leadership, Yue MA (馬躍) and Ping WANG (王平)
Submissions from 2003
US-Japan relations : convergence and divergence in the post-September 11th world, Brian BRIDGES
Yesterday's Lei Feng and today's young people's liberation army soldiers, Che Po CHAN
Institutional disarticulation : the changing educational governance in post-handover Hong Kong, Y. K., Anita POON and Yiu Chung WONG
Societal stability and political reform : Chinese politics in the 1990s, Yiu Chung WONG
Submissions from 2002
Spillover effects of FDI on innovation in China : an analysis of provincial data, Kui Yin CHEUNG and Ping LIN
Dirty coal : voluntary international environmental agreements and sustainable development in the People's Republic of China, Paul, G. HARRIS and Chihiro UDAGAWA
Competition policy in East Asia : the cases of Japan, People's Republic of China, and Hong Kong, Ping LIN
Do China and Hong Kong constitute an optimum currency area?, Yue MA and Shu Ki TSANG
兩岸工業部門國際分工程度之比較分析, 吳中峻
加入WTO對台灣與大陸證券業之衝擊與因應, 吳桂燕
入世後瓊台農業項下自由貿易展望, 李昌邦
台灣入世銀行服務業在法規和政策上之調適, 王應傑
世貿組織與貿易相關投資措施協定與跨國投資之規定問題, 王泰銓 and 楊士慧
兩岸入世貿後智慧財產權爭議解決之探討, 王琇慧
中國大陸加入世貿組織對大陸經濟發展之影響, 田君美
兩岸入會後的金融新情勢, 薛琦
加入 WTO 對台灣製造業的衝擊 : 微觀分析, 陳信宏 and 史惠慈
中國大陸加入 WTO 後政府職能之變遷 : 調適與挑戰, 陳德昇
Submissions from 2001
Economic reforms and growth prospects in India, Lawrence, R. KLEIN and Thangavel PALANIVEL
中國自由貿易區的構想 : WTO 框架下中國大陸與港、澳、台經貿關係展望, 遲福林
Submissions from 2000
Globalization and Sino-American economic relations, C. Fred BERGSTEN
Structural transformation and economic growth in Hong Kong : another look at young's "a tale of two cities", Hiroyuki IMAI
Corporatism and civil society in the People's Republic of China : empirical evidence and theoretical implications, Yiu Chung WONG and Che Po CHAN
Submissions from 1999
Hong Kong's inflation under the U.S. dollar peg : the Balassa-Samuelson effect or the Dutch disease?, Hiroyuki IMAI
Testing for a nonlinear relationship among fundamentals and exchange rates in the ERM, Yue MA and Angelos KANAS
A comparative study of managerial stress in greater China : the direct and indirect effects of coping strategies and work locus of control, Oi-ling SIU; Paul, E. SPECTOR; and Cary, L. COOPER
Submissions from 1998
Coping with contagion : Europe and the Asian economic crisis, Brian BRIDGES
The rise and fall of the HK economy, Lok Sang HO
New world order and a new U.S. policy toward China, James C. HSIUNG
The paradox of Hong Kong as a non-sovereign international actor, James C. HSIUNG
The labor income tax equivalent of price scissors in pre-reform China, Hiroyuki IMAI
Political impacts of Catholic education in decolonization : Hong Kong and Macau, Beatrice LEUNG
中國貿易保護代價的測算 : 方法、結論和意義 = An estimate of the welfare cost of protection in China, Shuguang ZHANG (張曙光)
中國居民收入差距的擴大及其原因 = The cause of the enlargement of income disparities in China, Renwei ZHAO (趙人偉) and Shi LI (李實)
Submissions from 1997
Old ally versus new friend : China's economic relations with the two Koreas, Brian BRIDGES
Hong Kong's outward processing investment in China : its implications on Hong Kong economy, Kui Yin CHEUNG
Overseas Chinese and foreign investment in China : an application of the transaction cost approach, C. Simon FAN
A long term monetary strategy for Hong Kong and China, Lok Sang HO
Country of origin rules : its origin, nature and directions for reform, Lok Sang HO
Hong Kong as a financial centre of greater China, Y. C. JAO
China and the prospects for economic integration within APEC, Y. Y. KUEH
China : Taiwan's trade and investment relations and their impact on Taiwan's income distribution, K. C. LEI
Japanese FDI, exports and technology transfer to China, Elspeth THOMSON
The economic link-up of Hong Kong and Guangdong : structural and development problems, Shu-ki TSANG and Yuk-shing CHENG
Export competition among China and Asean in the U.S. market : application of market share models, Thomas J. VOON and Xiangdong WEI
Submissions from 1996
Political pragmatism on the Chinese campus since 1989, Che Po CHAN
China's road to exchange rate liberalisation, Lok Sang HO
Explaining China's business cycles, Hiroyuki IMAI
The role of Hong Kong in Sino-US economic relations, Y. Y. KUEH and Thomas J. VOON
Export competitiveness of China and ASEAN in the US market, Thomas J. VOON
Impacts of foreign policies on the gains from research and promotion, Thomas J. VOON
Submissions from 1995
Kim Jong-il and the future of North Korea, Brian BRIDGES
China's foreign policy in the mid-1990s, Joseph, Yu-shek CHENG
The division of labor, product quality, and the pattern & the dynamic effect of international trade, C. Simon FAN
Growth-inflation tradeoff in China, Hiroyuki IMAI
Ideological congruence in the Chinese countryside : village leaders and their electorates and selectorates, Melanie MANION
Submissions from 1994
Economic reforms and inequality in China, Joseph C. H. CHAI and B. Karin CHAI
The Fifth dragon : aspects of the economic take-off in Guangdong Province, China, Y. Y. KUEH
Corruption by design : bribery in Chinese enterprise licensing, Melanie MANION
Submissions from 1993
European monetary integration : experiences and future prospects, Dieter CASSEL and Thomas APOLTE