蝴蝶效應 = Butterfly effect
Martin (晨曦) is a gifted musician. However, the non-mainstream music he played is not appreciated by others except his girlfriend Sophie. Sophie supports Martin' s music wholeheartedly even though she knows nothing about music. Just when Martin is lost and disappointed, he met Jimjim, a music therapist. Everythings changed around Martin, he suddenly realizes the misfortune has come……
Count on three, two, one, what will happen next…?
Martin(晨曦)是位有天賦的音樂人,可是非主流的音樂並不受市場歡迎。唯獨他女朋友Sophie, 即使對音樂一無所知,仍全心全意地支持晨曦的音樂。在Martin最迷失和失望的時侯,他遇到一位音樂治療師JimJim 。同時,Martin身邊的事物都發生了變化,他意識到不幸已經來臨……即究竟將會發生什麼事呢?
Adam WONG Sau Ping 黃修平導演 / NG Ho-yin 吳浩然導演
Media Information
粵語、國語對白,中英文字幕 /In Cantonese and Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles
Publication Date
English; Chinese (Traditional)
Recommended Citation
何卓樂、曾銘欽 (2019)。蝴蝶效應 = Butterfly effect [視頻]。檢自 https://commons.ln.edu.hk/vis3298_201819/6/