NOISE-SOUND-MUSIC : a research training workshop : day 1
Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University, and the University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI)
Event Title
NOISE-SOUND-MUSIC : A Research Training Workshop
Document Type
7:00 p.m. -- 9:00 p.m.
Tai Kwun Artists’ Book Library
It is not enough to perceive the world as legible or visible. Instead, we need to understand its audibility. We explore how noise is part of modernity, how noise comes to be reconstituted as sound, and how ‘musical noise’ emerges.
Attentive to our location in Hong Kong, and to the contemporary emergence of new forms of political subjectivity relating to voicing and being heard, we want to discuss transitions from cognitive listening to feeling-listening; also issues of silence and silencing. We elaborate the meaning of resonance as referring to points of connection and engagement (Hong Kong in the World), and emphasize the importance of “listening to how we listen”.
Day 1: A sound art event at Tai Kwun, curated by Dayang Yraola, and including leading HK sound artists Cheuk Wing Nam (Wing), Dennis Wong (aka Sinned), and Nelson Hiu. The performance is to be followed by a discussion led by Soundpocket founder Yang Yeung and sound theorist/musician Nina Sun Eidsheim.
Recommended Citation
Yeung, Y., & Eidsheim, N. S. (2019, October 24). NOISE-SOUND-MUSIC : a research training workshop : day 1 [Video podcast]. Retrieved from
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