Roundtable : Alternative theories and practices = 圓桌討論 : 另類理論與實踐

Streaming Media

Event Title

2016 The Third South South Forum on Sustainability

Start Date

26-7-2016 2:30 PM

End Date

26-7-2016 4:00 PM




On 26th July 2016, at SSFS 3, Muto Ichiyo, Darwis Khudori, Teng Wei, and Lau Kin Chi joined this session of roundtable. The roundtable was mainly about alternative theories. A pre-recorded speech by Samir Amin and Wen Tiejun was aired, followed by presentations of various speakers. This roundtable session was moderated by Ip Iam Chong.

Document Type



Ichiyo, M., & Junkerman, J. (Tran.) (2016). Retaking Japan: The Abe administrationcs campaign to overturn the postwar constitution. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, 14(13), 1-16. Retrieved from

Recommended Citation

Amin, S., Wen, T., Muto, I., Khudori, D., Teng, W., Lau, K. C., & Ip, I. C. (2016, July). Roundtable: Alternative theories and practices = 圓桌討論 : 另類理論與實踐. Presented at the Third South South Forum on Sustainability, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.

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Jul 26th, 2:30 PM Jul 26th, 4:00 PM

Roundtable : Alternative theories and practices = 圓桌討論 : 另類理論與實踐

On 26th July 2016, at SSFS 3, Muto Ichiyo, Darwis Khudori, Teng Wei, and Lau Kin Chi joined this session of roundtable. The roundtable was mainly about alternative theories. A pre-recorded speech by Samir Amin and Wen Tiejun was aired, followed by presentations of various speakers. This roundtable session was moderated by Ip Iam Chong.